The Dirobi Health Show

058 77% of US Adults Are Deficient... Maximizing Vitamin A, D and K2.

August 28, 2018 Dave Sherwin Season 1 Episode 58

Believe it or not, 77% of American adults are deficient in Vitamin D. This, combined with toxic levels of Vitamin A, and deficiencies of K2, are causing health problems for many. According to one researcher: "Most Americans could improve their health and cut mortality risk by up to half simply by optimizing their vitamin D levels ” Learn all about the relationship between Vitamin A, D, and K2, and how to maximize your levels in this podcast.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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This show is for informational purposes only.

None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Welcome to the Dirobi Health Show.

Dave Sherwin:

Covering the world of fitness nutrition and supplementation with world class guests the latest clinical research and plenty of tips you can use right away to boost your health and wellness. Here's your host Dave Sherwin. Welcome to the show. I've spent a lot of time researching this one and I've got some things here today that I think you will find absolutely fascinating. If you're interested in health and wellness and being alive instead of dead and it's got to do with the relationship between three very simple yet possibly misunderstood elements and that is vitamin A vitamin D and Vitamin K2 although vitamin K1 comes into the mix as well with the Big Three would be a D and K2 and there's a lot of evidence that most people have these wrong in their body right now and that they're not very hard to get. Right. And that doing so makes a massive difference in your health. So a couple of premises for this episode. Number one it is better to be alive than dead at least that's something that I believe chances are if you're listening to a health podcast you agree with that premise and we'll be talking about some statistics today regarding mortality rates and of course mortality rates as a statistical term that has to do with the rate at which people die depending on what country they live in or what gender they are or how well they're eating or what supplements they take et cetera.

Speaker 3:

And there's been several large studies will be referencing some with over 100000 people in them and some that over 10 years long that were conducted over 10 year periods in this episode today. So this literally can make a difference to mortality rates for people and currently we know that 77 percent of U.S. adults are deficient in vitamin D. A startling fact because most people just do not believe that's possible seeing as Vitamin D is in milk and other common things that we eat or drink but nevertheless that is the case. So promise number one better to be alive than dead. And premise number two if you're going to be alive it's better to be healthy than unhealthy and have healthy bones and healthy teeth and good cognitive ability. And all of those things and this episodes can touch on all of those things from the research that is currently being done on these three critical elements to our health.

Dave Sherwin:

So to start let's jump into a quote from the outstanding but poorly named book Perfect Health Diet. There will be a link to that book. I recommend the book if you want to understand more about diet and nutrition and supplementation. This is one of the best I've read and I've read a lot. So I'll put a link to this and the show notes but it's perfect health diet. By Paul Germani swooshing swooshing jamai and Mark Sisson and I apologize if I pronounce the names incorrectly but both Paul and his wife Susan searching have Ph.D. in nutrition. So very very qualified and they study meta data. They're the people that you know go go will pore through the research especially the large studies to come up with the information that they present in their books it makes it very compelling and very interesting because there's so much really good research from all around the world in their book.

Speaker 3:

Here's quote number one from from that book."Most Americans could improve their health and cut mortality risk by up to half simply by optimizing their vitamin D levels." I just find that to be an amazing quote. And again mortality rates are something that's very interesting to us and all of us want our own mortality to be as long and prosperous and healthy as possible so pay close attention to that quote that if you can get your mortality risk in half by simply optimizing your vitamin D level that's a pretty powerful statement. It was vitamins A D and K2 that Weston A Price identified as the key nutrients for skeletal and dental health. Again some of you I'm sure are fans of Weston A Price and his research around the globe decades ago that is being proven to be correct. Even after all these years unlike a lot of old nutritional information that gets out dated Weston Price information has withstood the test of time. So another compelling little tidbit there on our skeletal and dental health and more about that later. Vitamin D and K work hand in hand this is very important to know. It's not like you just take a vitamin D supplement to solve this problem. You have to understand how vitamin A D and K work together. And it's the combination of the three that is going to make the biggest difference to your long term health. Not just vitamin A supplement not just a case supplement. You've got to optimize all three. So let's start with Vitamin A because it's the simplest one to handle because we get too much of it vitamin A the way you optimize your vitamin A is stop taking it if you have a vitamin A supplement and less you've been advised by your doctor you've been diagnosed as deficient. Do not supplement vitamin A. If you're taking a cheap multivitamin that as you know has a long list of all kinds of stuff because they think that the idea of a good multivitamin is to have a ton of stuff and a tiny white pill. Just stop taking that read through your supplements in your cupboard. And if there's vitamin A stop taking it some of the and I'm I'm not blowing smoke here I'm not making this up. This is based on massive amounts of research. As a matter of fact a review of seven high quality clinical trials covering a hundred and thirty one thousand people found that mortality rates again meaning that people died increased 29 percent and those taking too much vitamin A and 50 percent of the source of this too much vitamin A was these people's multivitamins their multivitamins were killing them. Well that's probably an overstatement but you get the idea. They vitamin A becomes toxic vitamin A can hurt your health. We need it. Don't get me wrong but the vast majority of us have too much. And yet it we do need some and it works hand in hand with the D and the K2. But chances are again unless you've got advice from a health professional who's tested your blood and knows your deficiencies and exactly where you're at. Cut out anything from your diet with added vitamin A. Now moving onto vitamin D. 69 percent of US children are deficient. That's us out. That's an amazing astounding statistic to me. Seventy percent. Seventy seven percent of U.S. adults are deficient in vitamin D. And what does that mean. Well cancer is one potential health risk and if you check the National Cancer Institute Web site they actually show you a chart that the further north you live the more likely you are to die based on this because of course the further south you are the more Vitamin D you get from the sun. So the people in the north are at higher risk of cancer than those in the south and the National Cancer Institute website displays this clearly very interesting research. Also the lower your vitamin D the more likely you are to die of stroke. In addition people who are deficient have higher mortality rates. Back to that whole dying thing that we want to push back as far as we possibly can. More likely to get diabetes infectious diseases. Dementia and multiple sclerosis so the very best thing to do really is to have your blood tested to see what your levels are.

