The Dirobi Health Show

061 That "Charcoal Toothpaste" Thing.

September 21, 2018 Dr. Bob Wagstaff Season 1 Episode 61
The Dirobi Health Show
061 That "Charcoal Toothpaste" Thing.
Show Notes Transcript

You may have seen the buzz about charcoal toothpaste, and thought it is pretty odd to brush your teeth with something black! But what's all the fuss about? In this episode we interview Dr. Bob Wagstaff, the inventory of the Orabrush and patent holder on additional dental care products, on why charcoal toothpaste may be your next personal health upgrade.

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This show is for informational purposes only.

None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Welcome to the Dirobi health show, covering the world of fitness, nutrition, and supplementation with world class guests, the latest clinical research and plenty of tips you can use right away to boost your health and wellness. Here's your host, Dave Sherwin.


Everybody welcome to the show and we brought back a guest that we had a few weeks ago, Dr Bob Wagstaff. He did a really interesting episode. He is the founder of Orabrush originally, which is a company that he sold a. he's got a phd and has done all kinds of interesting things in his career. The Orabrush of course being dealing directly with people's oral care and bad breath, and if you haven't heard that episode, you had to go back and check it out. I believe it's episode 57, but if you go to, click on the podcast or the blog. You'll easily find the interview with Dr Bob Wagstaff. Well, we're back again with Dr Bob to talk this time about a product that he's brought to market that is really cool. You've probably heard about it. It's charcoal toothpastes and Dr. Bob, thank you for coming back on the show. I'm happy to be here with you, Dave. I find it very interesting to be able to talk about this product. Yeah, me too. As a matter of fact, I've been interested in charcoal toothpaste for about a year. I've been using it myself. I really like it. It's such a strange thing the first time you use something black on your teeth. But I've really liked it. I've had some inferior brands. I've had some that I've liked, I've been playing around with it. But meantime, you have been silently behind the scenes inventing. Another really cool thing with your product and before we get into the product, let's talk about brushing teeth. Uh, let's just talk about the history of this. Uh, you know, people haven't brushed their teeth with toothpaste forever. I mean, you know, Adam and eve in the garden, a didn't have tubes of toothpaste. So before toothpastes of toothbrushes, what did people do? Well, early on there's a record of people doing something with their teeth as far back as 5,000 BC. But uh, and through that history, people have tried to clean their teeth with various things such as ground ball, ground up bone or, or various be sand or even dirt if you wished. They felt that they could put it on their teeth with their finger or with a chewed up a piece of wood or anything that would kind of help clean they're clean their teeth so that really they toothpaste as we know it is a very relatively recent invention for, for us actually the first, a toothpaste in a was invented by a Dr Sheffield in Connecticut back in 1880. And previous to that he was making a kind of a paste and selling it in a jar. And he also made a powder that he sold in a jar. But his son was a painter and went to Paris to for training for schooling and learned over there that the colors, the paints that they were using over there. We're in tubes. And so he came back and told his father about. And these fathers said, oh, I think I can put a toothpaste in a tube. And that's was the first, the toothpaste in the tube and that's been only 1880. That's 140 years ago as we talked last time, the toothbrushes, we know it was invented really in 1938. So we, we, we look at all the toothbrushes and all the toothpaste and we think, well that's been going on forever. But truly it is a very recent thing for, for mankind to have a toothpaste in a tube and a toothbrush that as we know it today. So, uh, I can remember friends frankly. I was born in 1934 and I lived during the Second World War as a young person child and I brushed my teeth when I joined the war with, uh, with salt sometimes or with actually baking powder that you took your brush and you've wetted it, you put it in the Psalter, in the break, eat butter, and then you cleaned your teeth. And that was, that was the how that was done. You know, when I was a child force, part of it was economics because our family was not that rich. We lived on a farm and it was after the war that I actually, I saw my first tube of toothpaste, which my mother bought for us to use. So again, I just want to point out that the tube of toothpaste we have and the toothbrush, we now have this a very recent, a recent thing. And was it baking powder or baking soda? Baking soda. Excuse me, Thank you. Sort of. Yes. That's what I thought you meant. And Baking Soda is still popular today is an additive in, uh, in, in toothpaste, right? Yeah. Let me, let me tell you a little little story, little event that is a major producer of baking soda is a company called arm and hammer and baking soda is actually mind and the minds or the biggest minds are in the state of Wyoming. And a Arm and Hammer produces this baking soda which is used in baking and other things. And so they found out that it was good for a t and so they be, they embedded, uh, the, uh, first the product was at a powdered baking soda for using, for cleaning teeth. And now, of course it's toothpaste, but the point I wanna make here is that they are, they are selling this product because it, they might it, I mean, it's something they have. And so they're, they're selling it and they're finding places to use it. Uh, I just want to point out that, uh, as opposed to that we have developed the genesis charcoal whitening toothpaste using ingredients because we feel they're the most effective for the purpose, which is intended, not because we're producing some ingredient that we want to sell to people.

