Inspired Soles

Legally Blind Ultrarunner | Will Barkan

March 09, 2021 Carolyn Coffin and Kim Senechal Episode 25

Will Barkan is an accomplished ultrarunner from San Francisco, CA who is legally blind. He was diagnosed with Stargartd’s disease at age 10 and has had progressive vision loss since then.  He has been legally blind since high school, but has not let his disability limit his lifestyle. In addition to completing the Pacific Coast Trail in four months, he has completed the Boston Marathon, Tahoe Rim Trail Endurance Run 100, Lake Sonoma 50, Sean O-Brien 100K and many many more races. He runs with a guide, and has not let his anatomical vision loss limit his vision for what he can accomplish in racing and in life. 

In this episode we talk about:

  • the unique challenges of running with vision loss in urban vs. trail environments
  • what it’s like to run with a guide 
  • the hazards of falling
  • how Will has developed resiliency for running and for life within the contexts of his disability.  

Resources we discussed in the episode:

  • Favourite Mantra: Work hard, have fun, be safe; Take good care of your team, they'll take good care of you
  • Favourite Place to Run: Desolation Wilderness in Tahoe Basin
  • Bucket List Run: Infinitus 500k 
  • Favourite Book: North by Scott & Jenny Jurek
  • Post-Run Indulgence: Beer and lunch (tacos)

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