The Dirobi Health Show

106 Dr. Boz Top 5 Tips for Success on a Ketogenic Lifestyle

August 15, 2019 Dr. Annette Bosworth Season 1 Episode 106

This is a serious, scientific look at the Ketogenic lifestyle with five great actionable tips.

Dr. Annette Bosworth is an informatics physician. She operates a private practice, Meaningful Medicine.  She is the author of Anyway you can, available on Audible and Amazon, and has an excellent Youtube channel.

Her life took a new trajectory when she was introduced to the science of the Ketogenic diet, and used it to help her mother turn her cancer around.

Dr. Bosworth is certified to provide not only general practice services but is also a recognized expert in nutrition, exercise, and mental conditioning programs. She is the founder of ECHO Kids, an initiative aimed at reducing childhood obesity and lowering rates of childhood diabetes.

She leads medical mission trips to Haiti.

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This show is for informational purposes only. 

None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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This show is for informational purposes only.

None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Speaker 3:

My mom was diagnosed with cancer in her blood cells almost 15 years ago now. And about three years ago, her cancer was pretty rotten. She had lymph and big tumors in her neck and her armpits. Also your white blood cell count is about six to 10,000, and hers was 150,000. That was on the chemotherapy. But her cancer was growing so fast that, we measure this type of cancer by how quick it doubles. So if it doubled in five years, it wasn't too much problem. If it doubled in a year, not a big deal, but hers was doubling every six weeks. So we walked into the oncology team and I know her doctors well. I go with her to the appointment and right before the doctor walks in, we knew the report was going to be bad. And she said,, if he gives me that pink slip for chemotherapy, again, I'm tapping out. The clothes I wanna wear at my funeral are on the top shelf in that closet in the basement. Wow. And in walks the doctor as I'm processing the words she just delivered. And prior to this, I have 20 years into an internal medicine clinic and they all have a flavor. A doctor has an expertise or something that I really have attracted patients for and mine is brain repair. If you have depression, bipolar, sleep problems, head injuries, drug addiction, the chronic process that will lead to Parkinson's or Alzheimer's has been something that I've really put a lot of energy into. So it was about six months prior to that that several articles had come out of what the Ketogenic diet and the brains of navy seals had to do with their brain repair. They were pretty aggressive at how they wanted to repair their brain and they were bringing me information that I thought had to be fake. There's no way this could be true. I'm sure I would know about it if it was going to repair the brain as fast as it was. So I was in the midst of studying that, when my mom's diagnosis came about and her choice to not take chemotherapy. And it was throughout that time of studying t hat the quickness of how a brain injury could be repaired if you have proven Ketosis, i n the system was also coupled with the subtext of cancer that really feeds off of a high glucose state and how powerful they were seeing the radiation and chemotherapy treatments in animal studies. But there were sev eral brain tumors that if you could lower the patient's blood glucose, whi c h then the only way you really can do that is to raise their Ketones, which is the molecule that you make from fat. They were having amazing, unbelievable responses to their chemotherapy, specifically radiation. And that got my attention. as w e're walking out of the oncology office, I had all this information in my head, but I hadn't shared it with my mom. And we're walking towards the place where we're supposed to schedule the chemotherapy. And I l ook at her and say, mom, do you trust me? And she kind of flippantly says, of course I do. I'm like, n o, no, no, no. Do you really trust me? And she gets tears in her eyes and she says,"with my whole heart." I said, let me show you what I would do. Give me six weeks. And we did not schedule the chemotherapy. She lives in this old farm house where I grew up. We drove to the farm, which was a hundred miles away, and cleaned out h er cupboards. We were hardcore Keto for six weeks. And again, her cancer was doubling every four weeks. And by the time we came back for her chemotherapy checkup i n six weeks, I was hoping it hadn't doubled again. Like that was my best hope. But I had no space in my mind for a cancer that would decrease by 30% in four weeks of Keto. and in a 71 year old who was really old for her age at that time. So that was our step one int o Keto. An d She just celebrated her 75th birthday, off chemotherapy. And her white count last week was 10,000.

Speaker 1:

Incredible. So you, you're saying that her count was doubling every four weeks and you were able to drop it 30% over the next four weeks

Speaker 3:

without chemotherapy,

Speaker 1:

Jeff Weitzman, the director of cancer can be killed. He says a very similar story that when they take people off of processed foods and carbs, the cancer just feeds on on sugars.