Speaker 1:

You should not be below 35 nanograms per millimeter Siple per milliliter and no more than 50. But there's also been a lot of research on vitamin D toxicity and although taking too much vitamin D is toxic it is extremely difficult to achieve. For most people if you're dosing less than 10000 international units you should be fine. And by the way you when you look at a multivitamin you'll notice that vitamin D is typically measured in use which means international units and 10000 is just too much. And from my research most people because you are getting a lot from your diet or should be getting a lot from your diet. For most people about 2000 use is sufficient to make up the deficit. There have been studies on toxicity I've found three and a ha. One of them was workers in the tropics working without their shirts in the tropical heat all day long. They got too much vitamin D from the sun lifeguard's in Israel and people who worked outdoors in southern India. So if you happen to work without your shirt in the tropics or you are a lifeguard in Israel or you are a construction worker in southern India chances are you're not getting too much vitamin D vitamin D is best taken with Vitamin K. We have put this formula together in a great combination and Mimis miracle multi our own multivitamin. That eliminates many of the challenges of most multivitamins that basically try to just throw everything in there but the kitchen sink. We've put only those things people are most likely to be deficient in and added a couple of extra cool things like cách tan and Mokka for energy and libido and so it's just a really cool product for grownups and has these things in the right balance so that's our offering to the world as far as getting this this right. And I've got another one I'll reference later for children because Mimis Murka multi is not appropriate for people under the age of 18. But I but for those of you listening who are concerned about your children I've got a great solution later.

Speaker 4:

So back to perfect health diet.

Speaker 5:

They had this interesting little chapter in there and they reference quote nutrients that are crucial for for health and easy to get wrong. They then post 14 things again I recommend the book I recommend you read all these things. I'm just taking out piecemeal the elements of it that have to do with a d'un K2. But guess what their list of 14 things that are crucial for health and easy to get wrong. Number one. Number one is what I'm talking about today. The fat soluble vitamins A D and K2. I've already talked about a wee bit too much. How to get the naturally best natural sources are egg yolks liver organic butter and supplementation. Sunshine Of course a little more time in the sun not too much of course but a little more time in the sun would do all of us good to get some natural vitamin D and then supplementation is probably necessary because as I mentioned 77 percent of us are deficient and many of us take a multivitamin. Many people are drinking milk and other things that have vitamin D and yet it's not enough. So you probably have to supplement. And then of course they also recommend supplementing Vitamin K2 and we'll get into that in a minute. And again I think I've already mentioned this vitamin D optimization cuts mortality rates in half Vitamin K2 optimisation cuts mortality rates by 26 per cent so let's jump into vitamin K why Vitamin K Vitamin K2 is an extremely important fat soluble nutrient that is needed to activate various proteins that are process called Car box solution without one Mincaye blood doesn't clot lead to haemorrhage. Bones don't calcify properly. Back to I've already mentioned already mentioned fractures are more likely in people who are deficient in K soft tissues do calcifying to atherosclerosis and joint disease and cancer runs rampant in those who are deficient in K.A. which again is most of us the body can't store K2 very well and so a deficiency can started just a few days as a matter of fact a study done on infants fed a K-2 free formula showed they developed a deficiency in just seven to 10 days which is heartbreaking because children need more K2 than adults because it's an essential part of their bone development. Other problems of deficiency of K2 include loss of bone strength. One study in Europe showed children had twice as many bone fractures as those who had enough K2. So the deficient children had twice as many fractures atherosclerosis and heart disease are more likely mortality rates are higher cancer and deficiency in K2 leads to reduced neurological and cognitive function. There is no known toxicity from supplementing K1 or K2 as a matter of fact a three year Japanese trial had people take a thousand times the common intake with no toxicity. I'm still wondering how in the world that happens I'm picturing these researchers going hey let's study Vitamin K2 why don't we give a thousand times how much a person should take for a few years just to see what happens and why would someone participate in that city. I don't get it but it happened and there was no toxicity. OK. Back to Perfect Health Diet and other great quote Vitamin K2 is a necessary companion to vitamin D. The two are especially effective against cancer. We therefore recommend both eating vitamin K rich foods such as green leafy vegetables organic butter and cream fermented vegetables aged cheese liver and egg yolks and supplementing. So there you go. Try to get it from your diet of course diet. Any time we can get nutrients from diet that's our number one go to method and I don't know about you but I'm a big fan of aged cheese so yay. I'm so happy about that my local grocery store has a 3000 day aged cheddar that is just incredible so for you cheese lovers. Hey don't have too much of it but it's a great source of K2.

