A SEAT at THE TABLE: Conversations with Today's Top Industry Leaders

How to Create a Business That's Built to Sell

John Warrillow, CEO and author, Built To Sell Season 4 Episode 10

 When most people start a business their core focus is on product development, driving sales and creating customer loyalty.

Few think about selling the business.  Or more importantly, “if some day I wanted to sell this business what would make it attractive to investors?”

By the time they start to think about this, it’s often too late.  Turns out, that what’s a great business for the owner, is not necessarily that appealing from an investor’s point of view.

If you’re looking to ensure that your business is saleable - if or when you want to sell it - then John Warrillow is your man.

John started and exited four companies, and is the author of bestseller, “Built to Sell: Creating a Business That Can Thrive without You” and host of Built to Sell Radio.

He is also Founder and CEO of The Value Builder System, a blue print for companies that shows you exactly what you need to do to build a business that some else would want to buy.

John has helped countless business owners build more valuable companies. 

In this podcast he shares critical insights that point out what to start doing now to build a company that’s Built to Sell.

Before we get started, if you’re looking to develop knitwear collections that will standout in the market, then SPINEXPO is the place to go.  It’s the primary exhibition for yarns and knitwear.

The fair is a rich resource featuring well-edited, high quality collections, as well as cutting edge technical innovation. 

Not to mention outstanding  trend information that can not be found anywhere else.  You can learn more at www.spinexpo.com.

Also checkout our website.  You can find all of the previous episodes of a Seat at The Table, the show notes, news about our upcoming workshops and lots of other useful information.  You can find it at www.seat.fm.


Learn more about SPINEXPO:  www.spinexpo.com

Get the Value Builder “Cheatsheet” and workbook that John mentioned in the podcast:  www.builtToSell.com/seat

Read John Warrillow’s book “Built to Sell”:  https://bit.ly/builtToSell

List’s to the Built To Sell podcast:  https://builttosell.com/radio/

Connect with John Warrillow: 

- Built To Sell website:  www.BuiltToSell.com
-  LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnwarrillow/

Our A Seat at The Table podcast website:   seat.fm

Learn more about the Current Situation in Sourcing reports:  bit.ly/current_situtation

Visit A Seat at The Table's website at https://seat.fm