Catholic Family News's Podcast

Weekly News Roundup August 11, 2022

Catholic Family News Season 3

Our stories today include: (1) Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich's response to a question about whether he thinks sodomy will still be considered a grave sin after the Synod on Synodality; (2) a new Vatican survey for the Synod, apparently designed for nominal Catholics and even non-Catholics, which presents a clear bias towards progressive agenda items (pro-LGBT, environmentalism, etc.); (3) the Pontifical Academy for Life's claim on Twitter (now deleted) that Pope Paul VI's condemnation of artificial contraception in Humanae Vitae does not qualify as infallible teaching; (4) the FBI's raid on Donald Trump's private residence and what it signals about the current state of America; and (5) some words of wisdom and encouragement from Cardinal Raymond Burke.

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