Dave Sherwin:

You'll just have a big mind with a ton of charcoal. You need to get rid of'em. But, uh, uh, that is really interesting. I always found it fascinating that Armand Hammer, Armand Hammer is a mining kind of a name and yet now they have all these household goods. And, and of course, I don't think you're, you're slandering the company or I don't detect any of that. You're not saying there's anything wrong with it. You're just saying they're a company that minds baking soda. And their job is to sell baking soda and as many forums as possible. And uh, and that is really interesting as a matter of fact, I used their deodorant. Um, I really like it. I don't know if it works any better, but I've used it for years. It seems better to me. And so that is really interesting that they are a mining company finding uses for a what they do. I want to back up just a little bit. You, you patented the genesis brush that was kind of your first thing and this was an evolution after you sold orabrush. Now you've, now you've got a toothpaste and you've mentioned to me in our and preparing for this podcast as we talked about the topics and whatnot, the importance of something that most of us I'm sure take for granted, but the importance of the toothpaste and the toothbrush working together. Like I said, I've really never thought about that. It seems so obvious to me. But again, you're saying, hey, it may be obvious to us, but in this for, for uh, uh, you know, 10,000 years prior to now or prior to the last 40 years. It was unknown stuff. I mean, this is really recent history, so what is it about the toothbrush and the toothpaste working together that works its magic.

Dr Bob Wagstaff:

The toothbrush itself just with water will not properly cleaning your teeth and the toothpaste. If you get it on your finger and put it in there and swish it around your mouth. It will not work alone. Either. It is. It's well known that the combination of the toothpaste and the toothbrush is necessary to properly cleaned your teeth. It. The parallel to that is when you clean your dishes, you wash your dishes with water versus you don't get them really clean, but if you have a detergent along with the water and a brush or a or a cloth or something to to get the soap and water to the place where it needs to go. Then that combination is the is the process of cleaning and so that's the same thing with cleaning your teeth. The toothpaste gets on the bristles of your brush and the toothpastes contains an Abrasive abrasive that will scrub if you wish along the teeth, the teeth and that motion action of the brush. And this and the toothpaste as a passing along the surface of the tooth will remove the material that gets stuck on your teeth, so it is the combination of the brush and the toothpaste it is required to have properly proper cleaning of your teeth, and so you gotta get the toothpaste and the toothbrush to every part of your tooth. It doesn't just clean because it goes by it. It has to physically. It's a physical cleaning process. It isn't just rinsing your mouth with water or something else and expect that the teeth to be cleaned so and and that's our. That's the purpose. That's the primary purpose of what we're about. Our purpose is to really number one, is to clean the person's teeth so that they don't have the food particles and other materials that stayed there and allow the bacteria to grow and cause a cavity. Send your teeth if the teeth must be cleaned on a regular basis. Our goal, my goal anyway, is to provide a system whereby all people can clean their teeth on a regular basis so they don't have cavities and they can have their own teeth all throughout their life. I need 84 years old and I have all my teeth. Uh, no, not my baby teeth, but I mean my, my permanent teeth and it's because over the years I'd have uh, taken care of and I've cleaned them and I've gone to the dentist and you know, if I have a cavity, I get it cleaned, fixed and so on. And, and it's so much better. You have so much better life when you have your original teeth all of your life as opposed to not having to.

