
Internationally renowned designer and director: Zoa Martinez – Trademark

Leticia Caminero Season 1 Episode 4

We talk about trademark with the internationally renowned designer and director Zoa Martinez. She is the recipient of over 150 international design and marketing awards, including Emmys, Promax/BDA, Tellys, Clio, Graphic Design USA, and the New York Film Festival, and more.

Hello! From Washington, DC.  This is Episode 4. Today we will learn about trademarks and talk with an artist, designer, creative leader, and brand expert. 
Before we talk with our guest, the recipient of over 150 international design and marketing awards, including Emmys, Promax/BDA, Tellys, Clio, Graphic Design USA, and the New York Film Festival, and more, let´s talk about trademarks, the identifier of products, and services.   
Here are some things you need to know about trademarks. 

1. A trademark is the distinctive sign that identifies products or services in the market
2. Registration is necessary to achieve the exclusive use of a trademark. And like all other intellectual property, it is territorial. In other words, for exclusivity, you have to protect it in each country or region where you want to offer your products and services.
3. The trademark can be any sign, words, images, a mix of both—also, motion, colors, sounds, and smells.
4. The trick of an exclusive trademark is in its distinctiveness. Which can be acquired by use or can be present from the beginning of the mark 
5. To be born distinctive is easier when the trademark is identified by terms or other signs not directly related to the products and services. These types may be fantasy, arbitrary, or suggestive. My podcast Intangiblia is a term of fantasy because it is a word created combining intangible and the letters “blia” which refers to books. 
7. Trademarks are registered for renewal periods, usually 10-year cycles. However, a trademark owner can lose trademark registration for lack of commercial use.     So now, you know, the trademark is the distinctive sign that identifies products and services. Its exclusivity is achieved with the registration.  Let's learn from our guest about her outstanding career.   
  Today we have the great pleasure of talking with an internationally renowned designer, director, pop artist, and brand innovator.   


There you have it. Thank you so much, Zoa, for your time and for giving us the advice of being true to yourself, develop your style, and look for purpose in your work.   
The goal of a trademark is to become the identifier of products and services. For that to happen, we should create it with care and invest in its recognition and protection.  
 And, so we come to the end of our episode. See you next Tuesday, with a new guest and a new IP topic.  

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