The Dirobi Health Show

059 Using Chromium GTF For Weight Loss, Blood Sugar Management, and Lower Cholesterol.

Ned Jensen Season 1 Episode 59

Ned Jensen holds the patent on the clinically proven product Chromium GTF. Studies show this product helps people lose weight, manage blood sugar, and lowers cholesterol. Get the low-down from the man himself, Ned Jensen, on this exciting supplement (He holds the patent). Everybody can benefit from this, but people with type 2 diabetes may be the biggest winners.

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This show is for informational purposes only. 

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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This show is for informational purposes only.

None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Welcome to the Dirobi health show, covering the world of fitness, nutrition, and supplementation with world-class guests, the latest clinical research and plenty of tips you can use right away to boost your health and wellness. Here's your host, Dave Sherwin.

Dave Sherwin:

Hello, welcome to the show. I've got a great guest today. Ned Jenson, the inventor of the ingredient, chromium GTF. Ned Jensen has a degree in chemistry and did masters work at the University of Utah before being hired away by a company to run their lab in the supplement industry, developing supplements specifically for doctors. He has seven patents to his name. Five of them are approved to are awaiting approval and they're on the processes for making certain supplement products, including chromium GTF. That is a very exciting ingredient. We have in two of our products, and we'll be talking about that today, a tour to have his patents are awaiting approval and the skincare niche and hopefully he'll have those patents very soon. He worked at Albion labs and see royal brands running their labs and as I mentioned, making supplements specifically for doctors. And in 1985, started his own business, molecular biologics incorporated, and that's a company that I've been dealing with for some of our ingredients and they're just a wonderful company, very high end, a very respected, ingredient provider. So Ned, thank you so much for taking the time to be on the show.

Ned Jensen:

You're welcome.

Dave Sherwin:

Yeah, and this is an interesting and unique world. I think many of our listeners are probably never heard from someone like yourself who actually is, you know, got, you know, got this real world experience in laboratories doing all this research and getting these patents on special processes and ingredients and, and things that doctors are prescribing to their patients to make their lives better. And for them to hear from someone like yourself that's had these decades of experience in these labs I think will be fascinating. And, um, and so tell us, I've done a little bit of an Intro, but your career, it sounds like you've loved it and enjoyed it and obviously, from getting your degree, you have continued in the same industry, and using your background in chemistry, you know, a lot of people go from one job to another and have multiple careers, but you've been on this track for a long time. You must enjoy what you do.

Ned Jensen:

The biggest thing that I see is, you know, you'll be making products and coming up with formulations and, and every so often, you know, maybe once or twice a month you'll get on the phone with one of our customers and, and they thank you for saving their life or making a huge difference in their life because of the products that we make. And so that's, that's really a big part of what I do because we make products that really do make a difference in, in our customers, and our doctors, patients lives. And um, we, like I said, we've been doing this since 1985. And so, we have a lot, a lot of different products and you know, it's a, it's a fun thing to do,

Dave Sherwin:

We have been using your products in our own formulations and as I mentioned, we'll talk about this a little bit, a little bit later, but um, we spend nothing but happy with the products that we've used. And, and although I'd love to have you back in the future to talk about some of these other ones, we do want to, I do want to focus on this chromium GTF, which is a product that I was introduced to o two or three years ago. And it's a fascinating product and to me it seems like an under the radar product. It's got clinical studies on it. It does tremendous things. I mean, the clinical studies show that people who take this ingredient, it helps with weight loss, blood sugar management and lowers cholesterol.

Ned Jensen:

We've even been shown in human studies that are actually in the past and that also reduces triglycerides. And we found out in a rat study that we did, we did a rat study twice and it was a quite, quite, markedly different between the animals we fed our GTF chromium and the ones that did not receive it. And it was a big, big difference. And what we found out is the ones that did not receive the GTF chromium, they gained weight at a higher end when we dissected the rat, we found out that their body cavities were just full of fat. And then the rats that we, we gave the a GTF to didn't have those, those deposits of fat. And it was a huge difference, in just obvious how much chromium GTF chromium makes in the diets of animals and people.