Dave Sherwin:

Right? Right. Well, this is kind of a little aside, but uh, I like to carry a little bit of food and water in my car for a. If I run into a homeless person on the corner, you know, I don't like to give money. Um, but I, I like give them a water bottle or sometimes it was a family will make up little care packages with a granola bar or a bottle of water, something like that. Well, one day I was driving and I, I hadn't, I didn't have anything with me, but I brought an apple as a snack. And um, I, I stopped at a traffic light where there was a, uh, a veteran looking kind of a fellow. I'm standing and he, he, he wasn't looking desperate or, or kind of pleading or anything. He was just standing there and he looked at me and I looked at him and I thought, well, I got this apple, I'll give them an apple. So I rolled down my window and I reached out my apple to him and he smiled. This big toothless smile and said, said, no teeth, you know, thank you, but no teeth. And uh, he was, he was quite grateful. I had offered a, he did have this big nice but toothless smile. And I thought, Oh wow, you know, what a, what a thing to, to be in this terrible situation already of homelessness. And not have teeth, he had teeth kind of on the sides, but all the front teeth, top and bottom were gone. And you can imagine how awful that would be. It was just a brief little human interaction because the light turned green. I had to go, uh, but I mentioned this in the podcast earlier, discovering that one of the reasons that people didn't live long lives is because they would lose their teeth back before we had proper proper oral care. So luckily we're, we're beyond that. And now what we're working on, it seems to me, is now in our society, we've got toothbrushes, we've got toothpaste. And you're one of those guys who's an innovator. You're, you're now saying, hey, let's not take for granted these things was let's find the coolest best. Let's improve on this of the genesis brush. You've patented it because it's not only a great toothbrush, but then they turn around and brush their tongue and it has the right bristles for brushing their tongue, which a normal toothbrush it doesn't. So in the toothpaste, now let's, let's turn the corner. Now with all that groundwork being light to the charcoal, so a charcoal, again, it sounds so bizarre that we would take something black like charcoal and put it in our mouth and clean our teeth. So let's start with the basic question. What is charcoal?

Dr Bob Wagstaff:

Well, okay, great. Charcoal charcoal, it's also called carbon in various things. Charcoal comes is, is a product that's made okay and it's made from either wood or coal or actually coconut shells are a very good source of carbon. So they start out with a source of carbon. Industrial charcoal is generally made from coal or wood that Turkle used associated with humans is most often made using coconut shells because of the purity of the carbon that's in the coconut shells versus in the others. The process of so-called activating the charcoal or the carbon is a, is a very interesting one. It, uh, what they do is they take the product, whatever it is, we'll talk about a coconut shells, take the coconut shells, grind them up, they treat them. Then in our case with a strong base, uh, uh, because it's a cleaning, cleaning is as more affective in a Ph that is basic as opposed to acid. So they, they treat the treat the ground up charcoal with this base and then they put it in a furnace and the temperature, that furnace goes as high as 900 degrees centigrade. For those of you who are not familiar with Centigrade system, a zero centigrade is the temperature at which water freezes and 100 degrees centigrade is the temperature at which water boils. Now the Fahrenheit and equivalence of those are 32 degrees for freezing and 212 degrees for boiling water. But anyway, we're talking now about not at 100 degrees centigrade of boiling water, but 900 degrees centigrade, which is nine times hotter than boiling water. And what this does when it's at this high d temperature, it drives out all of the water. This associated with the chart with the carbon source and the coconut shells and their ground very finely, and so what this does is increase the surface area of the charcoal and for example, by testing, they've tested one gram of activated charcoal has a surface area in excess of 3,200 square feet. Now a football field is approximately 6,000 square feet, so it's a half a football field. One gram of of charcoal has the surface area of half a football field. Well, what that means in the end is that that surface area can now absorb things. It can be evasive for reactions and activities associated with water and cleaning. So that's how. That's how charcoal is made. And then the charcoal we use is comes from coconut shells, processed in a basic can age system survive if I defined it pretty well or do you have more questions?

Dave Sherwin:


Dr Bob Wagstaff:

I wonder if I've explained that well enough or do I need more?