Speaker 3:

The key thing here is that there is a chemistry set to this. I get a little nervous when patients call me or they write it on my youtube channel and ask advice about cancers and I tell them the key here is this is a chemistry set that your cancer will outsmart if you're not going to step over this threshold and really be strict about it, not everybody needs to be that strict about it to get benefits from a Ketogenic lifestyle. But if you have the expectations that you're going to stop seizures, it is amazing at how well it does repair the brain and decrease seizure incidents. But they are also in that same category of a prescribed Ketogenic, a c he m istry set if you would, that a cancer patient would be under. So it's really not something to just say, Oh, I'm going to go play with, this. For the Ketogenic chemistry that has evidence behind cancer and seizure disorders, you can no t b e pl aying. You need to be checking your numbers and following your numbers with your physician. It is powerful, but her medical team was involved with that.

Speaker 1:

The top five tips for the Ketogenic lifestyle. Number five you told me is form a tribe. What does that mean?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. If you look at, chronic disease management, which is what internal medicine does, we want you to change a behavior that lasts. And boy, you can't have a better teaching tool than trying to help people stay on a Ketogenic way of living. that first few weeks when they lower their carbs and try to get into Ketosis or, st e p into a change does not long unless they've got a support system. So if the folks around you are not on a Ket o genic diet and you are saying, I want t o do th is, I'm telling you, you need to put out a little radar for saying I'm going to do th is. Who's in, who's with me and create a little support group that doesn't cost you any money. Meet at the library or your church basement or something where it doesn't cost you any money but you get to check in once a week because you cannot believe how many missed truths are out there about the Ketogenic Diet and how many people I've just seen doing really well and then they get a harebrained idea that they think it would work if they do fill in the blank and then they're off the beaten path for the process that really does reversed their age. That sounds Hokey, but there is actually evidence to say those cells act younger, their DNA looks stronger, but if you're going to do this, it doesn't happen tomorrow. This is going to take us time and you're going to need to a tribe. The other little advice I give people if you're starting a little support group is, don't, don't think you need to lift the weight of all the education. There are several good educators out there like me, like y ou k now, Dr K en Berry, other primary care physicians w ho h ave said there is no, there's no space in the exam room for me to teach all this. So I put it out for free on youtube to go watch this. So you can use this little playlist to say just, i t's a two or three minute video that has the basics on how to do the b eginner's guide for Keto. And I've just had lots of people say, we start our support group, we wa tch o ne of y our little videos at the beginning, and then we just check in. How'd you do? Did you stay on, did you fall off? And by that tribe has everything to do with sustainability. So that's number five.

Speaker 1:

Excellent. And you don't usually meet at like Cinnabon, I assume?

Speaker 3:

Do not meet around food. We There's plenty of time for Keto food outside of your support group. This is for you talking about all the mistakes you've made. You can share recipes but do not bring food to y our g roup.

Speaker 1:

Number four 20 total carbs per day.

Speaker 3:

Yes, so that is a specific number for a reason. So you look at the folks who say, I'm Keto, and then you look at their food diary and you're like, I don't know where you got this definition of Keto, but I am guessing if I poke your finger and look for some Ketones, they're going to be zero. And you don't need to be that advanced in th e s cience at the beginning. You can just say, here's the rules. Yo u a r e a human body and if we want you to be in a Ketogenic state, that means you need 20 carbs or less. And then the first thing I'l l ge t is questions like, well, doe s th at mean like, I can subtract the fiber and count the net carbs? I'm like, stop playing that game, we are talking about a chemistry set tha t we really need your body to get used to. And that means you're going to count to 20. That's it. And if you have more than 20 carbs in a day, you can call it a low carb, but you can not call it a Ketogenic diet. It is n ot going to lead to Ketosis.

Speaker 1:

That sounds strict. I mean, I'm picturing not having cake at a birthday party or a Cinnabon for sure. ever. Is there any cheating on this? Or if the chemistry set is g oing t o work, you're saying this is like, this is it. This is forever. Every day.