Dave Sherwin:

It's amazing and we've been thrilled with it. Our customers have been thrilled with it. And, um, and of course, chromium, let's start with that. Chromium, if I understand right, is a mineral. And yet you have patented this process to create chromium GTF. So help us understand if a person's looking at, say, a, a, a multivitamin or a or a bottle of something that has chromium in it, um, you know, makes sense to me if it's just a basic one of the minerals, but talk to us about chromium first and then that can help us understand the basis for chromium GTF. So just talking about chromium, what it is.

Ned Jensen:

Well, chromium is a mineral and what it is is chromium. Chromium, six plus six is toxic. And so we use the chromium. Chromium chloride is the starting material and then we complex that with Niacin and we have two forms. We have a liquid form and we also have a powdered form and the powder form we obviously use in powders and the liquid form we use in liquids. And so the liquid is the one that goes into, your products because they are liquids that you dispense with a sprayer. So that's what we have. Those two particular complexes. And, and again, they are complex with Niacin. Now, back in the late sixties, there was a gentleman, his name was Walter Murch, and he was a doctor that worked for the Department of Agriculture and they were looking at chromium and trying to figure out that there was some, studies that showed that yeast extracts that had chromium in them, had a positive effect on blood sugar and also fat metabolism. And so he finally extracted at a chromium, a complex that had some Niacin, but it had other things attached to it as well. But the problem with that complex is it was not stable. It couldn't be put in a, a stable product. And, um, so what we did is we found a way of making the chromium complex stable by complex thing it with two Niacin Adams and then, um, and then drying it down. And this complex is very, very stable, is almost indefinitely stable. And um, what we found out in, in human studies and also in tissue studies, in, in one tissue study we did, we found out that the GTF chromium was metabolized, um, six times better than the chromium chloride. In other words, it was taken up and utilized by the body six times better and then they compared it with the pickle innate and they found out that, the chromium polynicotinate, which is my complex, the GTF chromium was actually metabolize three times better than the pickle innate. And so we were better than anything else out there on the market. And um, and so that's what we've, found out. And then, and so that's I mean basically why it works. Now I've, I've used this product, we used it in a spray, we made it a spray and a, I was working with a group down in Las Vegas and one of their members of that group had a very severe problems with diabetes and he was always trying to control his blood sugar by different things, you know, using different drugs and his diet and so on. And he was, he was overweight and he, he was just having a real battle. And so I gave him some of our spray and he, he, used it and he, he tested his blood sugar before and it turned out to be a 210- 220, something like that, um, milligram percent, which is very high. Normally it should be in the range of between 80 and 120. That's the normal range for sugar in the blood. And so he tested it and it was all well over 200 and he sprayed three or four sprays in his mouth and tested it, and an hour later and it was a, I think 126 is what he ended up with and just that mount of time. So it made a huge difference and it obviously showed that he was very deficient in chromium. And, and how effective the GTF chromium is in controlling blood sugar. Now, the way that chromium works is it attaches to the cell surface. There are active sites on the cells that conduct glucose into the body. And chromium is one of that, one of the minerals that's required for that process. And so the chromium attaches to it and then the enzyme system works, and so the insulin will come along, attached the chromium, and by doing that, it enables the cells to metabolize the glucose. The glucose is transferred in to the cell where it's burned as energy. Now, if you obviously don't have enough insulin, that's type one diabetes, then our GTF chromium won't work. But if you're taking insulin and use GTF chromium with it, then it will work. Okay? So it's obvious that with type two diabetes, this is a, is a great product to use because many type two diabetes people have enough insulin in their bloodstream, but the sites on their cells are inactive and, and unable to transport glucose into the cells. So that's why this works. It activates the cell surface in order to transfer the glucose into the cell.