Dave Sherwin:

No, no, that makes a lot of sense. And it sparked a couple of ideas. One, I didn't know that a charcoal and carbon or the same thing, but now you've explained it to me. It's interesting. I have a, a mini reef aquarium, a salt water aquarium, 150 gallons in which I, you know, I have corals and fish and I've tried to create a, an ecosystem is close to nature as possible and it's a beautiful thing. Uh, but you requires a certain water quality and purification systems. And interestingly one of those is what's called a carbon reactor. Every 90 days I take this cylinder and I pour carbon in it and it has one tube going in and one tube coming out and I have a pump down in A. I have a secondary pump below my tank where all the water cycles from top to bottom. And in the bottom is this carbon reactor and this pump is constantly pumping water through the carbon. And as long as I keep that carbon fresh, like I said, for me it's about every 90 days the water quality, it's, it's actually noticeable. Before I had the carbon ractor, my water was just a little bit murky. It was never as nice and clean and that carbon reactor, it's amazing. After about four days of running on my tank, the whole tank look clearer. The fish seemed healthier, the corals grew a better. So I actually use that in that application. So this is really interesting. Um, I'd never put that together. Or is there other common uses of carbon or charcoal that. Yeah, what, uh, what else? We use it for.

Dr Bob Wagstaff:

Another one that most people see a lot is when they opened a bottle of vitamins or pills of some kind and there's the little package in there that's activated carbon also absorbs the moisture and it keeps the pills as they storage but activated carbon or charcoal, if you want to call it, that is used in methane and hydrogen storage. It's used an air purification, a gold purification, metal extraction, water purification. You just gave an example of that. It's used in medicine. If people overdose, for example, on drugs, they, they treat them with activated carbon and it absorbs that the drug so that it doesn't get into their body. It's part of sewage treatment. It's air filters and gas masks. And Risk Raiders, uh, and filters of compressed air, any place you you need to absorb, smells you, that you don't, or materials that you want to capture a including water. Uh, and that's why it's so interesting to be used as in teeth whitening. But, uh, as I was talking just a minute, it's also an abrasive material because it has all of this surface area that wants to catch something. And so it's, it's also an abrasive and that's why it's used in toothpaste. That's why it was used initially in toothpaste. It's been used in toothpaste for over a hundred years for teeth. White charcoal is, was one of the early things people tried, you know, when they wanted to clean their teeth and it still sold. Charcoal is still sold for various places as a powder. But I'm at because it does have some abrasive qualities as well as absorption qualities if it's a charcoal is mostly well known to picked up smells and odors and things like that. But it also capture stains and the stains on the teeth that cause the teeth to become less white. So removing those stains then just basically whitened your teeth because you now see the enamel on your teeth not covered up by a stain. Okay,

Dave Sherwin:

interesting. Okay. So basically all the cleaning power of this product, you know, that it's used in all these different applications you mentioned, including my fish tank and an industrial applications and getting rid of smells and odors. All of that is brought into bear when you put it in toothpaste. And so we're saying that it helps clean. It helps remove odors. We're getting all those benefits in our mouth. Right?

Dr Bob Wagstaff:

Um, I think, uh, I think it'd be. Well if we, if I could tell you a little bit more about the charcoal whitening toothpaste and Wyatt's warranty lately, like it is because you know, that's, that's, I think that's our kind of, our primary purpose here is to educate people about charcoal, but also to give them a little more information about why, why we have formulated the charcoal whitening toothpaste as we have. If you look at the ingredients, the first ingredient, courses, water, and if you're not familiar with the labels, the, the, according to the FDA, you must list the, the, uh, components of a product in how much is there. The first one is, has the most amount of it in there. The last one has the least amount in there. So when you look at the ingredient label on a product, you can have an idea of what, what's most in that product. And in our case it's the, the water is the number one volume part of the, of the product, and it's there so that it's gives it the proper viscosity and condition that we want. That doesn't mean it's all water, it just means that water is the most prevalent. The ingredient second to that is charcoal powder. Now charcoal powder is added in this product for two reasons. One, it isn't Abrasive, so it helps in the cleaning process itself, but because we added, because we want people to get white teeth and so the charcoal is there so that as the charcoal beats with the steam, that psalm, the enamel of the tooth, it will pick up to stay and take it away from me enamel, and now you can see more of the enamel of your, of your, of your tooth. Third Ingredient is coconut oil. Coconut oil is known to be very friendly to the mouth. It's an antibody, it's an antibacterial product, and it's a. It just strengthens the enamel of your teeth. Also too. This is the third is the fourth ingredient that has the same properties. The next ingredient is baking soda. Baking soda is added so that the toothpaste will be basic in Ph. as I said earlier, the best cleaning environment for any soap or toothpaste is a basic Ph, not a, not an acid ph. the other ingredients are added to, uh, help the, the person have a good experience that the product feels good in the mouth. So-Called mouth feel is very important and the taste, the flavors are added so that it's not very pleasant taste, uh, and uh, and, and a good experience. But the primary ingredients of course, are those ingredients that clean and strengthen the tooth and then whitened the tooth. That's our goal here is to accomplish that and that's why it's formulated like it is. And again, as I said earlier, it's formulated for the purpose to, to accomplish the purpose which we want to accomplish, not because we have some ingredient that we want to sell to somebody.

