The Dirobi Health Show

Get Your Hands Dirty! With Metta Tate!

Metta Tate Season 1 Episode 127

Known affectionately online as Metta Tate, Alexandria Parlato joins me on this episode to talk about bacteria, preservatives in food, adrenal fatigue, and some Indian and Chinese wisdom.

It's a fun discussion with lots of great health tips peppered throughout.

Alexandria studied a three year clinical program in Herbal Medicine, where she received her certification to practice herbal medicine with clients. Ever since she has been using the training through client work, workshops, and through various jobs helping support others with holistic health. She also studied Ayurveda and has completed a course from well known Ayurvedic practitioners including Anne Mcintyre. Combining ancient wisdom with garden fresh herbs, Alexandria makes herbal extracts for spiritual and physical well being. She feels very called to work with fresh plants, rebuilding the soil, and connecting people back to the land.

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This show is for informational purposes only. 

None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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This show is for informational purposes only.

None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

spk_0:   0:05
Welcome to the show. I got a free before you today. Before we jump into the episode, we've created a mini course called Nutrition and Fitness for busy Professionals. Chances are that's you. And one of the challenges we all have in our health and fitness journey right now is life is super busy and complicated, and oftentimes we want to work out. We want to eat right, but it just takes time. It takes time to learn how to do that. It takes time to hit the gym. It takes time to do everything in. This mini course really will tackle three of the biggest areas that keep busy professionals from reaching their fitness goals. And it includes the three steps to fix a broken diet. How to stay in shape when you're busy, including a really sweet minimalist work out. And finally, the all important power of sleep and important tips on how to get more sleep. We all know that's kind of the, um, overlooked secret of health. A lot of people ignore to their peril, so go to die ruby dot com. It's advertised right there on the home page and get the mini course. I think you'll really like it. It won't take very long to read, and yet it is packed with really great actionable information. And now on with the show. Welcome to this episode of the Diro Be health show Everybody to Have Got Alexandria Parlato, who's studied and did a three year clinical program in Herbal Medicine, where she received a certification to practice herbal medicine with clients. That's what she is doing now for a living. She has been using her training through her client work workshops and various jobs to help support others with holistic health. And she's also an expert in Eire Vada, which will be talking about little bit later on. She has studied with that McIntyre and other practitioners that you would probably know combining ancient wisdom with garden fresh herbs. Alexandra makes herbal extracts or spiritual and physical well being. She feels very called toe work with fresh plants and rebuilding the soil and connecting people back to the land. So today we're going to be getting in touch with nature again. Alexandra, thank you so much for coming on the show.

spk_1:   2:13
Thank you, Dave. It's a pleasure to be here with you.

spk_0:   2:16
Let's just

spk_1:   2:17
talk about good stuff.

spk_0:   2:18
Yeah. And I think when I did your bio a cz I read it. I realized I left out kind of a critical part. I wanted to say where you studied on did your clinical research. Where was that?

spk_1:   2:30
So that was that. Our private eye is a traditional school of herbal ism in New York City. It's run by two Herbal. It's Richard Mendel Bomb and quot Akil.

spk_0:   2:40
Pretty small

spk_1:   2:41
school. They kind of grass routed it themselves.

spk_0:   2:45
Okay. Excellent. And I had seen that on there. And for some reason, as I wrote your bio out to begin the show, I miss that important detail. So it sounds fascinating. I'm sure a lot of people listening are there ears perked up like that sounds really, really cool. I bet it was a cool experience.