Dave Sherwin:

Let's talk about that specifically then as it relates to our product, pounds and inches drops. That product has really evolved. I, I launched that product actually in 2010 and boy times have changed. It was a different company, different name of the product. And everything, and over time we've just tried to improve it and improve it. And I think Ron, like think, I think when we added the chromium GTF that would it be about, oh, iteration 6 of that product, pounds and inches drops. Now, originally it was an hcg style of, of drop and we tried both the homeopathic Hcg as well as regular hcg. But over time I just became more and more uncomfortable with that whole hcg premise. Um, I didn't like the idea that we're messing with people's hormones potentially. And, the, the big upgrade for me was, was shifting to something more clinically tested and safe in the chromium GTF. So that's a little bit of the evolution from the HCG Diet to, to people who are doing the hcg still nutritionally needing a drop to support them. Like. So it's still the same. We're still using the same concept of a restricted calorie diet of 800 to 1200 calories depending on the size and goals of the person and gender and just what works for them. We have an$800 at a 1200 calorie and those of course are not longterm diets. The idea is to take the pounds and inches drops along with the calorie restricted diet for a short period of time to lose weight rapidly and then to go into a more sustainable, regular diet from there. Now, back in the days when it was the Hcg Diet, there was all these restrictions and hey, you know, don't take it for more than 40 days and go through phases where maybe you lose weight for 21 to 40 days. Then you take eat regular food for a few a weeks, like six weeks, then you do another rapid weight loss phase. Now one thing I've liked about moving from the hcg style drop to the chromium GTF based drop is, first of all, this product can be taken longterm back to what you just said about, the way the cells work and everything. This is a foundational product. It's based on a mineral where the HCG is a hormone. So can you, can you talk to that and, and how this, you know, first of all, are you familiar with the Hcg Diet?

Ned Jensen:

I am familiar with it. I'm not really a, a, a advocate for it. I don't believe in doing the up and down yo yo diet. I think people need to determine a lifestyle that fits for them where they hit a weight level that they are comfortable with and, and, and then, the Diet that they want to use to keep it at that wait, Yo Yo dieting has been proven not to work over and over and over again. So that doesn't make any sense. People need to change their lifestyle, they need to take the supplements, they need to determine how much protein, how much carbohydrate, how much a greens and fruits and vegetables that they want to take and determine what works for them. And so, that's where I come from. And, and, and, and I found that it makes a big, big difference in your lifestyle. I mean, I got up to be about a 240 pounds at one point. Um, and I dropped about 40 pounds in six weeks and I've maintained it ever since and um, so that's kind of where I'm at right now. I, I know the Diet that I need to take, I never go hungry. And so that's, that's where I come from

Dave Sherwin:

I love that. I love that story, that your story is exactly what we're promoting. We liked the idea of someone losing weight quickly because it's more motivating. It's exciting to see the weight drop off quickly. Um, but not doing these transitions have lose weight quickly. Do the long transition, do it again. Like I, I like the idea of the chromium GTF based product that people can just take long term. It's not like, like the Hcg, you would never take Hcg, for the rest of your life. There would be no reason and there could only be downsides to playing with your hormones that way. But chromium GTF is something people take everyday. Correct.

Ned Jensen:

Yes, And you need around a milligram of chromium everyday. Right now, there wasn't even a daily recommended allowance for chromium for a long, long time. And right now it's about 200, I found a milligram per day of GTF. Chromium makes a huge difference in your weight and how you feel and everything else because when you take the sugar that you consume and put it into the cells where you can burn it, you have more energy, you'll have less fat retention and fat, fat accumulation and, and you just feel better all the way around. And so, it's just a much better way of, you know, controlling your weight and your diet.

Dave Sherwin:

We've put GTF in two of our products are weight loss product that I already talked about and now we've added it and we did the dose. He recommended a thousand milligrams or, or thousand MCG.

