The Dirobi Health Show

104 Why Doctors Don't Like Natural Dietary Supplements

July 22, 2019 Dave Sherwin Season 1 Episode 104

We often see statements like, "My doctors says I don't need supplements," or "Just eat a healthy diet and you'll get all the vitamins and minerals you need!"

And while these sentiments are well meaning, they aren't backed up by science. Every time I see these statements, I ask the people if they are willing to share the results of the test showing that they don't have any vitamin or mineral deficiencies. And every time the answer is predictable... they have no evidence they have no deficiencies.

Yet every testing lab in the country will tell you that all the tests show deficiencies, sometimes bad ones. So why would doctors be so careful about diagnosing everything else, yet send people with deficiencies home with the mistaken idea they had none, without running tests?

In this episode, I explore the current research on the topic, along with the legitimate concerns many doctors have with the dietary supplements industry.

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This show is for informational purposes only. 

None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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This show is for informational purposes only.

None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Hello. Welcome to the Dario health show. Today we're going to talk about what your doctor doesn't know about supplements and before I offend every doctor who is probably not even listening to this podcast anyway, but I don't want to offend doctors. Uh, if you are a doctor, listen up because I don't think you'll hate me when it's over, but here's what I'm addressing. We do a lot of advertising on Facebook and we post to groups and pages and we often have people when they see us advertising supplements come in and leave comments along these lines. My doctor said, I don't need supplements or someone like kind of complaining or lecturing the whole group with a comment like, just eat a healthy diet. You'll get all the vitamins and minerals you need. Now these are well meaning people who have heard this stuff from people they consider credible. The only problem with it is it can't be backed up by science. There is no scientific evidence proving that Americans have all the vitamins they need or all the minerals that they need. As a matter of fact, it is exactly the opposite. There are tons of companies now that are doing nutritional deficiency testing and guess how many people are perfect and don't need to supplement anything. The answer is literally zero. And if you don't believe me, talk to any of them, I'll be giving you links at the end of this episode. And if you really super duper don't believe me and you think your doctor is correct, ask them for a nutritional blood panel, chances are they can do that as part of your yearly physical. When I get my yearly physical, I always ask my doctor for one that will show nutrients as much as possible. And I try and, and honestly, they have a choice between the different blood tests that they do. Right? So you may not have realized this, but there's blood tests and there's blood tests. They're all for checking various things. Doctors may have their favorites or their standbys that they use, uh, for checking the biggies in their world. Like, you know, uh, cholesterol and, and, uh, things like that. So they might just have a standard one they use all the time. But if you press and say, well, you know, I, I'm, I'm not just wanting to survive here. I want to be vibrant and healthy and avoid disease and be as healthy as possible. So what tests can you give me that would really, uh, show me what I might be deficient in and my doctor is good enough to do a little research and find a test that he could do under my plans. It didn't even cost me any extra money that showed me a lot more information. I got a four page printout and it showed me some areas I had to improve in. One of them was shocking to me. For example, I was low on sodium. Now for those of you that have been living a healthy lifestyle for, well, uh, you're probably smiling right now because you probably knew that and her and realize that most Americans eat a lot of pre prepared foods, packaged foods and foods from cans. And so they get plenty of sodium. When you eat a healthy diet, you have to add salt or a, you just won't get enough sodium in your diet. And so that one was interesting to me. Good thing I had the blood test. Uh, but in addition to that, hopefully you can discover some other deficiencies that you may have and get a lot of good research out of that, that test that your doctor does. Now, there are tons of studies on massive populations of different groups of people. There are studies on nurses, there's studies on men, there's studies on women, there's studies on firefighters or studies on people who already have some sort of disease and studies on people that are healthy studies on different ages. All of them are finding deficiencies. So let's jump into why would doctors tell you that you don't have to take vitamins and minerals if we know that we run a nutritional panel on you, you do have deficiencies. Well, first of all, they're not wrong. You have to ask yourself, what is your doctor's goal, the American Medical Association in general, what is their goal for you? It's a really good question because their goal for you may be very, very different than your