spk_1:   3:03
Yeah, the school, um, itself definitely changed my life. I mean, right before I got there, I just dropped out of ah d one basketball scholarship and I was completely just not sure of anything. And then I got there and I mean, it was just such a good community to really, you know, between, like, the ancient medicine wheel and, you know the mystical stop on the science anatomy. We just Well, er it was a full spectrum school. You learn, you know, kind of the all the different aspect. I didn't even know what a tincture was when I got there, so you know it it was amazing. And, uh, they're great people who

spk_0:   3:41
run it. So Dr Excellent. It sounds interesting. And and I'm just going to say, right out of the gate that I talked to Alexander before the show and I said, You know, my job. I might feel differently about some of these things and Alexandria does. But my job is to bring out her best stuff. And I hope to do that in the best possible way. Because personally, I am. And Alexandra, this is important for you to know. I'm fairly skeptical of anything that starts with the word mystical. At the same time, I'm not completely closed. And so I just wanted to offer that as a disclaimer that I hope to help you bring out your best information and stuff that can help the audience. But understand you're talking to a skeptic. And when it comes to an falsify, a ble claims. I'm kind of that scientific guy who's always looking for the studies and the research. But at the same time, I, uh, I'm certainly not closed to these things, and I come at it from a skeptical point of view, but hopefully not a what would you say? Argumentative or unbelieving or and so I'm going to come at it from, you know, and ask you lots of questions, and I'm excited to hear about it. And hopefully for those people listening who are really, you know, from the same cut from the same cloth that you are. I want them to really get the best experience from the interview. So that's kind of my disclaimer. Okay.

spk_1:   5:11
Okay. Yeah, and I appreciate that. And actually,

spk_0:   5:14
the school was

spk_1:   5:14
run very smoothly. Like Richard, Mental bomb is much more science base and, you know, came from that perspective where the woman Claudia was doing more of the flower essence work and the mysticism. So I definitely respect and see both sides. You know, it makes sense like something their experience and research will back that up. And other things are, you know, just right there for you, For plain and simple to see, you know, So no, I really respect.

spk_0:   5:48
Yeah, absolutely so wonderful. Let's jump right in. Now. One of the first topics is one that is really important to me. I've had a medical doctor actually on the show talking about the epidemic we're having in the world right now regarding bacteria, he talked about anti bacterial problems. That was Dr Kendall Thurman, if you those of you listening, if you're interested in this, he's very concerned about the amount of antibiotics being prescribed right now in our society. But this is an area that you're interested in is well, And one of the talking points you gave me is about the bacteria epidemic, and you have the little the little sentence in there. Get your hands dirty. Let's talk about that.

spk_1:   6:31
Okay? Yeah, yeah, I think that, of course, what we eat is a huge part of it. And I think that now people assume just like, how work part in our society. You know, there's one magic pill that's going to do it for you. And now probiotics, they're huge thing in the market, right? We see probiotic, even they're just adding it. Maybe one strain in a protein powder and it's old probiotic. So, um, unfortunately, we need to do more than that. I think, Um, just where we're at right now, because our bacteria so depleted that we're not going to absorb just a capital. We're not going to absorb the bacteria we need from the capital. We need to start Maur um you know, like I said, with our hands on dumb, Of course, that means also not using as much antibacterial soap in and all that stuff. But, um, you know, really getting your hands dirty, literally being being with the dirt. I mean, that's where the bacteria lives, you know, getting more hands on. And I think that this really so much more than just thio the bacteria, but also just be grounded, right to be with the earth again, whether that's even just one plan outside that you that you connect with that you get you know, the dirt really in your fingernails and exposed to it. And now they're even doing Some people have, ah, probiotic soap. So the whole you know, the whole idea that our skin is also microbiome. Our skin also is bacteria and will absorb bacteria. So then other. Just other ways of getting the fact that bacteria into our bodies, brothers and just maybe the supplement.