Ned Jensen:

Yeah, micro gram,

Dave Sherwin:

a thousand milligrams. Yeah. So that's how much we've put in our pounds and inches drops and almost. And also how much we've put in our Mimi's merkel melting now. Mimi's miracle multi courses. Just what it says is a multivitamin. But the reason we put it on the market is because there is so much research that the current crop of multivitamins out there, even some of the premium expensive ones just aren't working for people. There's tons of research on multivitamins and there's no evidence that the average multivitamin out there is making anyone's life either longer or better. As a matter of fact, many of the multivitamins have long, long lists of stuff on the side of the bottle. That sounds terrific, to the lay person. But in actual fact that doesn't have enough of some things that might have too much of others. For example, vitamin A, most of us have too much vitamin A and should never a supplement with it. Well, most of us are deficient on a vitamin D for example. And so I spent two years researching the ingredients in Mimi's miracle multi with the objective of putting in there the clinically proven ingredients that people really need. The handful, not, not a 150. It sounds really good on a bottle, but not really be effective. Instead, there's just the core ingredients that people really need. And are likely deficient in or those things that we don't necessarily need, but they do us a whole lot of good if we take them like coq10 and Maka, and of course we've got the, the chromium GTF in there as well. So first of all, for our customers who are on a diet and taking the pounds and inches drops to aid their diet, if they're also taking the mimis miracle multi, is it okay that they're getting twice as much chromium GTF or could that become toxic or cause them any problems?

Ned Jensen:

I've never seen it happen in any of our customers taking multiple products. So I think what happens is the body becomes saturated then, then it doesn't metabolize anymore. And so that's kind of the way it works. And it works that way for vitamins as well. I mean, what you've said, you know, people take large amounts of vitamins and there's, they mostly pee it down the toilet because it's not really required. I did at a human study. Okay. You were talking about vitamins. One of the problems with many supplements that are out there on the market, especially things that are in tablets, uncoated tablets, um, they're not metabolized. Mostly it goes down the toilet and it's because what happens is these coatings on these tablets, age and as they age they cross link and they become more insoluble a than when they are first made. And so it's, it's a, it's a real problem with the tablet and supplements or tablet at anything when they have coatings on the tablets. And that's why we never used codings on tablets because it's just, it's not a wise thing to do if you're trying to make a product that you want to have metabolized. And the other side of that coin is that a, like I've already said, was that you're saturating the body and that you really don't need it. But in this human study we, we gave people a, just a one a day multiple and an uncoated tablet. And it was made with a gelatin base. So it was metabolized quite well. But we put people on minerals, different minerals and then we put them on a multiple vitamin and we made one group with multiple vitamin and the same amount of minerals and we found out that by taking a multiple vitamin with the minerals and actually balanced the body's minerals by itself just by the vitamin itself, but also enhance the balance of the mineral that they were taking. So I'm a big proponent of a one a day, you know, a low potency vitamin that has all different kinds of vitamins that people need on a daily basis because of the research that I saw that in that study that we performed. And so I, I'm a huge fan of a multiple vitamin, whether you take it in a powder or liquid, something that has to be metabolized. Okay. A hard shell capsule is another better way. And then a tableting that are not coded would be a good way. Okay. So, so those are the things that I've seen, you know, people that, that, looked at their stools and found out that they were, they were full of vitamin tablets that hadn't, hadn't even dissolved in their, in their, in their gi tract. So

Dave Sherwin:

I had a doctor tell me that once. I'm going to name this company because I, he said I can tell all of my patients who take centrum because when I take an x ray, I can see them lined up in their digestive system, like little trains of a rail car or have a, have little cars, have railway train. And I thought, you've got to be kidding me. He's like, he's like, what you just said. Um, he said they're just going right out their body and, and some people can't even digest them. I was shocked to learn that.

Ned Jensen:

Yeah. Well, I'm not because I've seen it for many years. Wow.

Dave Sherwin:

Okay. So let me move on to a couple more questions on the chromium GTF, it sounds like chromium is a mineral, obviously is important for the reasons that you've stated and are most people then deficient in chromium. Would you say, or is it just this, oh, okay.