Speaker 3:

Well, so here's, here's some harder things to swallow. You have an apple and apple has 18 to 20 carbs depending on the size. So People Think, Oh doc, you can't have fruit. I'm like, fruit is evil. You have been using fruit as the way that you cheat around and get sugar in your system to the tune of an extra 50 to a hundred pounds. Many of my patients when they start this, and if you want me to show you how to reverse that, it is a chemistry set that you have overeaten sugar for too long. We can reverse it, but you can't play games. You really need 20 carbs or less. That means most of it's going to come from vegetables that are the cruciferous, like the Broccoli or Brussel sprouts. They're, they're not your mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, they're not root vegetables. They're usually cruciferous at the beginning of this diet. And I would say the less of those you have, the better you should use your vegetables as a way to deliver fat to your gut. So Brussel sprouts in Bacon grease, that's a good recipe. using, B roccoli and dri pping with butter. That's a good vegetable. If you're looking for the Ketogenic Diet, it is 75 to 80% fat. So as soon as you start getting super fancy with these foods, boom, you're over 20 carbs.

Speaker 1:

I'm guessing you're a fan of roasted vegetables.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Roasted vegetables. As long as there's fat on them.

Speaker 1:

Not, not olive oil. Right? It's gotta be avocado oil or a high flashpoint oil.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Lard is the safest.

Speaker 1:

Number three, measure your Ketones. This is where we're really getting into the chemistry set, right?

Speaker 3:

Right. So here's the difference between 20 years of patients coming in saying, doctor, doctor, I just can't lose weight. I've been on and then fill in the blank. Paleo, low carb, South beach.... Just list the number of diets that I co uld t ell you I know the rules for, because patients have tried this and what happens is I don't have anybody being accountable to them. They're doing it. But this diet, the Ketogenic Diet, you can be accountable to yourself by saying, did you pee Ke tones or not? So Ketones when you first start to make them in your body, if your body makes more than it can use, it's very careful to keep that chemistry stable. And the way it does that is put some Ketones in your urine. Well that's good for those beginning Ketone changes because you can measure yes or no. Are you making Ketones or not? A nd n ow as they become long term in this diet t here, there's a few more rules. But at the beginning, this is so important that you can pee on a stick and say, are you making Ketones or not? It is not a, Oh, I'm making a little ar t m aking. I just need pink or not pink on that really urine strip. And I tell folks, put those little strips in your pocket. there's two or three that will last the day. If they're out in the air for too long, they're not good. So you're gon na pu t'em in your pocket. And if you don't use them by the end of the day, the y're no good. But that gives you the excuse that every time you use the bathroom you can pee on that stick and say in Ketosis or not. And the feedback to the patient is so powerful that they don't get three weeks into this and say, oh, that scale just hasn't moved doc. This diet isn't for me. No, you just had three bites of licorice and you want to know why you don't have any Ketones in your urine because you have such high insulin. You cannot do this diet for a day and expect it to be better. We need to change the chemistry on a cellular level and that that's what this Ketogenic diet is really all about.

Speaker 1:

What are your thoughts on the exogenous Ketones, the powder drinks, and the supplements being sold right now? Are you familiar with them? There's powders, there's pills. And the selling point is that you wake up in the morning, you take this and 30 minutes later you're generating Keton es. Thoughts?

Speaker 3:

Well, first of all, you will pee Ketones when you take them. These salts were made in like the 1960s or seventies, and they've been around for a long time. They've not been as cost effective to make as they are now. They used to be much more expensive. And if you don't put a sugar substitute in those powders, they taste terrible. Terrible. so now you've got a sugar substitute, which is another kind of subtlety to the Ketogenic diet that the more sugar you put into your Pal ette, t he more sugar you're goi ng to wa nt. But, if you take a Ketone supplement and you pee on a stick, by Golly, you're going to m a ke Ketones. And that is a, that's step one. which kind of leads me to, to step two or the two, t h e n umber two of my top five, and that is used the science. But when I started on the Ketogenic diet, I was really resistant to recommend the Keto salts. I was like, no pe, you should do this the hardcore way. Just like we did stop eating so many carbs. You've got this transition, t hat does take a a week or so to get into it. But after that, wow, you really do have an improvement in your chemistry. And what turns out is, n o t everybody has a daughter for a doct or. so me people are really sick like my mom was, and she doesn't have a personal coach to say, how do we get them into Ketosis without hurting them? And the danger of the first few steps into Ketosis are I do have folks that are significantly overweight. I have patients who hav e b e en a diabe t ic for 30 years and I'm saying, cut your carbs. There is so many changes mentally, socially, but also within their chemistry that are going t o cha n ge in the next five days that I've had a few patients where I did this very diligently where we cut their carbs down to 20. They're doing great. I stopped five blood pressure medicines. Had I not been checking on him every day, he would have had low blood pressure and ended up in the emergency room. He was 60 years old. That's an incredibly dangerous, it will reverse some of those illnesses amazingly, but if you fast forward to the people who really have the toughest time stepping over the threshold for the Ketogenic Diet and staying t here, they're the patients who really need it the most. They're the ones with the chronic high blood pressure. 20 years of diabetes, been overweight for years. They're north of 50 and they have chronic illnesses that are aging their brain at such a rapid rate that I would say get the Ketone supplements, for Heaven's sa kes, ge t t he Ketone supplements and do that for three weeks. Let me show you the science. Let me wake up the metabolism specifically that of your Mitochondria, which is kind of a sci ency wo rd, but is really where your body makes energy and if you're a diabetic or you've been overweight for years, you've got that old man or Old Lady Syndrome where everything's just slower. If we infuse those Ketone salts into your body and brain, I was the first to have to eat my words to say, oh my goodness, look at how much better their brain functioned. Now, how much easier it was for them to get that carbohydrate down to less than 20 if you come to me and say, I would like to be on the Ketogenic Diet and you take in 2 00 to 300 carbohydrates a day, that crash course of decreasing your carbs like that, it ends up being quite a problem. So as you read that book or as you learn about Ketosis, give me three weeks of taking those supplements and not like what you just said, which was let's take Ketones from now until the until you die. We want you to use those Ketogenic supplements, fo r those first transition weeks to help them make a mu ch easier process. And by adding that to your circulation, we know that your metabolism will change, that your chemistry will change. So let me carry the science, let the physician, I mean you don't have to have a prescription to do it, but I would recommend, especially if you're over 50 or mo re than 20 pounds overweight, or you've had diabetes for a whi le. Just let your chemistry get used to this before you cut those carbs to 20. And that's really where I've seen the supplements be magical. I didn't have that tool the first year and a half. I was coaching people and I lost a lot of patients. They didn't die. They just said, oh, it's too hard. I can't do it. And they are the ones who probably needed it the most.

Speaker 1:

Number one of the five top tips for Ketogenic lifestyle is...

Speaker 3:

Here we go. Educate yourself. This is a powerful thing. If you look at the book that I wrote Any Way You Can, the front cover has a picture of my mom before we started the Ketogenic Diet. The back cover has a picture of her when I published it, which was two years later, and she looks like she erased 15 years of her life. That whole time I spent educating her on how can we reverse her age? How she can sip from that Fountain of Youth. And it turns out this isn't a fad. This isn't something she's going to do for a day or two. She is in this for the lifetime as are the people that I'm training and teaching in my clinic, in my a circles of support. And I've done more stopping of prescriptions in the last three years than I have ever done in the 20 years that I've been a physician. But I also, so now I'm at the equation where I stop more than I start. And that is a status symbol for me as a physician, that that's a sign that their health really is growing, it is this unlocking of a gift of health. But it does require you to educate. I mean, you can hurt yourself, especially if you're in the throws of chronic illness, chronic blood pressure, chronic diabetes, at high risk of heart disease. I now need you to game on and learn a little bit about this diet. And I would contend that my master skill in life isn't being a doctor. It's being a teacher. And if you want to see the best book, and I say this because I wasn't planning on writing a book. I was w riting little lessons for my 70 year old mom who couldn't think very well cause she was really sick. I took these lessons to her one at a time to say, here's what we do next, mom. Here's what we do next. And I didn't speak over her head. I spoke, this is how we go to the next level and thanks be to God. My husband kept saying, you should turn that into a book. I'm like, Oh, I'm not a writer. That's not what I do. And by Golly, if you go to Amazon and look at the r eview for it, it's got like five stars i n over a thousand reviews and it's a self published book t hat I just am so thankful that I was brave enough to push print, but it's a great teaching tool it really is. A nd you don't have to have d octors t elling you they have 20 minutes. They don't have time to teach you all this, but you have to know it in order to be successful on this, this changed chemistry and it will hit yo ur brain. You will prove your focus. I am overwhelmed with the amount of anti depressants that I've stopped since using the Ketogenic diet. And it comes back to those first few things I learned about the Diet, which is it re pa i rs a br a i n faster than we've ever seen before. That anti-seizure effect and the anti brain cancer that were the first few major studies that really pulled me in to say, what the heck, why don't I know about this? The reason I stay on the Ketogenic diet is my brain health. I want to be as sharp as possible for as long as possible. And there is no better guarantee to that than to bat he my brain cells Ketones every d ay.