spk_0:   8:17
Yes, so let's talk about that in practical terms. So, for example, there are bacteria that gets spread, you know, if we put a group of Children together in the winner where two or three of them are sick and they're all playing with same toys. The concern is that Children who weren't going to get sick get that bacteria and go home and are infected on Dhe. Then there's the bacteria that are just healthy bacteria that are all over our bodies. I mean, they're in our eyebrows or on our skin. There, in our stomach, they're everywhere. And so I think the concern people has about bacteria, of course, is those that are obviously negative like that. Give us a cold or flu or some type of sickness, and so it makes sense on the surface to use an antibacterial soap in the winter to not spread disease. And you go to a restaurant and you see the little sign employees must wash their hands. So we like those types of things and not getting sick. And yet, of course, at the same time, the things you're talking about in terms of supporting the healthy bacteria. So how do we How do we do that? How do we make sure that we are not that we're protecting ourselves and remaining healthy and at the same time not destroying healthy, um, bacteria that we that we need?

spk_1:   9:40
Right. Um I mean, of course there are. There are natural options that are gonna help you fight bacteria, but also, you know, aren't depleting all of it. Um, so that's always an option. But again, and I think it's starting Maur with just supporting. You know, the bacteria supports our immune system so much so it's not about we want to think more about not just the exposure, but how our bodies dealing with the exposure. So even even when that comes to like allergies, for instance, something like not just thinking about oh, like protecting ourselves, putting us more in a shell, you know, letting are letting our immune system kind of do the work. So I think, you know, it definitely has to be more of a whole life thing, like as work as were kids and, you know, implementing that as a younger age. But of course, now, like you know, for us who are older, we can't just we can't just you know, I didn't start that it's over. So I think just implementing more of the probiotic rich foods is really important in this case. So, like the kimchi and sauerkraut, the kombucha, the yogurt? Kiefer, um, kind of, I would say, for most people we needed daily at least twice a day, even if it's like a shot of of, ah, crowd juice or something like that.

spk_0:   11:04
So one of the things I try to do every day is is kombucha. I just I'm buying the stuff from Costco. Frankly, I like J T. Is Brand or Costco's own brand. I mean, is that you know, I do like a cup a day, and that's part of my routine. And so you think that's helping me?

spk_1:   11:26
I think so. I think it's definitely doing way more way, more beneficial things then then you know not doing it. The one thing I would be cautious about is sometimes the some brains of Kombucha there, you know the sugar. We need sugar in Cambodia so that they can, you know, eat basically, eat it the year. So it means to have sugar. But sometimes some brands do put a lot of extra sugar also for cleaver and stuff. So that is one thing to be mindful of. Because, of course, sugar will also hurt our gotten our music's. Um, So, um, but other than that, I think it's a great resource.

spk_0:   12:07
Okay, what about antibacterial soap? Are you pretty much against that and would advise people to just stop using that.

spk_1:   12:14
For the most part, I'm pretty against it. Um, I do. I do believe that there are just such potent, um, natural, natural alternative. You know, apple cider, vinegar, garlic, um, time. Even now they're doing instead of instead of time, uh, chlorine for pool. And even some organic companies do this. They'll use time all which is the constituent in time and also in oregano. And they take that. And then it's, um, you know, basically a cleaner. So it is still technically killing bacteria. So it's not not anti bacterial, but the ones in the market that are, you know, killing 99.9. It's just I feel like doing more harm than good in the long run. And, uh, especially from a young age.

spk_0:   13:05
OK, another question I have for you. This is something I've been very interested in a long time, and I've not been able to find research on it or any really good information. And so I'm gonna pose the question to you, but that is that we eat quite a bit of food with preservatives in it. And of course, what preservatives are is our additives that kill bacteria and so that food doesn't decompose. And then we eat the food that has tthe e that additive. And my theory is that that now goes into our stomach and it's still killing bacteria, right? So it's hurting our gut. Microbiome, are you familiar with that concept? And do you have any information on that?

spk_1:   13:50
Um, nothing like scientifically proven, uh, sorry like that I could just offer. But of course, I 100% agree that the preservatives, um, between bacteria, between overall exposure to our our bodies are thyroid, our dream of land. Just all you know, connecting and really putting a tax on our on our bodies, which also creating hormonal imbalances too. So You know, I think a lot of the things we see far thyroid issues and some other issues also play a role from the preservatives.