Dave Sherwin:

You don't have a charcoal factory that's over producing. That's not the issue here. The issue. Okay. Okay. Excellent. Well, full disclosure here, I sell this product on my website,[inaudible] dot com. I've been using it, uh, my, my experience with charcoal toothpaste started well before. Um, I had any discussions with Dr Bob about his product and ventures. Um, I was introduced to a charcoal powder to brush your teeth with. Don't know if any of you have tried that. That's where you basically get small, kind of a makeup size jar full of, of um, uh, carbon. And you, you wet your toothpaste and what your toothbrush and put it in there and, and brushed with the straight powder. And um, I used that. I still have a bunch of that actually in my, my, uh, bathroom. And then I, I didn't like that as an ongoing kind of a thing. This thing you discussed about mouthfeel, that was the big problem with the powder. It just, you, you didn't, it didn't like foam up. It didn't feel like it got everywhere. I don't know what it was, but I didn't like that that much. And so I bought a, um, a regular charcoal toothpaste and I, I've tried some from just, you know, the, the box stores. I've bought three or four, probably a off of, of uh, Amazon, uh, each of them seem to have their own selling points. Some I didn't like the flavor, some I didn't feel got my teeth that clean a yours. I really like, um, I agree with the things you said about, uh, what naturally whitening. Um, I do like the flavor. It's, there's nothing, it's not strong. It's a fairly mild. Um, you know, I, I, I don't know how much flavor you added in there, but um, di, did you do a lot of experimentation with flavor and have people try different things or how did you arrive at the taste?

Dr Bob Wagstaff:

Well, I had basically had several formulations made for me for testing. Yes. And I gave him to various people and of course I use them myself. Um, I'm not, I guess the reason that the flavor is not really strong is that I personally am not a flavor person as opposed to, you know, other people have said when I brush my teeth and I want to, I want to end up with my mouth feeling like it's on fire, you know, that it's, that it's, it's, uh, they like listerine type of thing, for example, where you end up in your mouth is you can really feel it. So that's probably why the flavor is, is more like more mild, but it's very pleasant and it's, uh, I, I, I, is that level is, is a result of having given various samples to various people and asking them, you know, what do you think? Uh, I, I, I know you can't have one flavor that pleases everybody exactly. Pleases everybody, so you just have to choose what you think most people will enjoy. And so that's why it's that level.

Dave Sherwin:

Okay. And then you mentioned the other ingredients you've put in it. Um, so obviously this is your product, you're very proud of it. You, you took a long time formulating it. I know. And so do you feel like this is the best charcoal toothpaste going, and if so, you, how, how does it, how does it compare to what else people might be using in charcoal toothpaste?

Dr Bob Wagstaff:

Well, again, I go back to my purpose, my primary purposes, number one, to clean the date and second to cleat to Whiten the teeth, whitened the teeth clean between the teeth first event white and although it's a whitening toothpaste and um, I also compare it to the fact that, uh, if you, if you talk to a dentist and I've talked to several about whitening their teeth and most of them that I've talked to as well as the association, the National Dental Association recommends that if you want white teeth you should go to your dentist. And frankly when you go to your dentist and get white teeth, you're in there for an hour to two hours, something like that. And you come out with whiter teeth, no question about it, but they use peroxide based than products and peroxide is very hard on the enamel. And so yeah, you have white teeth, but you've, you have, you have damaged your enamel when you use either the whitening at a dentist or, or when you buy the quote dental strips, which are also based on, for oxide. Charcoal is different. Charcoal, whitened your teeth over time, you will not see any difference, any, anything that you can see a difference when you brush your teeth with charcoal whitening, toothpaste, one time you have to, you have to use it over time. Uh, and but B, because it uses over time it doesn't, it does not harm your enamel and you, we, we want to do all we can to protect her enamel because that's what protects the rest of your tooth and that's what you chew with and that's, you know, that's your tooth basically as your enamel, the enamel is gone, then you, if your tooth is gone because that's the, that's the thing that holds it all together. So again, as I said, I want to clean that enamel and then I want to whiten that in ambulance. And this formulation, in my opinion, is the most effective formulation available and it's been formulated just because of that purpose. So you will, you will get white teeth if you use it on a regular basis and you won't damage your urine ammo and you'll clean your teeth while you're doing that.

