Dealing with Goliath: Psychological Edge for Business Leaders

Peter Sandeen: Simplify Marketing & Business to the Core Fundamentals (#024)

Al McBride

Peter Sandeen focuses on the fundamentals that make marketing consistently effective. Over half his clients are other marketing experts who want his help with marketing messaging, sales funnels and conversion optimization. He's known for being focused, straightforward and practical.

Many experts have adopted his processes and frameworks to simplify the most complex marketing topics. Thought of by many, as the marketers marketer, Danny Iny said, "Peter helped me increase my sales 423%", quite remarkable, as he's a renowned expert in his own right.

Peter regularly writes not just on how you can influence the decisions of others, but how people make those very decisions. So it doesn't focus so much on tools, tactics and strategies, but more so what makes those strategies effective.

On a personal note, I've known Peter for a number of years now and he's been a huge help and a huge resource to me.  I can say first hand, very much that I know few people, few business brains that are quite as incisive, that can give such stark clarity as quickly as Peter.

So I recommend him if you have marketing or business issues, typically business strategy, or sales conversions. But if you need clarity, this guy can cut through all the confusion, all the noise, all the multiple different perspectives faster than I think maybe anyone else that I know.

Topics explored:

  • Question to ask of experts in any domain: What three key things to focus on?
  • It's simple and other people add complexity
  • The target, the offer and the messaging
  • If you miss the bullseye it's exceptionally difficult
  • Improved guarantee increased sales 10x & avoid guarantee blindness
  • Over 90% AB tests are useless: Test the things that change potential client perspective
  • The primary problem: that you are you, and not your customer
  • Great sources for getting more genuine, valuable feedback
  • What's going on, when they tell you your price is too high
  • Parental belief that marketing is evil and marketing by accident
  • Early copywriting courses and influences
  • Peter's approach to negotiation, making deals or business arrangements
  • Still selling to humans in business to business sales
  • "If you can't negotiate your way out of it so everyone's happy at the end, then something was wrong from the beginning"
  • If your messaging is terrible you can't compensate for that by being brilliant at tactics eg Facebook ads, blogging etc
  • The essential nature of 'linchpin skills', so obvious they're often bypassed

Resources: The 3 Mistakes that Marketing Professionals Recommend, [Free], and lots more at

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