spk_0:   14:26
OK, now, speaking of fire, it issues you. You talk a lot about adrenal fatigue and adrenal fatigue. Maybe something that a lot of listeners to the show maybe not even be familiar with. I was not familiar with it till I got it. And so once I had it, I knew exactly what it was. But why don't you first of all, explain what adrenal fatigue is and give us the definition? Then we'll go from there.

spk_1:   14:55
Okay. Uh um, since you you've had it, you might have maybe even a different definition. But just for my, uh, experience from working with clients, adrenal fatigue is, you know, basically the depletion of our kidney essence. So our kidneys, they're kind of in Chinese medicine, the the will and like the the engine for our whole bodies. So adrenal fatigue will happen from long term stress, which stress, really, you know, put then attacks on our where she's always basically in fight or flight. So when we're always in fight or flight mode, our cortisol and everything is going completely out of balance. Staying in the blood too long, creating insulin spike blood sugar spikes. So, I mean, for a lot of people that can be very different from their experience of what they're feeling from it. But often it effects the thyroid and effect sleep. It's gonna have, you know, a little extra visceral fat on the body. Uh, you know, even some people become wired and tired at a chronic state. So they have, like, the pulse energy, almost like their bodies, giving us a false energy of and not being able to sleep and not having an appetite. Ah, lot of times brittle hair and nails. So does something usually

spk_0:   16:17
and your premises that that's kind of it. The root of a lot of auto immune issues,

spk_1:   16:24

spk_0:   16:25
Yeah. So talk to us about that. What are some of the auto immune issues that are affected and come out of adrenal fatigue?

spk_1:   16:36
Good. I think that all of this comes back to what we were talking about with the preservatives, because our bodies were always exposed constantly to these external factors. Whether we're breathing them in whether they're on our skin, whether it's, you know, medication. Whether it's food, there's just so many opportunities daily that our bodies are exposed to these chemicals and preservatives And what what our body is recognizing these preservatives us is the same thing that spike that, um, ignites our bodies fight or flight response. So pretty much everybody is in these long term fight or flight response. Is their immune systems going up? Everything's all on a heightened aware state. And then we see all this auto immune issues because we're at the point where a body just kind of is always in that state. So we're just like hyper uh, kind of the house saying, with the full energy of the wired and tired towards a certain point, our bodies just gets to a point where they're always like that. Everything will strike. Everything will like that response. So I think they play a very big role in, uh, intertwined. And of course, the guts and the bacteria also plays a major role in this. You know, we have nothing to sustain ourselves with. Our immune system has nowhere to start and then throw on, throw in all of these external factors, you know, we're just kind of creating a recipe for for this to happen. And it's very, very common. I'm sure you see, like and other people on the podcast, Come on and talk about it. Just almost everybody I see or who come into the store, work at, uh, have some type of autoimmune issue, so it's very prevalent.

spk_0:   18:19
So that's one of the major things you're dealing with is autoimmune issues.

spk_1:   18:24
So, yeah, between the various people who come to the store, Matt, or clients, you know, total immunity seems to be tacked on to everybody. Particularly see a lot of ideas. A lot of colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus and, um, a mass is another big one, and it's almost like they have no riel. But they tell people there's no real cure. You're just gonna have to live with it. And, um, you know, it just seems like it's a mysterious epidemic. It's almost everybody that comes in or four. I see that has some sort of autoimmune issues, so it's definitely something that we gotta look more towards what the root causes collectively,

spk_0:   19:07
and one of those root causes that you're working on is with helping and improve the function of hormones. Could could you define to people what hormones are? I was kind of shocked when I got my health certification toe learn that hormones were something quite different than I ever thought they were. I don't know what I thought they were, but it definitely wasn't. You know, once we got into that section, I was kind of shocked. And I think people listening might also be surprised. So let's start with the definition. What are hormones?

