The Dirobi Health Show

How to Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days. Then Keep it Off.

November 11, 2023 Dave Sherwin Season 3 Episode 19
The Dirobi Health Show
How to Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days. Then Keep it Off.
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ready to reshape your body and mind? Buckle up for a step by step primer on losing 10 pounds in a mere 10 days. We'll shed light on the importance of not just seizing your short-term motivation, but also crafting a sustainable nutrition and lifestyle strategy for long-term triumphs.

The best part? It's not some short term, trendy gimmick. These methods are based on sound science, and the latest in nutrition and fitness.

The methods are also sustainable, and all can (and should!) be maintained after the initial weight loss, to continue to lose weight and improve health.

This technique is for people who are generally healthy, but want to lose weight quickly. Check with your health care provider before starting a new diet or exercise regimen.

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This show is for informational purposes only.

None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the DiROMI Health Show. Just me and you and my dog, and we will see if my dog plays a part in this podcast or if she just lies here happily and contentedly, knowing that she is in the shadow of her loving master and can last for about 15 minutes while we do a podcast. We will see. Today, we're going to talk about losing 10 pounds in 10 days. Now, first of all, I get that some people claim that losing weight quickly is unsafe and that it should be lost slowly and over time, and I am a long-term kind of a guy. I'm really interested in long-term health and I am against, generally speaking, short-term trendy types of what? Natural weather habits, nutrition drink, the magic celery juice, because there's something in it that's magical. I've seen every trend you can imagine and, generally speaking, I'm not for trends unless they end up being ones that last and are really really great, like recently. Intermittent fasting, I believe, is something that started as a trend and turned into something much more substantial and long-term. Well, so it is with weight loss.

Speaker 1:

Now there are people that think, oh, no, no, you can't lose weight very quickly. Well, there's good reason for that. First of all, the methods generally for rapid weight loss are kind of crappy. For one thing, they're just kind of an expensive program behind it and someone trying to make a lot of money off you with a huge promise that they're making about how much money you can lose on their super shake or their expensive shot or their drug or buy their program. I get that too. There are also people who should not be doing 10 pounds in 10 days types of weight loss trials, and if that's you just be careful. If you already know if you have a medical condition, then this is something to talk to a doctor about first. If you feel like you might be, or know that you are, a disordered eater, this may not be a good idea for you.

Speaker 1:

However, in health, as in many things in life there are, sometimes we just get sick and tired of being sick and tired and we got to strike while the iron is hot. We got to take advantage of our high level of motivation before it goes away. As human beings, it's almost impossible to stay highly motivated for a long period of time. It's just not in our nature. We are emotional critters. We go through highs, we go through lows, we go through times that we think we're going to conquer the world, and then times when we just want to eat a plate of cookies while binging Netflix. That's reality. That's who we are. It's part of our makeup. We need to brace it. We need to understand that none of us are perfect. We all succumb to temptations at one point or another, but at the same time, oftentimes, we're really really good at staying highly motivated for a short period of time.

Speaker 1:

If you don't have medical conditions and if you're trying to just lose a little bit of weight and you'd like to do it quickly, then I would like you to at least consider these ideas, because they are sound, they're not trendy, they're all based in good, long-term habits. As a matter of fact, these are the types of things you can take with you long-term, rather than in the other kind of short-term weight loss things that people don't like and that I don't like either. It's because they're having you do something extreme and short-term that you would never do long-term, and let me just tell you right now that the things I'm going to teach you to do for the next 10 days are things you could do for the rest of your life, and so, rather than take you into something extreme temporarily, that you have to come back to and you may not even have a good answer for, in other words, you're just going to put the weight back on. This is very different. As a matter of fact, this is like a step up, so that, while it may be difficult for these 10 days to achieve these things, when we're done, the principles that you're going to be used to achieve the 10 pounds of weight loss are rooted in the latest nutritional science and in long term success. Although you may not follow them as strictly for the rest of your life, these are things that will help you to develop good habits rather than take away from your good habits or have you do something that's completely unnatural in your health life. So here we go Principle-based, sound nutritional science backed methods of losing 10 pounds in 10 days, and we've had over 100,000 weight loss customers. I don't even know how many anymore. We've been doing this since 2009.