goal for yourself. If you're a health enthusiast, chances are you want good energy. You want to sleep well, you want to be strong, you want to be fast, you want to have endurance, fill in the blank. You want a great lifestyle. You want to live as long as you can, as healthy as you can while avoiding injury that may not be what they care about. They care a lot about you being disease-free. Now, if you're disease free in their world, that's good. That's fine. Hey, you don't have cancer, good will. Your definition of health may not be lack of cancer. Okay, so you have to understand this is part of it. Their goal for you may be quite different than your goal for you, but what does your doctor know that you don't know and maybe you do know this stuff, but you'll see what I mean in a minute. Doctors do know that there's a lot of fraud in the supplement industry. They know, for example, that there are some really crappy supplements that are not regulated by the FDA. Well, let's just be clear, the supplement industry is not regulated by the FDA and supplement manufacturers like ourselves are on our own to make sure that we comply with the laws, that we make sure what we say is in the bottle is in the bottle, in the right quantities, that we try to go for the highest quality ingredients and that our stuff is matched, manufactured in GMP or ISO 9,000 facilities. Now that's what we do as a manufacturer because we want to be in business a very long time. We never want someone to take our supplements and get sick. We never want anyone to test them and say that they're bogus. And so we pride ourselves on very, very high quality formulations that people take over and over and over for years and years because they work for them and because they're of very high quality. But that's not the case with everyone. I think about the gummy industry right now. I mean, when doctors see that a lot of people are buying gummy vitamins that are not, that do cause cavities that are basically candy. Think about that. These. These people are scientists right on its face. We know it's stupid to eat gummies and expect them to be healthy for us. I don't care what they put inside those gummies. They could sound like the best thing you've ever had, but putting vitamins and minerals inside gummies is just plain dumb and so this is the kind of stuff they see and that they laugh at. They're also familiar with a a principle called compensation. Compensation in the nutritional world means that when you step up one nutritional habit, you often let others go. It's this type of thinking. Well, I had my multivitamin this morning, so eating pizza and beer for dinner is fine because I had my multi and that goes on. I do it sometimes you do it right. We we, we exercise today so I can have the cake and of course it's not really how it works cause an hour of exercise might've only burned 400 calories and the cake might be a thousand and it just is a bad idea. The idea is to eat healthy, get our fruits and veggies, all the stuff that we all know, drink plenty of water, et Cetera, and not compensate when we pick up brand new habits. Then there's the whole supplement weirdness thing right there. How many of you know someone who sells a super duper juice that's grown from a special place in the, and these were shamans blessed the ground and it's 80 bucks a bottle. And if you join their downline, you can make a lot of money. And my aunt had cancer and she took this and now it's gone. Well, there's that kind of stuff, right? Juices and pills and potions and lotions that have given the entire supplement industry a bad name. So they're aware of that and they want to keep you from falling for this type of stuff. So how do you figure this out? Well, I'll talk about testing in a little while because you are your own best health experiment and ideally you want to get your own nutritional testing done, know what your own deficiencies are so that you can fill them in and reach your own goals. Not a goal that someone else might have set for you. There's an excellent article. I'm going to put it on the blog posts. So for those of you listening, if you want extra info about this topic, you can go to blog dot[inaudible] dot com this will be episode one oh four there's an excellent article by Harvard health. It's and they do some really good well-researched stuff and they, they have a whole article that I'll post on that link about how doctors should approach the supplement industry. And in there, of course, they start off with, well, make sure your people are eating a great diet. Uh, but then they do talk about the things that see people can be deficient in the importance of folate and vitamin D and those things that we know people are deficient. And so I'll include that link, read it for yourself. It's, it's advice at Harvard's giving to doctors. I thought you might find that interesting. I won't go go into great detail, but it covers some of the topics I just talked about. So let's jump in and talk about how this all applies to you. Um, there's an excellent article on this subject and here's a quote from that article. It's easy to think that if you eat a healthy diet, you're going to get all the nutrients you need. But nutritional deficiencies are surprisingly common. For example, one recent scientific review paper noted that 30 to 50% of the u s population is deficient in vitamin D. Importantly, just because your blood work does not show that you have a nutrient deficiency does not mean