Speaker 1:

Wow. Well that's a new aspect. I think you're the fifth interview I've done on Ketogenic issues of one sort or another, but no one's really hit on the brain health aspect like you just s aid. Could you spend a little bit more time on that?

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. So I'd write down these four letters. B, d, n f BDNF is a little protein that's in your brain called brain drive neurotrophic factor. And what all that means is there is actually a protein in your brain that predicts whether or not your brain is healing or destroying. BDNF was just coming into the research when I was in medical school. So that's over 20 years ago. Now, I was in medical school taking a test that said the brain cells you have, that's all you get. We cannot regenerate brain cells. But the new research was saying if this BDNF is high enough, you can actually regrow of the Hypocampus and a couple other areas of the brain. We tie off the artery to the brain and we can see that the mice with high BDNF lost one third less of their brain despite having no oxygen to the brain. That's a remarkable finding. How do we get those brains to live if they have depression and their BDNF stays low? We can't see it better. If you want to have Alzheimer's, take that BDNF to go down. So what comes next? Well, doc, how do I get my BDNF high? And it turns out, although electric shock therapy actually raises it quite robustly, you sacrifice a memory when you do that. Yes. You're like, Oh God, don't tell me that. But it turns out that there are several studies that have shown the longer that they went into a Ketogenic state the higher the BDNF went. If you were in the 1960s and you ar e o ne of the kids who had seizures, your brain was going to be filled with defects. You ar e g o ing t o d ie at a much younger age and you for sure you're not go ing t o b e able to live on your own after the age of maybe 50 or 60. Childhood seizures were awful and they put you on Depakote or lithium. And if you were unlucky enough that those drugs didn't work, they would admit you and your whole family to the hospital and put you on a Ketogenic diet. And if you want to talk about compliance, people say, oh, you can't stay on that Ketogenic diet. I'd like you to talk to these kids who are the seizure kids in the 60s because every time they started to eat a little bit too many carbs, Bam, they would have a seizure. So they were very compliant. Well, now they're dying. And when you look at the few autopsies we have from these Ketosis sei zure ki ds from the 60s I have brain envy. Their brains are pristine under the microscope. We ca n no t se e hardly any neurofibrillary tangles, which are the markers of all Alzheimers, of Parkinson's, of an aging brain that can't sort memory very well. We thought that just happened in everyone. How is it that these brains of these very compliant Ketogenic patients have no ne uro f ibral tangles. Not only that, they have the lowest number of cancer cells found in any autopsy that I've seen yet. And people may not know this, but if you take your blood and you look at it, you have cancer cells, your body is fighting those cancer cells and trying to stay ahead of any cancer that takes over. But if you want zero cancer cells, it turns out one of the best things you can do is have low inflammation. And that is one of the things that it benefits from a high Ketogenic state is the inflammation is very low and that brain repair tends to be faster than anything we've seen. You're ending up in the grave at the end of your life with one of the healthiest brains we've ever seen in Autopsy. Well, I want that problem.

Speaker 1:

Let's, let's end with that. Let's end with, some, just a few ideas here on food. What's your favorite breakfast?

Speaker 3:

you know what? I'm a big fan of eggs. I like eggs with Pepperoni i n t hem. my kids like this too. So we take cheese, scrambled eggs and Pepperoni, which is a high fat meat. boy that wins the kids every time. And the re's no thing better than a mom who makes a healthy breakfast food for their kids that they enjoy eating.

Speaker 1:

Sounds delicious. Would there be any side with that or is that the, that's the whole thing.

Speaker 3:

you can have a s ide of coffee maybe with some heavy whipping cream.

Speaker 1:

How about lunch?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, lunch. I usually am a, I'm a one meal a day kind of Gal these days. so again, that is something that sounds bizarre until you've been in Ketosis for aw hile a nd it really is sustainable that I don't have hunger. so breakfast, if I have breakfast it wi l l be eggs with pepperoni. I, I r e ally lik e th e sausage or the eggs. Again, a high fat meat. but supper or o th er things I like, so m e of my favorites. Like, I, h ave you ever heard of the word autophagy?