Speaker 1:

We have so many testimonials. I have tons of people who've lost a lot of weight very, very quickly. Let me just share one of these with you so that you understand where I'm coming from. This is from Lisa Rangeley in Baton Rouge, us. She says I've been trying to lose weight for years with no results. It's the first time I've dropped under 200 pounds. In years I've lost 29 pounds, starting the Derobi pounds and inches drops. The best part is not being hungry and being able to intermittent fast without clock watching. It finally feels like I may eventually win the battle.

Speaker 1:

80 pounds to go, and now again. That's a testimony specifically about our pounds and inches drops, which would really pour gas on the fire of this weight loss plan, and I will mention those, but I'm not going to give all the credit to those. Those are one piece of the puzzle and in Lisa's case, she did not just take the drops and do nothing else. The drops are part of a system and when you get a system in place, the system gets credit for all the success. There are no one trick ponies right. We all know this, and what I'm going to teach you in the next few minutes is a system and where all the pieces come together to create tremendous success.

Speaker 1:

Number one is that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. A lot of people think I want to lose weight, I got to hit the gym. Well, that's focusing on the 20% and hitting the gym is great. I'm a big fan of hitting the gym. However, if you're going to lose 10 pounds in 10 days, it's not going to be from intense exercise. You can work out all you want and you will not create the caloric deficit necessary to lose 10 pounds in 10 days. It's not physically possible, so we're going to focus 100%. Well, I should rephrase that I already said 80% 20%. We're going to focus 80% on diet, 20% on exercise. Principle two weight loss is not just physical. As humans, we are complex creatures and the causes for weight gain and weight loss are multifaceted. So focusing 100% on the physicality of weight loss may not work either.

Speaker 1:

Sooner or later, surrounding factors such as stress, mindfulness or lack of positivity, relationships are going to kick in. So you really ought to be self aware and pay attention to some of those things. If you have a high level of stress, if you have people around you that are not supportive of your health, it might be good to just take a few minutes, maybe even have conversations with people in your life that you might want to just bring it up and say you know what? I'm going to lose 10 pounds in 10 days and I'd like your support. As a matter of fact, how'd you like to do it with me, right? So, whatever that is for you, just take a couple minutes to think about what other elements besides the physicality might keep you from losing the 10 pounds, such as stress, such as problems in your life, marriage, work, whatever and some form of simple stress management plan, meditation plan might really help to break through if you're on a weight loss plateau or trying to reach this goal of 10 pounds in 10 days.

Speaker 1:

Next is a positive attitude. You can't be thinking of your past failures while you aggressively go on a 10 day sprint. You've got to be positive, you've got to be hopeful, you've got to be focused. You got to get rid of those little demons in your mind. They tell you oh, you failed before, you're going to fail again. That's just negativity. We've all failed before, we're all going to fail again. But for 10 days we can be highly motivated, we can focus, we can get rid of those bad attitudes that are hanging out inside of us and just have a positive attitude. We can do it for 10 days. Be positive, believe you're going to do it. If you don't believe you're going to do it, then you could do all the right things and still not do it Again, we're complex beings, we're not just physical, and so we got to have this positive attitude as well.

Speaker 1:

Number four a strict accountability. This is a 10 day sprint where we're not going to break any rules. We're not going to sneak a treat, we're not going to walk into that office where there's the little candy bars on the counter. We're not going to succumb to any type of temptation. For 10 days we can do it, it's not that long. We're just not going to put anything in our mouths that's going to distract, detract, detract. I guess both work from this goal no treats, no snacks.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you fall off the bandwagon during this, I don't want you to stay off the bandwagon Again. Maybe it is hard for you to go 10 days without having any sugar at all. However, do your best and if you do fall off, get back on the bandwagon and back to that positive attitude and trust your body to get rid of that crap and to move on Now. Speaking of which, one of the things I highly recommend that you do is go to your pantry or your fridge and get rid of treats. Now, you don't have to throw them in the garbage. As a matter of fact, what might be even better is to simply take them and put them in a storage room just somewhere out of the kitchen. As a matter of fact, there's research on this that if you just remove them from your site, it makes a big difference in overcoming the temptation for sugary treats. I'm doing this myself right now and I am putting all my little treats that are in the pantry on the right hand side, on the second shelf, up, and everyone knows where they are, and I see them every time I open the pantry, and I don't want to do that for 10 days, and so I simply put them downstairs in a storage room that we have. I recommend that you do the same.