Speaker 3:

OK so what are the recommendations then if we've got to cut down on vitamin A and get more vitamin D and more k 2 and K1 K2 is the one that's talked about but K1 is just as important. So again we have a solution. Mimis Mercal multi it is a premium multi that is not built for show it's built for performance. We did not just decide Hey let's just throw everything in there and make it sound really cool. Nonono we spent two years formulating this and putting the best possible ingredients the best possible amount of the ingredients based on all of this very research and I'm sharing with you right now it has the correct amounts of DKA to K1. It has no vitamin A. It also has a blend of other vitamins that you are likely to be deficient in. Hey try a bottle for a month. I bet you'll notice the difference. I take it every day and I recommend that you do too. I think you'll like it I think if you compare the ingredients and the clinical research on supplementation to whatever you're taking I bet you'll find this is superior but it's not appropriate for children under the age of 18. And so we have found a great tasting spray. I know it's tough for kids to swallow pills and so there's a spray by CCL supplements called advanced decay spray it can be taken by children as young as four. There's a chart on their website showing how many sprays to give to children by age so we'll put a link there at CCL supplements stock Karmapa to link there on the website and you can learn more about that and and age appropriateness of that and how much how many sprays each age should take. Right there for nursing mothers and children under the age of four we just recommend that you talk to your pediatrician about DKA 1 and K2. They will know this issue they understand it. The National Association of Pediatrics has extensive research on this. They have recommendations on their website. So talk to your pediatrician he or she will know about this issue and about the importance of these nutrients and will likely have a good solution for you whether through nutrition or through supplementation. I don't know but it's well worth if you have children under 4 in your orbit that they learn about this as well because it's so critical to their bone development especially all of the sources in this episode will be listed on the website if you go to Dairo B.Com and click on the blog you can find this episode Episode 58 and links to all of our sources are there as well as a link to perfect health diet links to Mimis miracle multi and to CCL supplements spray product that is not a multi but it does have a really great high end blend of of D K1 and K2.

Speaker 1:

As we've mentioned it works so well together to accomplish all of these great things so there you have it.

Speaker 3:

I hope you enjoyed this episode and make sure and take advantage of my book it's for free. It's for sale for free. How that works. I guess it's not really for sale if you can get it for free but go to Nairobi Daugava and find the book. Formula 7 it's the seven best principles of health. According to all of my many years of research and all the books that I've read and what I think are the seven most important things any person can do they're simple. There's nothing complex or there's not a major change of lifestyle or diet. These are the seven easy to do things that anybody could do to improve your mortality rate. We've mentioned that a few times on this show that it's a really great idea to extend your life as long as you can while maintaining good health all the way to the end of it.

Dave Sherwin:

So it's a prosperous happy successful life. That's what we're all about here on the show why we do the show and why we do what we do. And one other thing I'm always looking for great guests if you know a guest who's an expert and this is a very broad show. Any area of fitness nutrition or supplementation. We're always looking for great guests. If you send them to the link on our blog called podcast there's an application there at the bottom if you are an expert in your field and have a message that you think our listeners would love. Please fill out that application or send it to a friend that you think would be good and we would love to meet them or you and have them potentially as a guest on the show. So thank you very much. This is Dave Sherwin Wishing you health and success. Thanks for listening to the Dirobi Health Show. Make sure you check Dirobi.Com for a free copy of Dave's excellent health book formula's 7 and enter to win in our FREE BOTTLE Friday contest.


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