A SEAT at THE TABLE: Conversations with Today's Top Industry Leaders

8 Key Levers that Drive High Converting Sales Pages

John Ainsworth, CEO and founder of Data Driven Marketing Season 13 Episode 5

Most companies spend a lot of time and money creating a sales page on their website but few are rewarded with a steady stream of sales.

Creating sales pages (or funnels as they are often called) is less about a clever headline or massive numbers of testimonials or grandiose promises of life changing results if you buy the product.

Turns out, if you implement about 8 key elements and then regularly measure the data around each step in your funnel you can 10x or even 100x your sales.

Meet John Ainsworth, CEO and founder of ‘Data Driven Marketing’, which helps online course creators boost their revenue by an average of 486%.

John parlayed his degree in mathematics into a framework based on extensive data analysis to strategically optimize sales funnels.

His approach has been put to the test over the past 20 years with both mid size businesses and enterprises - and have achieved the kind of sales growth we all wish we had.

In this podcast John will be sharing …

1. The key touch points every successful sales page must have.

2. How to use email marketing to drive traffic to your website.

3. What to measure and how to use that data to improve your sales conversions.

Visit A Seat at The Table's website at https://seat.fm