Dave Sherwin:

Excellent. And I've been using it. I like it. For those of you that didn't hear the first interview with Dr Bob, as I mentioned, he's also got the patented genesis tooth brush, which you ought to learn about. You can buy this and the charcoal toothpaste at They're both also available on Amazon. So if you are a homosapien who has teeth, you probably ought to give these things a try because like Dr Bob, you probably want to have your original teeth, uh, into your eighties, nineties and beyond. I'm not sure how far beyond you plan on going Dr Bob, you seem to be going along at a, at a pretty good clip in your eighties. Um, and so, uh, I don't, I don't see you slowing down anytime soon.


Well, one thing, one thing more. Thank you very much.

Dr Bob Wagstaff:

I don't know how long I've to quality of life while I'm alive. That's the important thing. There's one other, there's one other aspect of this that I want to make mention of if I could. It's kind of an afterthought. That is people who wear braces. Um, you know, I'm one of the big problems with braces. They don't get cleaned. The teeth don't get behind the braces and the brackets and the wires and all that kind of stuff that's in the mouth. The, the, uh, the tooth, the teeth don't get cleaned and it's very, very common for when a teenager especially takes off their braces. The dentist goes through any, has several cavities that he has to fill a, I really believe that if a person will use a good toothpaste and agenesis toothbrush, that they, they'll, they'll prevent this because the, the brush gets behind the, the, the wires and the brackets that it has to have a good toothpaste because it's the combination again of toothpaste and toothbrush that cleans. So if you just clean behind with a, a stick or a toothpick or something like that, you're not. You might get some of the material out, but you don't really clean behind there. And so if they, if they want white teeth when they finished, if the, if the customer can use the charcoal whitening toothpaste along with the toothbrush and clean around the brackets and the braces that it will, it will rate greatly, I can assure you they will greatly reduce the number of cavities. Second, there is a product called invisalign and there's some that are there, different names, but they're the same concept. And that's a plastic. They make a plastic impression of your teeth. And then they changed that impression to strengthen your teeth over time. Uh, the problem that arises is that when you, when that person wearing that, it's, that, I'll call it a brace, eat, they have to take them off. And so after they eat and they have to, they should, it must clean their teeth because if they, if they don't clean their teeth, then they put that back on top. And now you've got all the food particles that are still in your teeth. And bacteria then can start working on your teeth for cavities. So a person needs to clean, not only cleaned their teeth, but also clean the inside of they have the invisalign product and the toothbrush and toothpaste really helped that also help prevent cavities from forming when you're using that kind of teeth straightening system. So it works for both kinds. And I just thought about that and thought maybe the customers your customers might like to hear something about that. Okay.

Dave Sherwin:

Yeah, that's very interesting. And you know, we talked about a lot of different things on this show, including Chris. We're a supplement company so we talked about some of our supplements, everything with these, these are items that are very inexpensive and lasts a long time. Cost Wise, the genesis brush of course is more expensive than the generic brush and the charcoal toothpaste is a little bit more expensive than a generic or you know, uh, the traditional white one you would get anywhere but, but there are a really good value because you know, you only need a new toothbrush every six months and a tooth, a tube of toothpaste lasts a long time. And so you can pick up a genesis brush and the toothpaste for about the cost of lunch, right? And that's going to last you months. And so, uh, you know, if you want to be like Dr Bob and have your original teeth in your eighties, these are things to have a look at. And Dr. Bob, thank you for coming on the show again. Uh, we're, we're excited for whatever you're going to invent next and ready to have you on again when you move onto your next interesting venture, whatever that might might be. So again, any, any other closing thoughts before we let you go?

Dr Bob Wagstaff:

No, thank you very much. I appreciate this. I, I enjoy doing it. And, I just enjoy sharing some ideas and thoughts with other people and appreciate the opportunity to do this. Thank you.

Dave Sherwin:

I've enjoyed it very much myself. Thank you so much for being a guest. And for those of you listening, this is Dave Sherwin wishing you health and success.

Speaker 1:

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