you are getting enough of all the vitamins and minerals you need. Many folks who are not officially deficient in any given nutrient are still insufficient, meaning they may be getting enough to survive but not to thrive. And that quote is awesome and kind of sums up the whole way of thinking that I'm trying to share with you. In other words, if a health professionals goal is for you to be alive and that's their definition of success, and they say it's okay if you have this much level of fill in the blank, but your goal is much higher than that than getting additional vitamins and minerals could make a huge difference. In addition, many of you are health enthusiasts who exercise and when we exercise, although that's a good and healthy thing to do, it's also beating up our body. We need more antioxidants. We're using more of those nutrients that we've taken in. It's more important for us to supplement when we're very active. I already mentioned the example of salt. If you eat a really healthy diet, guess what? The first thing is to leave your diet and it is salt because salt is in almost all packaged foods in the middle of the grocery store and you are smart enough to shop around the edges and so you get this kind of stuff. So what to do? Well, if you want to take your health into your own hands and figure out what supplements you really need, there's a variety of testing services and they're a little pricey, but you're worth it, right? Think about this. Would you rather pay for maintenance and or would you rather pay for repairs, right? Like on your car, is it better to do oil changes or get a new engine for$5,000 in a few years? And of course you get that thinking. It's the same with our bodies, right? If we'll invest some money in our bodies now, we could avoid a lot of major problems later. So there's a couple of links again on the website that I'll put, let's get checked is a great site. They have, um, home test kits that you can do, send in the results and send in your specimens. And they will, uh, test and there's a variety of tests there. Spectracell oh, that's a company that's quite well known. There's walk-in lab. They have various nutritious nutrient tests. Um, and thereby lab corp, which is probably the company your doctor is already using for a lot of your blood work. They, they do all kinds of blood work. Uh, but a lot of people don't know that. They also do nutritional and supplement testing at let's get checked. It's interesting to note that their main nutrient tests, their core tests, what they consider the most important test to take. I, the way I understand it, at least it's the way their website looks. If you want to check it out for yourself and see if you agree with me or not, but their core test is to make sure you have enough B12 d and full aid. And I found that fascinating because as you know, we sell Mimi's miracle minerals, which is a product we're very proud of and that we've designed specifically to fill in deficiencies and to give you some of those extra goodies that middle aged people need to thrive and be at their best like Maka and cocuten and chromium GTF for weight loss. And so we've put enough ingredients in there to make sure that it's not just giving you the things that you need, but it's giving you things you don't really need but that are really good for you. And that the clinical studies show, uh, do all those things I mentioned. Uh, it helps with balancing hormones and men and women, uh, has zinc, which a lot of supplements don't or don't have enough of. Um, it has these three I just mentioned B12, D and, and folate. And so those are three biggies that a lot of people happen to be deficient in. So it just kind of confirmed that our research in a Mimi's Merkle multi was solid and then we put the right ingredients in there. So there you have it short episode today, but I just wanted to address this issue. You have probably heard from many, many people that if you eat a healthy diet, you don't need supplements. And guess what? They're right. If your goal is survival, if you're just trying to get by and you don't really care about higher level health, then frankly you could probably reduce the quality of your diet and get by for quite a long time. Uh, I know people that have survived, uh, for a very long time on very unhealthy diets. You probably do too. It's just a matter of is that you? Is that what you want or are you a competitor? Are you preparing for something? Do you know what, what is the quality of life that you're wanting? So that's what it all comes down to. All these people with all their different ideas, they're really not wrong. They're probably just operating within the framework that they like the one that works for them. And so if the person's definition is health equals lack of disease, then fine. You hardly have to do anything. It's just that when you raise the bar from there that you need to add on you to increase how well you eat, improve the nutritional, um, uh, supplement strategy that you have, improve your exercise, probably workout more than you think you do. Probably have to eat less sugar than you maybe think you do. And again, all depending on your goals and what works for you. So I hope this makes sense for you guys. I'm going to put all the show notes, the links, the research I did on the blog, blog dot[inaudible] dot com episode one oh four links to everything I mentioned our there. Until next time. This is Dave Sherwin wishing you health and success.