Lewy Body Roller Coaster

The SYNTap Biomarker Test is now available- hear more on what it is and how to get it

July 27, 2021 Season 2 Episode 31

Welcome back Dr, Lebovitz from Amprion. We had the doctor on several months ago when we heard about the new test being developed to detect if someone may have Lewy Body Dementia. The reason we asked him back is to explain in more details what the test is, what it detects and how to get it.
You can read more about it on  http://amprionme.com  as well so you can do your own research about the test.

"SYNTap is a registered trademark of Amprion Inc." 

Can you imagine there being a test and getting an early diagnosis so you can get the proper medications for the symptoms instead of having to see many doctors and many years sometimes to get the diagnosis since now it can only be a probable diagnosis from symptoms.

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