spk_1:   19:39
Um, so I can offer a little bit more of, Ah, an idea to, like, a philosophy of hormones, that it was past me. If if you're interested in that.

spk_0:   19:50
Yeah, Yeah, let's hear it.

spk_1:   19:53
So this one, our herbalist who comes to came to my school? Her name was Lola. She had talked about for we had a fertility awareness classes her and she was talking about hormones kind of as messengers, messengers of the body. And it really stuck to me because the way she was explaining it, um, you know, for instance, the best way that we could recognize it, you know, other than just, of course, you think of formulas right away of our sex hormones. and and, you know, uh, all that function the reproductive system and everything, but they're playing a huge role in general throughout the body. Like, you know, we don't really think of cortisol is a hormone. We don't really think of melatonin as a hormone, but these are all basically no appearance. It is that air hoping our body and giving communications of different parts of our body. So the one way that easy for people to realize is, you know, for PMS, for example, you're Some people have different symptoms throughout months, depending on the month. And it's kind of like your body is showing you what's been going on throughout the month. You know, like, this stuff is coming up for you now like a lot of times it will be headaches, stuff. A lot of things are liver has to process. So I don't know if I did that justice, but it was really cool when she had said it. It definitely changed my perspective on hormones a little bit.

spk_0:   21:16
Yeah, that's very similar to what What I learned in my course, and that is that they are messengers and they're sending signals, and I just had never thought of them that way. I mean, like you said, the sexual hormones were all very familiar with testosterone. And so I was pictured that somehow testosterone was a thing that was giving men Maur strengthen sexual vitality, et cetera and estrogen in the case of women. And so I thought they were things that did something. In actual fact will. They are things that do something, but it's different than what I thought. They are messengers like you mentioned. They're sending signals. So that part is the part that surprised me that they're part of the body's communication system. They're not like a little thing floating in there. That's that's acting like a drug or something, right? So this understanding of his hormones as messengers, it was new to me. And what does that have to do with this chronic fight or flight issue that you talk about so much

spk_1:   22:21
so in particular, uh, you know, this is causing a hormonal imbalance because, like, you know, like we're saying they are messengers. So when our body goes into this response, it's messaging cortisol to spike in the body. So, uh, you know, when this happens long term, that dress. It is going to stay in our in our blood, in our blood, in our blood sugar. Well, spike. So that's one specific way that definitely affect a lot of people between energy between thyroid issues on hormonal imbalances, you know, particularly work with woman with ppm. Ask himself like that and other fertility issues. So that's direct the fact but also, um, in the way that it's chronically affecting people sleep So you know, if we're if our bodies think that we have to be alert, like how we were in Cave Man days, because that's really what it comes down to is why we have this system in our body. We have this system because at one point, if we needed to run for miles miles, you know, we had no cars, the we had our campground or whatever, and there was something invading our hut. We need to just everything drop and go. So in our society it's not the same, but our bodies still works the same. So, you know, that's just basically keeping us all wired and tired and, um, you know, kind of kind of wacked out with sleep well,

spk_0:   23:56

spk_1:   23:56
it from de cluttering.

spk_0:   24:00
Yeah, yeah. So if we picture, you know, ancient hunter gatherers who didn't have artificial light, didn't have televisions way, picture them sitting around the campfire, eating whatever they have killed or hunted or gathered that day. The sun goes down, they have only the light of their fire. The melatonin starts kicking in to help him get sleepy. They then go to sleep and then have presumably a better night's sleep than many of us would would have based on our modern lifestyle. And then the sun comes up. And so they were. They were living in tune with nature and the natural rhythms, like so they didn't have street lights. They didn't have televisions, they didn't have iPhones. And so we picture, um, of course, living in harmony with nature and with natural hormones alerting them when the saber toothed tiger is in the area so that they could quickly climb a tree. And that's that fight or flight thing. And we're having it triggered all the time and have a natural hormone, um, activity, because we are using artificial light to artificially lengthen the day we are eating late at night because we can go to a refrigerator and grab food and eat it. And they would probably not be having midnight snacks in, you know, the hunter gatherer days. Right? So this is what you're talking about? Is this this change from ancient living till today?

