Late Night Office Hours with Ant and Bruce Podcast Artwork Image

Late Night Office Hours with Ant and Bruce

Bruce Hoskins

Ant and Bruce are two Black male community college professors who have chosen to encourage, energize, and empower students by embracing an edutainment style to teaching, learning, and doing sociology. This podcast is literally them recording their 10pm office hours with students from both of our classes present. First, we talk about what is currently happening in the world and tie it back to sociology and then we open the floor to the students for questions and/or comments.About the podcasters:Anthony Blacksher teaches at San Bernardino Valley College and earned his Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from Claremont Graduate University (2019). He is also a nationally recognized spoken word poet (aka Ant Black). Bruce Hoskins teaches at MiraCosta College and earned his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Southern California (2007) and has written a free introduction to sociology textbook, Sociology in Praxis.