TrineDay: The Journey Podcast
A Journey to where History & Conspiracy Theory intersect
175 episodes
174. Mark Harris. The Houses of the Holy Trip Through Hell
Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Mark Harris, author of an amazing book, Houses of the Holy: A Nightmare Web of Hate, Crime, and Child Abuse. Available at TrineDay.com and the usual sellersThis is an unprecedented story of one man’s s...
Episode 174

173. John Loftus: "Q" Clearance Warrior
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 173. John Loftus. "Q" Clearance Warrior.In this episode, Publisher Kris Millegan and TrineDay's new assistant host, A. W. Finnegan, speak with guest John J. Loftus, author of America's Naz...
Episode 173

172. Onward! Kris, Paul, Liz, Kent and Adam Wish Bruce Well
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 172Onward! Kris, Paul, Liz, Kent and Adam Wish Bruce WellPublisher Kris Millegan and authors Paul Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Gould, S. K. Bain and A. W. Finnegan wish Bruce de Torres well as he becomes Commu...

171. Neil Pine: Antibiotics, Bird Flu, and Global Warming
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 171Neil Pine: Antibiotics, Bird Flu, and Global WarmingPublisher Kris Millegan speaks with Neil Pine, author of THE CONSCIOUS PLANET: A Vision of Sustainability, Peace and Prosperity, available at Trine...

170. John Klyczek: Riding the Back of the Technology Tiger
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 170John Klyczek: Riding the Back of the Technology TigerPublisher Kris Millegan speaks with John Klyczek, author of SCHOOL WORLD ORDER: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education, availabl...

169. Ari Ben-Menashe: Intelligence Agencies Create Narratives (Will There Be Peace in the Middle East?)
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 169Ari Ben-MenasheIntelligence Agencies Create Narratives (Will There Be Peace in the Middle East?)Summary and paraphrasing:Kris wanted to talk about intelligence work and geopolitics. His fa...

168. Richard Grove and John O’Dowd: The British State Has Poisoned the World through its Empire
The Journey Podcast 168Richard Grove and John O’Dowd: The British State Has Poisoned the World through its EmpirePublisher Kris Millegan speaks with Richard Grove, a conceptual artist and forensic historian who provides entreprene...

167. Rose High Bear: The Seven Commandments
The Journey Podcast 167Rose High BearThe Seven CommandmentsAt TrineDay.com and the usual podcast platforms.Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Rose High Bear, editor of THE SEVEN COMMANDMENTS OF THE SACRED BUFFALO ...

166. Brook Urick: WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE, Inside a Sugar Daddy Website
The Journey Podcast 166Brook UrickWINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE, Inside a Sugar Daddy WebsiteVideo on YouTube channel: TrineDay.Audio at TrineDay.com and the usual podcast platforms.Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with ...

165. James Day: THE FRAUD OF TURIN and The Passion of Jesus Christ
The Journey Podcast 165James DayTHE FRAUD OF TURIN and The Passion of Jesus ChristPublisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with James Day, whose new book, THE FRAUD OF TURIN, reviews the evidence for a medieval creation of the worl...

164. John Barbour, Part Two: Harris, Trump, and The Debate
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 164. John Barbour, Part Two: Harris, Trump, and The DebatePublisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with John Barbour, actor, comic, veteran of THE TONIGHT SHOW and Las Vegas,“The Godfather of Reality T...

163. John Barbour, Part One: Tribute to William F. Pepper
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 163, John Barbour, Part One: Tribute to William F. PepperPublisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with John Barbour, actor, comic, veteran of THE TONIGHT SHOW and Las Vegas,“The Godfather of Reality TV...

162. Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould: THE MYSTICAL POWER OF LOVE
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould about the mystical power of love, how it’s been used against us, and how to reclaim it for the benefit of mankind.They also discussed:Renaissance rule...

161. Dr. Jeffrey Caufield: General Walker and The Murder of President Kennedy
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 161Dr. Jeffrey CaufieldGeneral Walker and The Murder of President KennedyPublisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Dr. Jeffrey Caufield, author of GENERAL WALKER AND THE MURDER OF PRESIDENT KENNED...

160. Vince Palamara, Secret Service Expert, on the Trump Shooting
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 160Vince Palamara, Secret Service Expert, on the Trump ShootingAudio at TrineDay.com and the usual podcast platforms.Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Vince Palamara, the leading civili...

159. Daniel Estulin: Evil Can Never Win
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 159. Daniel Estulin: Evil Can Never WinPublisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Daniel Estulin, award-winning investigative journalist, radio host, and author of THE TRUE STORY OF THE BILDERBERG GROUP, t...

158. Cheri Seymour, Christian Hansen and Zachary Treitz: THE LAST CIRCLE and AMERICAN CONSPIRACY
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 158Cheri Seymour, Christian Hansen and Zachary TreitzTHE LAST CIRCLE and AMERICAN CONSPIRACYPublisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Cheri Seymour, author of THE LAST CIRCLE: Danny Casolaro's Inv...

157. Russ Baker: JFK, Donald Trump, Skull and Bones, and the Hard Work of Journalism
The Journey Podcast 157. Russ Baker: JFK, Donald Trump, Skull and Bones, and the Hard Work of JournalismAvailable at TrineDay.com and the usual podcast platforms.Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Russ Baker about his agnostic ap...

156. Richard Kerr: Government-Protected Child Abuse in Belfast
The Journey Podcast 156Richard Kerr: Government-Protected Child Abuse in BelfastAlso with Father Sean McManus and Author Chris MooreAt TrineDay.com and the usual podcast platforms.Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Richar...

155. Wayne Madsen: JFK Jr.’s Plans
The Journey Podcast 155Wayne MadsenJFK Jr.’s Plans Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with investigative journalist, columnist and author Wayne Madsen about many things, including what John F. Kennedy Jr’s flight instructor told...

154. Dr. John C. Brady and William Matson Law: The TWO Sirhan Sirhans
The Journey Podcast154. Dr. John Brady and William Matson LawThe TWO Sirhan Sirhans Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Dr. John C. Brady and William Matson Law about PSYCHOLOGICAL DNA: A Cold Case Analysis of Who Killed Rob...

153. Nick Bryant: The Truth About Watergate
The Journey Podcast 153. Nick Bryant: The Truth About WatergatePublisher Kris Millegan speaks with Nick Bryant about his new book, THE TRUTH ABOUT WATERGATE: A Tale of Extraordinary Lies and Liars, which shatters the myth that Watergate ...

152. Sexual Terrorism in Belfast: The Kincora Boys’ Home Scandal
The Journey Podcast 152. Sexual Terrorism in Belfast: The Kincora Boys’ Home ScandalPublisher Kris Millegan speaks with Richard Kerr, Colin Wallace, and Father Sean McManus about Ireland’s Kincora Boys’ Home sex scandal and how it went f...

151. Patrick Bell: Perfect Possession and The Power of Love
The Journey Podcast 151. Patrick Bell: Perfect Possession and The Power of Lov Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Patrick Bell about the nature of good and evil, demonic possession, and his new book, SLAVES OF SATAN: A Catholic Stu...

150. Dr. John Brady: A Deep Dive into the Mind of Sirhan Sirhan
The Journey Podcast 150. Dr. John Brady: A Deep Dive into the Mind of Sirhan Sirhan Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Dr. John Brady, a licensed forensic psychologist, true crime writer, Doctor of Criminology, and celebrity analys...