spk_1:   25:34
Exactly. Of course, that that, um you know, it's almost funny because we're just so far off from that, you know, like to think about not having a fridge to think about all these scenarios that were just so we're way past survival vote, you know?

spk_0:   25:51
Yeah. We had this discussion of my family the other day about how nature is now something we go visit. It's it's a little sad, right? Like we used to be part of nature. We still really are part of nature. But we have changed the planet in ourselves, in our lifestyle so much that nature is this thing. We go to Thea Other day I was feeding our dog and my daughter said, Are you feeding her human food? And I said, What's human food? This is Well, that's you. I was I was feeding her chicken and sweet potatoes, and, uh, and it actually took me a little while to explain to her that there's no such thing as human food. There's just food on the planet, and all the animals, including us, eat that food. And so in her head she just assumed that that there's dog food and dog food or the pellets that you get from the store. And then everything else is, you know, human food. And so again, it was a little example to me of just how far we have common, how separated we are from our natural environment.

spk_1:   26:59
Right? Right, Yeah, because in her mind it it's almost like this world, you know, it's not her full. It's the way we were raised. It's like this world is ours. You know, this world that all this stuff is for us to kind of brief. And, you know, we don't see just animals eating outside, like for her, like, you know, it's not. You would make sense why her brain wouldn't work like that. You know, we don't see a less seats and squirrels. Maybe Diggins nuts like that's really about it. Are you? Go on the Discovery Channel. Something

spk_0:   27:32
way. Don't keep

spk_1:   27:34
it. These natural rhythm. Really, Uh, and then for ourselves, do we don't We don't realize then that we do have a natural circadian rhythm. You know, our hormones and stuff does flush out and come back at certain times. So you know, if it comes down Ah, I think. And also this all stems Thio So not giving us our own power. So we don't even know our own power because we're not empowered by by the by the planet really is. You know what? We don't notice these natural things that are around us, and then it doesn't. It doesn't create that instinct empowerment for our bodies.

spk_0:   28:15
Okay, but you have made this your life's work now. And the pictures you sent me of yourself for the podcast artwork show you outside with plants with herbs. And so this is really cool. So that so Now this is what you're trying to Actively Dio is personally become more in tune with nature getting yourself out, um, and and eating more naturally, you become an expert in Ayurveda. The dosha is an ancient medicine. And so talk to us just a little bit about that and some of the things you're doing.

spk_1:   28:50
Sure. So, um yeah, I think a big a big thing for me because of Ira Veda. And also connecting with the planet is, you know, the sun and the cycle and relating that to digestion. So ah, in most ancient cultures, you know, we had our biggest meal and you kind of mention this earlier. We had our biggest meal, uh, mostly in the afternoon. So from an Iron Munich perspective, you know, the sun is at its highest point around noon, and that's when our Dutch fires would be at its highest point. So, you know, that's one thing that, uh, calling to me is working with working with that and then incorporating, you know, uh, you know, flushing out the body in the morning and then having the highest meal then and then letting your body kind of re digesting everything. So it's simple things like that that I think really will help people in that way. Another thing is again with the sun is to expose yourself to the sun's rays when you first wake up. So I had a teacher once who who had said his done, you know, a lot of kids. Now we know our have a DHD, so you know they're thinking. They think that kids can't say. Still, it's a chemical imbalance a lot, but he's so he took his son to India with him. He was interrogated, Practitioner of the Cloud Cal because and he has found the first night once about 8 30 because that's always a charity dinner. There was no video games. It was pitch black. So your body really does know. Okay, it's time to sleep when we we don't have all this stuff to stimulate us, you know? So in the same way is that, um, you know, a lot of times mentioned decline if they have trouble sleeping, too, as soon as they wake up, open the lines and was right at the sun because it really helps to stimulate the circadian rhythm, get us back into that natural rhythm. So there's just little like little little hacks that we can do every day that, you know, bring us back into that natural rhythm because it's still in us. And it's still within a, um and you know, ancient people knew this and they didn't need books to know it. They just studied themselves in the world around them, and it's still it's still available to us.