Speaker 1:

Some things we aren't going to do during this time is any calorie counting. I hope that right now you're cheering. If you're kind of liking this plan and want to do it, you'll be happy to know you don't need an app. Also, believe it or not, you're not going to eat any foods you don't like. You're going to choose all the foods. I'm just going to tell you how to eat them and how much. You're not going to do a very low calorie diet, vlcd. Happily, you're going to eat till satiated, but within a needing window. We'll talk about that later. Also, you're not going to do a workout plan that you don't enjoy or that is too hard. Again, ideally, you will do some exercise during this, but you'll do the exercise of your choice.

Speaker 1:

So what is the secret sauce to this? It is a full on note cheating 100% fidelity to the dirobe undiet. And these principles, the undiet, I'll read them to you right now Do not drink calories. But during this next 10 days, we're going to take that to the next level. We're only going to drink water, no alcohol, no kombucha, which is I love kombucha and it is a healthy drink, but however, it's going to add calories and if I'm going to lose weight and lean up over the next 10 days, I got to commit to just water.

Speaker 1:

There was a couple of exceptions. I'll mention those later. Number two we're going to eat all our food very slowly and very mindfully, which is cool because we're going to enjoy every meal. However, if you're a fast eater, this might be one of the biggest challenges, and this is also one of the most important things we're going to do. And so eating your food, chewing every single bite to the consistency of apple sauce, is critical to the success of this plan. Number three is intermittent fasting. No food after six, no food before 10. Number three we're going to eat three balanced meals per day with zero snacking. Not a single snack, not a healthy snack, not a sugary snack. No snacks, three meals, nothing in between. That's number four.

Speaker 1:

Number five observe a simple supplement strategy. Take the pounds and inches. Here's the supplements I recommend you take. You can do this without any supplements. However, if you really want to have success and poor gas on the fire, there's certain nutrients that will really help your body to do this. Our pounds and inches drops just before your first meal and just after your last meal of the day. This will help with appetite suppression, help with lowering cholesterol, help with the weight loss, of course, and also believe it or not help with managing your blood sugar, which is really important when we stop eating after 6 pm. I also recommend you take a good quality multi-vitam, trace minerals and omega-3 supplement. All four of these are available on our website and if you use the code podcast 10, you can save 10%. So, of course, I'd love for you to get these supplements from us. They will definitely help with the program, but if you happen to have some other multi-vitamins, some other minerals, some omegas, then use those by all means. Ours are better, obviously, but you don't have to do them to have success here.

Speaker 1:

Number six move your body every day. Again, this is up to you, whatever exercise you enjoy, but if you're sedentary, if you're not exercising every day for 10 days, you're going to commit to some level of exercise daily. Just make sure that you are exercising, whether it's yoga, whether it's weightlifting Although if you do weightlifting, I recommend you only do like two heavy sessions during this 10 days and the rest make it light, keep it short, because you're probably going to be taking in less calories than you normally do and this is not a time for something really, really heavy. So I would guess, if you're a weightlifter, tone down your volume and your intensity and go with lighter activities. Walking is perfect. Hiking, yoga, any type of mobility, doing some stretching, the rowing machine, anything like that is terrific, but do it every single day and this will. Again, it's not the thing that will make you lose the weight, but it's going to pour gas on the fire of your metabolism and help you cleanse, help you get rid of any junk, help you get your water weight in order during this time.

Speaker 1:

And number seven do your best to get seven to nine hours of sleep every single night, and again, this could be a really hard one, but because we're going to stop eating after six o'clock, it's a lot easier and better, because there's things we do to disrupt our sleep that you're not going to do, and eating and snacking is a huge one. When you stop eating after six, your body goes into preparation mode for the evening, the melatonin rises and your body naturally starts to adjust, and then when you go to bed, your body has digested the food from your last meal, so it gets to do the cleansing and the getting rid of the toxins and the junk, helping your digestive system to process everything that you're eating. And you may even have stuff in your colon that has been there a while that you're going to get rid of during this cleansing period of sleep that you may just have been pouring too much into the system and not giving your body enough chance to get rid of a lot of these toxins, and this system and this 24-hour cycle that we're going to create through this system is going to be a natural cleansing time. So that's just, again, one part of the process of helping you lose weight during these 10 days. So that's the whole plan right there, but let me just go through a few of the details. I mean you literally could stop right now and follow these things and that's it, if you just follow what I said very, very strictly. So let me now just go through some clarifying details. That and we'll hopefully answer some of the questions you might have.

