Captivate + Convert with Christy Cegelski

Microdosing & Mental Health Part 2 With Kathleen Oh

November 15, 2021 Christy Cegelski / Kathleen Oh Episode 64

“What people do find is that they find themselves… who they are and how they show up.”

— Kathleen Oh

We’re raised to believe that happiness is like an equation — if you achieve X, Y, and Z, you’re going to live happily ever after.

But if you’re living in the real world, you already know that it doesn’t work that way. 

Integration coach, breathwork facilitator, and psychedelic guide Kathleen has worked with financially thriving six- and seven-figure entrepreneurs — people who seem from the outside to have their sh*t together.

But as Kathleen says, having the car, the house, and the investments doesn’t mean that they’re happy or feel connected to their inner truths — or even their own authentic wants and needs.

“I think what microdosing does is really turns it around and acts as a mirror,” Kathleen says. “Those things that you want, you can be and become and create from the inside out.”

This is the second of a two-part interview series. In Part 1, we talked about Kathleen’s background, how microdosing actually works, and the political history of psychedelics. In this episode, we dig into the juicy outcomes Kathleen’s entrepreneur clients experience — and why we need to rethink what “success” means to us.

Hit play and find a new way to work! In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why so many people become disillusioned after reaching a level of “success”
  • The outcomes that entrepreneurs like Tarzan Kay have reported after working with Kathleen 
  • Why having fewer choices might actually be more satisfying than having many

NOTE: this podcast episode is for educational purposes only.


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About Kathleen Oh: Kathleen Oh is an internal family systems informed integration coach, breathwork facilitator, and psychedelic educator and guide. She helps her clients peel away the layers that keep their inner landscapes unfamiliar and strange.

Highlights:‌ ‌


00:34  Intro

03:19  Kathleen’s clients

08:06  What is success?

09:13  White colonial patriarchy + capitalism

12:00  Client outcomes

15:10  Less fear + more consistency

17:55  Richness + time

19:42  The Christy Questions

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Kathleen Oh 


Spotify: (@CoachKathleenOh)


Dr. Rosales Meza



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