spk_0:   31:14
Can you define what the doses are?

spk_1:   31:18
So the doses are different archetypes based on the elements. So because these people we're so in tune and and, uh, introspective about all these elements around us, they realized how much they really play a role in whether that's hormones, whether that digestion whether that, uh, our reproductive system, our mood, that all of these elements play such a role in vital role in our bodies. So connecting, connecting with, um that they realized that there are three and it goes much deeper. But just, ah, simple, simple explanation that there are three different archetypes and they each are, um, ruled by by two of the elements. So there's three doses, um, that are the main ones killers Coffa, bata and pitcher and the each are ruled by two of the elements. So Bata is air and space. Pitta is fire and water in Kosta water and earth. So because of all the elements and how they play a role, you know, we could think of it more in a spiritual sense. And then, of course, uh, you know, scientific sense, it makes sense that you know, lymphedema, for example. We know that that kind of a water issue, you know, you're retaining water. So that's something that someone who has more of a ka fa and earth and water Um um, or in their bodies would be susceptible to that because they already have an excess amount of water. So it's really cool because it could next you with yourself. More often than not, it usually is also related to your chart. Um, your astrological chart, Uh, so you know it just about what we're kind of and the doses that were born with that you know, our property, which is the dough like your main dosha. Your vital essence that's that's created a conception. So it goes way up in detail, and there's always a beautiful stuff that, you know, that they discovered through that.

spk_0:   33:34
Okay, so let me ask you a couple of questions to just kind of simplify this for our audience. So let's start with the negative side. What are some habits or activities that people have that you think are negative at some of the biggest things that people are doing in our modern society that are working against their natural health.

spk_1:   34:04
Mmm. I think one of the biggest things is not taking enough. Uh, just a very simple that we're not breathing. I think Brass Tino stuns often to our body, oxygen to our brains, to ourselves. And, er, more often than not, people aren't taking the deep breath. And when we're not taking those depressed, the mind has the mind has the ability to then overthink and over analyze. And I think a lot of people live in their minds, and we're not really, truly living in our bodies. So of course, we're not gonna be grounded to the Earth if we're not really present in our own physical bodies. So I think that's where kind of it all starts. And also then relating back to the dosha. You know, breast is prana, and that's our life force. So, you know, making sure our whole body is exposed to this life for no. That's why Bata was, uh, created first. Because everything starts with air in space. So, you know, it's it's, of course, the air element. So, you know, bringing that back into our er, bring our blood and everything.

spk_0:   35:19
Okay. How about one more? One more element of our modern lifestyle that you think is really working against, um thes, you know, natural forces we should be working with.

spk_1:   35:35
Mmm. Um, good question number. War number one number killed. Uh, I mean, I feel like it's easy, like, answer for me to say, but it's the one thing that's really screaming in my brain right now is, of course, some sugar. So, you know, with sugar, um, it's just completely creating this deadly cycle of us always going back to it. Um, so I don't know. That's kind of where my brain is. That at least right now, of course, of course, is like an easy answer. But but sugar, please, such a rule in affecting our got health, and again, our God help is also going to affect our mood. So, of course, before we get to in the physical and we have to get are we have to get the motivation and the life force going. So, you know, taking the deep breath, avoiding this stuff that's going to deplete us are probably the two biggest things to start

spk_0:   36:39
with. Okay, cool. Now, on the positive side, what are some habits that you wish people would adopt to get themselves more in tune with nature and and, uh, go in this direction that you're recommending.