Speaker 1:

So, first of all, the don't drink calories. There are a few things you can drink. Okay, if you have a zero calorie pre-workout that you wanna take before your exercise, go ahead and do that. We have two energy drinks on our website. If you have an afternoon crash or you like a little bit of caffeine to help you get going something like our focus up product or our neuro boost or phenomenal natural products that won't interfere with this plan. You can add minerals to your water as a matter of fact. That's a really great idea. Our own cell fuel is a phenomenal product to be using during this time. Eight drops per water bottle during the day. You're gonna be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water. So if you weigh 150 pounds at 75 ounces, if you drink three of those 24 ounce bottles of water with eight ounces of cell fuel in everyone. That would help this entire plan as well and not slow it down like a lot of other drinks will. Obviously, we're cutting out alcohol, we're cutting out soda, we're cutting out milk. We're literally cutting out anything with calories in it other than healthy drinks.

Speaker 1:

Now if you know of others that I just didn't name and you're sure that they're very healthy and they have no calories, then fine, you can go ahead and drink them. However, not too much, because, again, water's magic. Water is an amazing substance on this planet. It's key to our success, it's key to our brain function, it's key to every single bodily process, and so these other things that I'm telling you about should be like once a day. That's it. The rest, just water.

Speaker 1:

Okay, next, eating all your food slowly and mindfully. I did my health certification through precision nutrition, which I consider to be the best and most credible of all health coach associations in the world. That's why I chose them. They have a $250,000 body transformation challenge every single year and they're legit, I mean, they're very well respected in the entire health community. And guess what their two top rules are for nutrition? Number one is eat slowly and mindfully. And number two is eat only to 80% full.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people can't believe that. I kind of didn't believe it when I first read it. I was like no, no, no, no. You can't just eat anything. You gotta eat the right whole foods. You gotta get enough vegetables, you gotta have your whole food, proteins and carbs and good sources of fat. Where's all that? Well, before they even talk about the type of food, they talk about how you eat it, and that is actually again based in science. When you slow down, when you chew your food thoroughly, you are doing so much more than you might think.

Speaker 1:

When we're taught as children to chew slowly, to eat slowly or to count our bites, we might not have taken that very seriously because we just wanted to hustle, get the food down and run out the door, and many of us never outgrew that. We still feel that same way, that food is some type of a disruption in our day that we gotta get it over with so we can get back to real life. But guess what? Nutrition, exercise this is part of our day. It's an important part of our day. It is not something to get over with as fast as we can and move on to the next thing. As a matter of fact, everything else, all of those next things, are better over our life if we are eating solely and mindfully and doing the principles that I'm talking about here on this podcast.

Speaker 1:

So this might be very hard. You gotta literally take that extra time to chew every single bite and, trust me, it is not easy and it's probably not something you're gonna master in 10 days. However, however, you gotta do it every single meal you've got to slow down. You could put down your utensils between bites when you chew. You don't have to count. That gets really tedious. Just chew until it's the consistency of applesauce, as I mentioned earlier. This will cause you to eat less, which is important. This will cause you to feel satiated on that lower amount of food, which is also important, and this will make sure that your digestive system can digest this food in a really efficient way, and that is also very important to losing 10 pounds in 10 days.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so the next thing that I wanna just talk about a little bit is intermittent fasting. Now, if you know a schedule for intermittent fasting that really works for you, because there is no one size fits all to intermittent fasting. Some people can live on a very short window, even one meal a day. Other people would disrupt all their hormones and be whacked in six months if they just ate one meal a day. So I highly recommend a 10 am to 6 pm because it works for almost everybody. Now if you're a female in childbearing years, you might want to extend that from about 8 o'clock in the morning till later, because we know the science on this that women in childbearing years are more likely to disrupt hormones and have problems if they have the shorter that the window is. So with those exceptions and just figure this out for yourself, understand my rough rule that will apply to almost everybody is don't have breakfast until 10 and stop eating after 6. But if you have some really compelling reason or some science or some health professional that has convinced you to do a different eating window, then go with that.

