Lewy Body Roller Coaster

Hospice 101- Part Two

Season 3 Episode 37

A tough topic but one we all need to know about sooner than later. 
Welcome Vangie Jones, a hospice nurse for 20 years as she shares with us all we need to know about hospice including the myth that it is only for the final days or weeks. This will be a three part recording since we had so many questions for Vangie that we all want to know

A shout out to all our supporters including Tom Lawson, Dee C,  Sue, Jane Wakeman,Vickie Setterberg, Kristen Medica, Tiffany Hanna, Janice Prochaska, Kara Biller, Don Pinkos, Dee Richert, Marcia Treffman, and the Geraci's and everyone else who has been with us from day one. 

We are doing this for all of us and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Should you wish to bless us with your support you can  use links below.

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