spk_1:   36:58
I think one of the one of the simpler ways that people can do it is with intermittent fasting. So, you know, there's different times that people do. But I think for a lot of people, that 12 to 81 works best. I'm not only is this going to help, you know, maintain the blood sugar and help other hormones gain re balance, but also it then stimulate. It helps people to wait until the sun is at its highest point to have there to have a meal so that we're not kind of feeding our bodies before we're actually ready to digest. That's food. So then it leaves the mourning for ancient wail. If you think about the morning time, it's a very spiritual time. It's a very introverted time. So if we're not really focusing on food, I feel like we're going to get more things done in the morning. Like are maybe our exercise, maybe a walk outside, maybe gardening, Uh, maybe even just having, uh, you know, more intimate conversations journaling. Uh, so I think the intermittent fasting usually is a way that helps people re simulate their rhythm.

spk_0:   38:07
I love that, and we've covered intermittent fasting a lot. I'd personally practice intermittent fasting, and I recommended a lot to my own clients. Now, quick question for you. This is one that kind of stumped me in my private Facebook group for our clients. I had someone recently said she wanted to intermittent fasting, but unfortunately she works shift work and she gets off work at 3 a.m. And so she just didn't know how to incorporate intermittent fasting when she's working evenings till 3 a.m. Any advice for people like her who don't have a regular schedule

spk_1:   38:46
is the I think that it doesn't have to be. It doesn't, of course, like you know, from where my perspective is with the sun being at a Tyus, that's a whole different conversation. But just for the actual act of fasting, she can just give whoever can give themselves just at eight hour window. Whatever time works for them. As long as it's eight hour window, Um, you know that that could work for them as faras. I close. You know, people. I think that we would get this term and way, learn things, and we get so like, Oh, has to be this way or or I can't do it and that, you know, essentially nothing sound harsh. Could be an excuse. So there's other ways that we can incorporate it and, you know, it could be with someone. Schedule They have.

spk_0:   39:35
Yeah. So, basically, you'd say to her, just keep it simple and choose of went window that works for you according to how you know when you need your energy and when you work and and sleep and just experiment with it, I guess.

spk_1:   39:49
Yeah. Exactly. Because I mean, for for that situation, like, I don't know when. If you're up all night, of course you're going to be hungry at different times. So, you know, again, it's coming back to being holistic like nothing is just a stone for anybody. And, um, you know, she confined as long as she finds the eight hour window where she's where she's giving herself, and then the rest You fasting and that worked.

spk_0:   40:16
Okay, I like that. Well, listen, this has been interesting. I could have you on for hours. I feel like We're barely scratching the surface of what you have, but we probably need to do another episode to go into more detail. So this has been excellent. I think we've got a lot of good tips and takeaways. Is there anything you want to share with us before we we close?

spk_1:   40:38
Um, no, I think I think like you said, uh, we'll have to do. Maybe another one. There's so much out there for for us to talk about. Um, yeah, I think as far as that goes well covered for now.

spk_0:   40:53
Great. And for those who want to learn more directly from you, how can they reach out to you?

spk_1:   40:58
Yeah. So I have a website. It's, um meta medicine. Don net. So M e T c a medicine dot net and I'm there. It has ah, blogging has videos. There is also a chance do booking for consultations on there. And I also have instagram. And that's meta say so M e t t a underscore case t a c e.

spk_0:   41:28
Okay, well, we'll put all this information on our blogger blawg dot diro be dot com. That's d I r o b i dot com will have her contact info, Facebook instagram, her website. And this has been really good. Thank you so much for being on the show.

spk_1:   41:45
Yeah, Thank you for having me really appreciate it.

spk_0:   41:47
It's been great. And for those of you listening, this is Dave Sherwin wishing you health and success. Well, thanks again for listening. I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did. And just a reminder that that course the mini course Health and Fitness for busy professionals is available for free Download at Nairobi dot com. So check that out. D I r o b i dot com. We'll see you next time.