Lewy Body Roller Coaster

Curry Shares As We Start the New Year 2023

Season 4 Episode 1

Welcome to 2023!
This week, Curry shares with us how he has been feeling and a few new symptoms and what he is doing about them.

But....I, Podcast Linda, want to talk you all for your patience as I deal with my husband's passing which was so unexpected . It is hard for me to record again, but we want to keep sharing so I will do my best to start recording every week for ya'll.

A shout out to all out supporters including Vickie Setterberg, Kristen Medica, Tiffany Hanna, Janice Prochaska, Kara Biller, Don Pinkos, Dee Richert, Marcia Treffman, The Geraci's and everyone else who has been with us from day one. 

We are doing this for all of us and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Should you wish to bless us with your support you can  use links below.

Copy and paste link, if needed
the GoFundMe page at

Thank you for listening each week.
Don't forget to join our Lewy Body Roller Coaster Podcast Facebook page.
If you have a topic you would like us to discuss or wish to share your thoughts on any episode, please email us at lewybodyrollercoaster@gmail.com 

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