Ned Jensen:

Most people are deficient in chromium, and then the other side of that is getting it in a form that that is used by the body. In other words, it requires Niacin to be attached to the chromium in order to use it and activate the cell sites at some of the research that Walter Mertz did and I'm so it's required to do that and so that's why you want it in a form that's already been reacted and it's ready to go. Now eventually the body can take chromium chloride and converted, but like I said, it's not converted very well. It's one sixth as active as taking the GTF chromium, and so if you're in a diet which we are. See the problem with American agriculture is that that we take the same soil and grow the same crops year after year after year and they might put a little bit of iron, little bit of phosphate, a little bit of potassium into the fertilizer that nobody's putting the trace minerals back and eventually that soil becomes depleted in trace minerals. And there's been a lot of research done on that where they've tested produce from fresh soils and produce made from, from actively farmed soils like tomatoes or, or whatever, carrots you name it. They found that the minerals go down when those minerals are not replaced. And so it's important that, you know, get on the bandwagon about vitamins, minerals, or probably even more important than the, the vitamins we take because the produce we have do have vitamins in them, but they do not have the trace minerals and trace minerals are huge in the things that they do. you know, Zink, I don't know, has maybe 1500 enzymes that it works on. Manganese probably has 400. A iron has, well, you know, about hemoglobin and Myoglobin and all these different things that help conduct oxygen. But there's a bunch of other other enzyme reactions that require iron. And so, and copper, copper is huge and what it does. And, so there's just a lot of different things that, that we can be deficient in if, if we don't take a, a good multiple supplement that has the minerals and vitamins on a daily basis, we can become deficient in, say, one nutrient, one like copper or manganese for instance. Now, one thing about manganese, let me just say, you know, beat a dead horse here, but manganese is very important for making glyco proteins in the body. Okay, let's talk about glycoproteins Mucus, that defends the body against a diseases in our nasal passages and so on. And also this, this glycoprotein also, which is highly ironic. Acid, you know, about high, all your organic acid because it's important for our skin. It's important for our joint people are deficient in manganese in this country and because we have all these arthritics running around that have problems with their joints, well, if they took adequate amounts of manganese, most of that would go away. Okay? So I'm just a huge proponent of minerals. And obviously if you look at my patents, you'll find out that, I believe in amino acid minerals. And um, because I found that they work better and so that's, that's what I believe.

Dave Sherwin:

Excellent. And so this synergy between the vitamins and the minerals is, is critical. I love that. Let's get back to the, on the chromium GTF. I've got a couple other questions as well. Who is the ideal candidate for chromium GTF supplementation would you say?

Ned Jensen:

Well, everybody is, but people who are obese, people who are a type two diabetics or have problems with hypoglycemia, obviously those people are deficient in chromium and specifically GTF chromium. So, those are the ones.

Dave Sherwin:

Okay. And this is something you take all the time, right? This is not something that, would be just like your multivitamin just ought to be taking it every single day to get the benefits all the time.

Ned Jensen:


Dave Sherwin:

Okay. What type of benefits do people notice? You've already shared? One story of a guy who literally an hour later had a, improved blood sugar. I'm a tell us, says some other stories or people listening right now, if they were to take chromium GTF for a month or two months or 90 days or something, what, what type of benefits might people notice or is it quiet like a multivitamin that they don't really notice much, but it just foundational to their health.