Speaker 1:

Number three eat according to the hand rules for every meal. Now, I'm not going to go too much into this, but very simply, protein is king. You've got to get about your palm size. Look down at your palm right now and if you can just imagine how much food that would be if you're a small person, that might be two eggs, for example. You're a big person, it might be three, and if you're a very large, it might be four eggs, if you could just use your imagination to figure that out or a slice of meat, right? So what you want is a protein size piece of protein with every single meal, including breakfast.

Speaker 1:

Then, if you close your fist, that's the size of a starchy carb that you want. That's where a lot of your energy is going to come from during this. So for many people, that's a potato, for example, a sweet potato, a jam, whatever. And then you want some form of non-caloric vegetables Five to nine servings a day total of vegetables, including a potato or any starchy vegetable that you have. So top that off with a salad, right? Be careful, don't be dumping a bunch of high calorie dressing on it or anything like that. But you just want to get high quality protein, fat and carbs to every meal. You often don't have to add fat, especially if you're getting your protein from meat sources or eggs. It comes with the fat, so you don't have to add any. So be very, very careful again not to be adding fat elsewhere.

Speaker 1:

Cut way, way back on your dressings, your butter, your sauces for 10 days. This is a great time when you're eating solely and mindfully to remember how good whole foods taste. They have wonderful flavor all by themselves. We slather them with dressings and sauces, but during these next 10 days, do the opposite Don't add anything. If you can handle it, don't add anything. Salt is great. Add plenty of salt. As a matter of fact, if you eat a lot of prepared foods right now and you go into this diet of suddenly eating whole foods for 10 days, you're going to go from eating a whole lot of salt to eating very little salt, and your body does need salt. So adding some salt in there, no problem at all.

Speaker 1:

But otherwise, if you have to have a dressing on your salad, if you have to have some flavor on your food, make it absolutely minimal I'm talking a tiny, tiny little bit and only dip your food in it, a portion of what you used to do, 10%, as little as possible. Because that stuff again, it's hurting your cause, it's working against you. It's working against you losing the 10 pounds. So in a perfect world, no flavorings or low calorie, zero calorie flavorings, or use back to the hand rules. The fat should be about the size of your thumb. So if there's no fat in your protein, you're going to lose it and your veggies, then that allows you to add some olive oil on your salad, for example, avocado oil, some type of healthy, tasty fat with a little bit of flavor in it and so that's a way that you can stay within the rules, not be adding extra calories and still making your food delicious by using little tricks like that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now the next thing I want to talk about is observing a simple supplement strategy. I don't care how well you eat, even during this next 10 days, if you eat a perfect hippie garden diet like you lived on your own hobby farm, I could do a nutritional blood panel on you and find out you're deficient in something. I don't care how healthy you are. We now have 10 to 15 years of biohacker evidence of some of the healthiest people on this planet, some of the most intentional eaters, sending in their blood work to labs and finding out they are deficient. They're deficient in things like iodine and potassium and chromium and magnesium. They're deficient in zinc, they're deficient in minerals and they're deficient in trace minerals, and one of the best things you can do for your body is make sure you take at least a minimal supplement stack, like I mentioned before. For this 10 days, again, I just recommend our pounds and inches. Drops are multi, our minerals and an omega, and if you do this and you add this on to the whole foods that I'm talking about, you'll feel like a million bucks.

Speaker 1:

Okay, exercise every day. I've already talked about this one and I'm not going to spend much more time on it. Move your body every single day. Keep the intensity down, but I want you to do some volume every single day, even just 20 minutes to 30 minutes. Ideally, every single week, you should be getting a total of five hours of exercise, and so shoot for that. But as long as you're doing something daily, that's the most important part. Everything counts. Parking your car at the farthest spot in the parking lot matters, so does taking the stairs. Walk your dog a little further than normal, whatever you can do. And number seven get seven to nine hours sleep every night. Again, it'll be easier because you're going to stop eating. You're going to be eating really great food. Your body's going to love it.

