Captivate + Convert with Christy Cegelski

1 Simple Tool That'll Make Your Biz Life EasierWith Cathlyn Melvin

Christy Cegelski / Cathlyn Melvin Episode 61

“Your FAQ is going to arm you with talking points. It establishes a foundation of who you are, how you work, what your expectations are, and what people’s expectations of you should be.”

—  Cathlyn Melvin

How much time do you spend thinking about your FAQs? Or, how about this: do you even have an FAQ section on your website?

After my interview with copywriter and editor Cathlyn Melvin, I will be adding one ASAP!

For many of us, FAQs are a totally overlooked element of our websites. But when handled correctly, your FAQs can become a secret weapon that will vet your prospects BEFORE your discovery calls and help you manage challenging client interactions with ease! 

I bet that got your attention!

FAQs used to be a simple way to get ahead of customer service questions, but they’ve begun to take on new roles. “Recently, it’s switched to being really sales-focused, where we’re getting ahead of objections and we’re increasing the Know, Like, and Trust before people get on the call with us,” Cathlyn says. They can also be used to shape the provider-client relationship!

Cathlyn uses her FAQs to give potential clients the opportunity to understand her process, services, and working relationships right off the bat, so that prospects that aren’t a good fit can opt out of booking a call — and prospects that ARE can get even more excited about working with her!

By outlining who you are, how you work and how you expect to be treated BEFORE your discovery calls, you set up the foundation for your biz relationships on YOUR terms.

And that is priceless!

Hit play and find a new way to work! In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The types of things that you should really consider including in your FAQs
  • How FAQs differ from and overlap with contracts 
  • Where you should be referencing your FAQs when engaging with prospects (hint: not just on your FAQ page!)


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About Cathlyn Melvin: Cathlyn Melvin is a copywriter, editor, and advocate for mission-driven businesses. She specializes in copywriting and editing websites, e-newsletters and other email sequences, blogs/articles, and ebooks.

Highlights:‌ ‌

00:33  Intro

01:19  Meet Cathlyn Melvin

03:26  Prepping clients with FAQS

06:32  Where to keep FAQs

07:30  FAQ objectives

08:49  Setting ground rules

11:55  Contracts v. FAQs

14:33  Why Cathlyn started using FAQs

16:34  Christy’s client story

19:45  How many FAQs?

24:33  FAQ tips

29:52  The Christy Questions


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Cathlyn Melvin 





HOW MUCH CAN YOU GET DONE-IN-A-DAY? You might be surprised! Work with me for a Done-In-a-Day session + walk away with a brand new, optimized email sequence or landing page! Let’s take your copy from ho-hum to HELL YES!