Ned Jensen:

The thing that they will notice if they're on insulin is that they'll find that they need less insulin because the insulin they're taking is more efficient. So that's one thing they'll notice. Okay, okay. And, and it will help them lose weight and it'll help them bring down triglycerides and, and, cholesterol, those kinds of things will decrease. You know, I'm 70 years old, but I have the blood pattern of a man that's 41 because of what I take and, and how I take it and what I do. You know, most people look at me and say, well, you're not 70. And I say, yes I am. And I've got a birth certificate to prove it. And so, so, um, you know, I mean, I scuba dive, I ride motorcycles, I do all kinds of things and and, you know, I believe I'm healthy and so there's no reason to retire. What would you do if, what would I do if I retired? I mean, what, what could I do that I would enjoy doing more than what I'm doing now? And you know, staying home and doing nothing is not not an option for me. So, I mean, I travel a lot. I do what I want to do, I work, I do all these different things. And part of that is because I have the health to do it. Many of my friends, that we used to do things with are getting knee replacements, they're overweight and their joints have gone to pot. And if you don't take care of yourself, you're not going to be able to do those things. You want to do the rest of your life. And so it's important to, to be cognitive of what you're doing and how it all works in your body. And so, you know, and we're finding that's a problem because, you know, we're losing friends because they can't travel with this or can't ride motorcycles or can't do the things that we used to do when they were younger. And so, you know, it's a real

Dave Sherwin:

problem and it kind of hits on the heart of this show and why I do this. There's three components to the show, a fitness, nutrition and supplementation. Of course, today's episode being on the supplementation side of things. But, you have life experience. You've been in the health industry your entire career, right from your chemistry is chemistry degree on till now and maybe to wind up the show, seeing as you do have that lifetime of experience and being in the health industry, what kind of, you know, give us some of your, your live, the good life advice. We all want what you have a, I think, I think everyone listening to the show wants to be healthy throughout our entire life and not be getting knee and hip replacements in our seventies and live the way you are. Give us some of your tips.

Ned Jensen:

One is exercise. Exercise is that you like to do every day. You've got to do something everyday to, to exercise the muscles in your body and get your heart going. I use a yoga type exercises and calisthenics and different things because I can't run anymore. My, I have a bad back and so I can't run on my bad back. But I, had a toboggan accident when I was a teenager in and ruined two of my discs. And so I, that's really the only downside of my health. But, you know, again, I use exercise yoga, to stay ambulatory and stay in shape. And so exercise is really important. Eating a good diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and salads and, and lots of good quality protein, chicken, fish, steak, you know, things that are lean and, and, and high end quality protein, and then reduce the amount of, of carbohydrates that you consume, obviously because you don't want to gain weight and, but you need enough carbohydrate to, to maintain your energy. you don't want to eliminate all of the carbohydrate, but, but it's amazing what you can really live on and still have good energy, you know, if you're taking fruits and vegetables, I mean, there is carbohydrate in those, without taking a chocolate cake and a twinkies and all the other crap that is associated with the American diet. You know, you don't need that. You don't want it. And it actually makes me sick to look at it. So I, I don't do that. And, and so those are the things I've found you know, and there's also a spiritual element. there's a spiritual element to life, and what you believe and, so on. Whether you believe in a, a, a universal being that's in charge of everything, a supreme being and which I do and I'm a huge believe in, you know, being happy with your family. I mean your mental illness is also a very positive part of, of what you, you are and how you feel. And if you have a positive mental attitude, um, it's, it's 85 percent of it, you know, life is pretty simple, really, really simple and 90 percent of it is just showing up with a smile on your face. If you can do that every day, show up with a smile on your face and take care of yourself. Everything's gonna, be good.

Dave Sherwin:

Well, that is outstanding and a nice cherry on the top of this episode. So for those of you listening, this has been Ned Jensen, the inventor of chromium GTF and other patented ingredients with excellent health information life advice. And as mentioned, chromium GTF is in two of our products that you can find at It's an our pounds and inches weight loss drops as well as in our new product, Mimi's miracle multi, that we are very excited about everything that you need, nothing that you don't need, and the highest quality form including chromium GTF. This is Dave Sherwin wishing you health and success.


Thanks for listening to the Dirobi health show. Make sure and check for a free copy of Dave's excellent health book, formula seven and enter to win in our free bottle Friday contest. If you're enjoying the show, leave a review on itunes. See you next time.