Speaker 1:

Now I got to warn you depending on how you've been eating and what your lifestyle is, you may feel worse before you feel better. It could be that you go through a tiny bit of withdrawal from sugar or from caffeine, or from the treats you're having at night I don't know, but you may actually go backwards before you go forwards. I would just encourage you, though, to follow these habits and try to get that sleep during the night. This is when your whole body absorbs all of those great habits is resetting everything. It's getting rid of those toxins. Sometimes, when we get rid of toxins, we feel bad because they're released into our system. When you stop drinking the junk and you start drinking enough water, that's going to pour gas on that fire. So it wouldn't surprise me if some people said you know, dave, I tried your program and I felt a little cruddy. After two or three days, I'd say it's worth it. I'd say work through that, because that's just a natural response to getting rid of some of these things. And so your body actually might be flushed with toxins before it gets rid of the toxins, and then, after that, you're going to feel like a million bucks. So carry on and that's really it. For 10 days, anyone can do anything for 10 days, I don't care who you are. It might be a little challenging.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, I'm doing this myself right now and I was actually shocked on day one. I normally don't have much hunger because I've been living like this for a long time, but not as strictly, and I couldn't believe it that I ate this way, which meant I ate less food because I normally snack. I normally work out pretty hard and I can eat quite a bit of food and maintain my ideal body weight, but right now I'm trying to cut, using this print, these principles, and so I didn't snack between meals. I ate the three exactly like I described you, and I was starving at eight o'clock at night and I just thought, okay, I'm not used to this, this is hard, I don't like starving, but what I did is I just kept drinking water. Water kind of helps for me to drink water when I'm hungry, and I kept thinking about the integrity of it. I'm like if I can't do this, I can't be teaching it to anybody.

Speaker 1:

And so I just worked through it, and I'm going to work through it for the next nine days and I'm going to cut. I'm going to drop my body fat. That's what I'm going to do. I don't really need to lose 10 pounds. I don't think I have 10 pounds to lose. However, going through this process is just healthy. It'll be a cleansing time for me. I'm going to cut back on some drinks that I normally enjoy. I'm going to cut down on back on some treats I don't eat too many treats, but for the next 10 days I'm eating zero treats, and so I'm doing it myself to cut and also to test it and see how it really works to do this very, very strictly because I haven't forced some time, and I hope you'll join me and that this inspires you and that you might have this terrific experience where you lose 10 pounds and then guess what? This is what I'm really excited about.

Speaker 1:

When you're done with this 10 days, whether you've lost 10 pounds or not because let's just you know reality check here Will everyone lose 10 pounds. Who does this in 10 days? No, enough people have done it that I am recommending the program with integrity. I can show you hundreds of testimonials of people who've lost a pound a day, hundreds two pounds a day and even three pounds a day. Okay, so I'm not blowing smoke when I say that you can lose 10 pounds in 10 days. However, not everyone can. Everyone's got a different body, makeup, chemistry, psychology, and for some people the weight just comes off slower. I understand that there are certain things that slow down people's weight loss, but if you'll follow us and shoot for the 10 pounds, let's say you only lose five.

Speaker 1:

Here's my prediction. You can keep on going. You'll have made some adjustments, you'll be buying slightly different food. You will put the treats away for 10 days. Maybe pull one out and reward yourself. You lost five pounds.

Speaker 1:

Losing five pounds is tremendous. Maybe pull out one of those treats. Enjoying a treat is a normal human experience. I'm not saying you can never enjoy another treat by any means, but then put them back away, because maybe you notice that while they were away you didn't eat them and maybe you don't want to bring them back into your pantry. Maybe you want to keep them far away so that you you just don't eat near as many. Maybe you found that you weren't drinking enough water. Maybe you found you weren't exercising near as much as you thought you were. Again, that's what I love so much about these principles they're not trendy, they're not something that you go back to your old lifestyle on. I hope these, these are things that you will now incorporate for the rest of your life because they're based in the best modern Nutritional and exercise science.

Speaker 1:

So I hope you've enjoyed this. I hope you got something out of it. I've created the guide. I have people testing it right now. Depending on when you listen to this, it'll probably be available free on the website, because that's what we're gonna do with it. We're not charging any money for it or anything. It's a giveaway on the website. You can also just contact support at dirobynecom and ask for the. It's a 14 page PDF in its current form and if you'd like that, that's great. There's also an undiated PDF that you can a one pager you can get from dirobynecom and you can print that off and put it on your fridge to remind you of these seven principles that you're going to be following. So those are some resources that you can use and with that, I hope you enjoy this, and if you lose 10 pounds in 10 days, I'd love to hear from you, send your story and your testimonial to support at dirobynecom. Thank you so much for listening. As always, this is Dave Sherwin, wishing you health and success.

Losing 10 Pounds in 10 Days
Weight Loss Tips and Guidelines
Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Guidelines