Lewy Body Roller Coaster

Positive Words for Caregivers and Discussion About Lewy Ups and Downs

Season 3 Episode 12

This week is another of our fireside chats where we share topics of discussion relating to LBD. First, we talk about how one can be down with Lewy symptoms for awhile and then bounce back. We all need to be thankful for that part of this crazy disease. We then shared some moving tips and suggestions caregivers shared with each other on how to cope while caring for a loved one with LBD.
We are in this together and need to lean on one another. If you don't belong to a support group or attend support meetings...we hope you join as the people in the groups truly understand what you are going through. A lot of Lewy Love to be had from those in the support groups.

A shout out to Dee Riechert, The Geraci family, Jeanette Clark, Marie Peterson, Krysty Herr, Tyler Wright. We cannot thank you all enough for helping us help others.

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If you have a topic you would like us to discuss or wish to share your thoughts on any episode, please email us at lewybodyrollercoaster@gmail.com 

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