Speaker 1:

I have. I, I do intermittent intermittent fasting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So if you look at the, some of the things I teach my patients, you can calculate, the chances of you being an a utophagy or not. So autophagy is that Nobel Prize in medicine in 2016 for how can we recycle cells. So once a week I will fast, t o the point where I get my, my Dr Bo z ratio of 40 or less, which is a glucose divided by a Ketone. an d when you get, these are not just kind of r a nd om numbers, they are from the studies are l ook ing at a bra i n cancers and that autophagy study, whe r e if I can get that Dr Boz ratio about a low e nough glucose and a high enough Ketone that I get a 40, then I get to have a than that, then I usually have a pretty good meal. So right now I'm at the end of about 40 hours of fasting and I was just texting my husband before we started this, that I really want to go out for one of my favorite meals. we're away from home. I'm out out here lecturing and so we don't have kids to think about. And I said, I want to go out for bone marrow.

Speaker 1:

He's just gonna walk into Wendy's and say, I'll have a big bowl of natural bone marrow, please

Speaker 3:

beverage. Have you ever had bone marrow? Have you ever had this? So they take the Femur, they saw it in half. and then they roast the bone with the marrow in it. And it is the saltiest f attiest best flavor ever. too. I'm, I mean, I grew up on a farm, all hog farms. So all of those are great for me, but if I'm really, I don't like fighting with my kids and t hey t hink i t, that's a little extreme. So when it's just my husband and I, I can get away with, t hey're usually on the a ppetizer side of p lay, so they'll serve the bone and it's got this special spoon called a m arrow spoon. I've never heard of such a thing, but I've had it like three times now, and I think we're g oing t o go out for bone murals s uffer tonight. Who m akes bone marrow? You go to a steak house and everybody's g onna have a bone marrow on t heir appetizers. You're kidding. Nah, I am so out of the loop. It's great. So I highly recommend it. it's best if you're coming off a f ast, but

Speaker 1:

Tell us a little bit more about your book.

Speaker 3:

Right. So again, my, my skill set it where I believe you use the talents that God gives you in whatever chapter life you've got. And I, I have been rewarded again and again for my skill at teaching. And I can't believe, that this transformed into a book so well. But I really talk about my skepticism about the Diet at the beginning. I talk about the navy seals. I talk about the brains and how I've been duped by big Pharma sending me study that I have to really say, let me show you the nitty gritty of what they're not showing you. But there's a few places where I really believe what they're saying and one of them is dead people. The autopsy studies give me this great, powerful e vidence-based, you can't really argue with this. They're dead and there's not any way they're going to manipulate what they're telling you. But I go that. And then the navy seal stuff. I mean, one of my favorite things to talk about are these advanced, brains that had breath hold times that went up north of three minutes. Like who can do that? And it was only those people w ho h ad been on a Ketogenic state. And you can't like fake breathing un der w a ter. You either held your breath, or you didn't! I just feel confident that I can believe this information because it sounds so sensational. And when you look at the core reason why, it really does translate into what happened to my mom and what I teach about in the book. We ar e r eally removing inflammation from a cellular level. And I go through that in the book and I walk you through... it's so powerful that it sounds like a panacea. Like everything is better if you're on the Ketogenic diet. I'm like, well, everything that has inflammation does, and boy, I'm a chronic disease management k ind o f Gal. This is what my clinic does. And if I could remove inflammation for the last 20 years, they wouldn't have memory problems. They wouldn't have cancer, they wouldn't have autoimmune problems, they wouldn't need surgeries like they do, or at least t hat they think they do. and I think that's one of the biggest gifts you can give the baby boomer generation is to reverse all of this over medicalized versions of the, of the folks that are in their fifties, sixties and seventies. It's sinful..

Speaker 1:

Okay, thanks again. We will send you a link once we publish all this information on the blog.

Speaker 3:

That sounds great. Take care and thank you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, bye. Bye. Well, there you have it. Thank you so much for listening. That was Dr Boz again, this is episode one oh six. You can find all the information and links referenced on blog dot[inaudible] dot com where we'll, we'll put links to all of the assets that we talked about and one last reminder, make sure and check out the transformation packs at[inaudible] dot com that really could be the key to your health lock. Have you been struggling either to lose weight, to gain muscle, a to improve your health in whatever way? I just don't think there's anything better than precision nutrition with their 15 years experience in a$250,000 prize every single year for the best transformations they have developed thousands and thousands of success stories. You could be the next one. Check those click on the transformation packs to learn more. Until next time, this is Dave Sherwin wishing you health and success.

Speaker 4:
