The Dirobi Health Show

069 "Searching for God in the Garbage" a Powerful Story of Health Transformation

Bracha Goetz Season 1 Episode 69

Bracha Goetz is a Harvard grad, a successful children's book author... and a person who has overcome serious health addictions.

Her story is powerful, meaningful, and profound. Listen in as she discusses her new memoir Searching for God in the Garbage and life insights that have helped her overcome serious food addiction and live a more healthy and purposeful life.

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Welcome to the Dirobi health show covering the world of fitness nutrition and supplementation with world class guests the latest clinical research and plenty of tips you can use right away to boost your health and wellness. Here's your host Dave Sherwin.

Dave Sherwin:

Hello everybody welcome to the Dirobi health show. I have a guest today with me Bracha Goetz who is an author of Thirty seven children's books although that's not her claim to fame and why she's on this show could be her claim to fame. But she's on this show because of a memoir that she published that I think you're just going to love and her story is compelling and is one of overcoming food addictions. And we'll hear all about that in just a minute. She is a graduate of Harvard University and she then went on to attend medical school at the Medical College of Virginia and then went into writing children's book. So Bracha welcome to the show. We're going to be fascinated to hear how about this story and your transition from Harvard into being a children's author.

Bracha Goetz:

Thank you so much I'm really happy to be here. I've listened to some of your great podcasts and I'm very happy to be a part of this.

Dave Sherwin:

Oh thank you so much appreciate that and I'm so happy to have you here. When I first learned about you and I. The first thing I did is I went to Amazon and checked out the book and the thing that jumped out at me immediately was the ton of five star ratings. It was just like everyone loves this book. And so I thought wow this is phenomenal. People love it. I hope she'll be on the show and of course you agreed and here you are. And thank you so much for taking the time. Why don't we start with before we jump into the real meat and potatoes of the story that led to the book why don't we just have you start with just kind of that you know the short condensed version of your of your bio. You know where you're from and you're a little bit more than the bayou I gave on your college and whatnot.

Bracha Goetz:

Okay great. I grew up in New York in a in a Jewish home. And then I ended up going to Harvard University to college and then on to medical school. And after that I went to spend the summer in Israel volunteering at Hadassah Hospital in the oncology ward and from that I started. That was when I really began studying about my heritage and learning about Judaism. And I ended up taking a year's leave of absence from medical school and then I ended up not going back to medical school after my first year of medical school. I ended up enrolling in a school where I started really learning in depth about Judaism and studying that. And I lived in Israel for ten years after I met my husband and had children and I lived there and I came back. I came back to the states and now I live in Baltimore Maryland. So but what's behind all of that is that at about age 12 I started searching for deeper meaning in life. I feel like at age 12 suddenly my consciousness kind of expands it and I just started wondering what the purpose of life was. So I went searching and I tried all different types of religions I studied. I got involved with Buddhism in Christian Science. I got involved with environmentalism social action all types of things. I was always searching and also one other thing that I did was I started also searching within education and that's that's why I ended up going to Harvard because in my search for knowledge I just started doing really well in school and in different schools wanted me to come. So I ended up there. And even while I was there again I was just searching and searching and along the way I developed an eating disorder. Really more than one. And that happens sometimes with food addictions. A person can have more than one like I. I was anorexic but when I wasn't behaving anorexic I was having binges. So it was one or the other food binges or anorexic behavior very primitive dieting Yeah. And and and what the book would unfold in the book is what I discovered later. OK so what happens is when I went to medical school I was at the worst point of all in my life. The search my search for meaning had gotten really desperate.

Dave Sherwin:

By that point I mean I went to pause you there for a minute because I know we're going to get into into that and I and of course that's a big part of your book. But before we do it just a little bit more biographical information. What did you study at Harvard.

Bracha Goetz:

I studied psychology and I was premed. So you just what I getting to be is I hope to be a psychiatrist. That's what I was trying to become because I was fascinated by the mind body connection. I know people told me to be a psychologist but I wanted to be a psychiatrist because I wanted to combine that you know the study of the biology and the body with the mind both so interesting so that even that was part of your search for meaning and then your marriage.

Dave Sherwin:

You got married in Israel or in the United States.

Bracha Goetz:

Yes I got married in Israel too. This is amazing. My husband was born two blocks away from me in New York but we never knew each other because he's 4 years older than me so he had moved away before I was born. And we met in Jerusalem we had never met Sellaband and he like me was a person that was born Jewish but really didn't study about Judaism until later in life in depth. So we were both on a similar path in life.

Dave Sherwin:

OK. Do you have children.

Bracha Goetz:

TELEGIN we have six grown children.

Dave Sherwin:

Wow. OK. And the reason I ask that is because of course you wrote 37 children's books and maybe maybe before we get into searching for God and the garbage which is really the main story that I'm. I do want to hear from you. Tell us about your interest in children's books.

Bracha Goetz:

Sure. I I try to write a book that I wished I could have read when I was a child. Books that answer the deepest questions about life is really what I write and I write books that write on the deepest issues and the most simple way that I can explain them to children. So and I try to do it also in a very joyful and delightful way. And most of my books are written with Jewish books but now I've started writing books. Mainstream also because the messages are universal like one book is Where is God. It's a boy's search for God and how he discovers where God is. It's a picture book and another book is I want to be famous. This book is about a child that keeps wanting to be famous. And then he actually becomes famous. And of course like with most types of fame it fades very quickly and then he discovers what what what last what last is the spotlight from within to make your mate to have your own soul shine than all your days are happy. And that's really the way to win. So it's a book about turning the spotlight on within rather than always searching for acclimation from without you know from outside oneself. So I try to write about these types of universal ideas. Another book is called the invisible book and this book is about how all these things that we believe in. There's many things we believe in that we can see like air time like electricity like gravity feelings. There's so many things that we believe that we've never ever seen or touched and yet we believe in them so that why not believe in God like you know many people have a problem with believing in God or believing that we have a soul. So I just try in that book to explain that we believe in all these other things that are invisible as well just opening that pathway to having an open mind about about God for children. And I've written another book is about Gods candy store. It's about all of it's about how amazing all the natural fruit and vegetables are and that we have. And all the wisdom behind them how they don't turn into bright colors until they're ripe for us to eat. And that's the way God made them to be that way except for like there were certain things that are dark colors because we're not supposed to eat them right away like potatoes or nuts that we have to crack open. And then another thing that I learned about online is that it's kind of based on God's pharmacy that there is secret wisdom hidden in the fruits and vegetables too like the part of our body that they helped men to sleep. I look like them if you cut open a carrot you'll see if you slice it it looks like the human eye looks like an eye because the character is specially good for our eyes. It's funny. Kidney beans actually look like kidneys are particularly good for our kidneys. That look like the brain that they help celery looks like bones. That that that helps that helps. It's particularly good for birds it's just all these really interesting pieces of wisdom that I put in the book about and even how like apples and oranges. I like bananas they're so perfectly packed by God individually wrapped for us to just take along as a snack. You know we don't need these little cellophane things around them that are invented by people that that got originally made the things perfectly for us to just take in and they're individually packaged for us just to eat them like that. It's an amazing thing.

Dave Sherwin:

It really is part of God's farm that can be a whole topic by self I'm sure one of the phrases you said along the way there as well as I've asked you about the children's books making your soul shine. That's a beautiful phrase. Sherman people listening that that would resonate with them and it sounds like that's part of your journey. So let's circle back and I kind of I kind of jumped in there and fleshed out more of the biography. But let's go back to where you were before I did that in terms of your own story. You're dealing with multiple issues starting at age 12 and then take us from from there again. And you said I think you're a medic time medical school. It really got hard.

Bracha Goetz:

Yeah and even when I was at Harvard it's really interesting even though I had anorexia at that point I was studying anorexia. It's really just because I did some really kind of groundbreaking research on anorexia while I was an undergraduate. And it was published in a book called Women look at biology looking at women and my chapter was about why are so many anorexics women. In other words why is this a very common problem that women have. So I I talk in that chapter about where the social pressures on women to be then and things like that you know that are affecting women. And it's. And so even at the time that I myself was suffering from anorexia I was searching to understand it more deeply and also even though I had such an intellectual understanding of it that didn't help me to get better. In fact I was getting worse and worse while I was so focused on it and obsessing about it you know so it wasn't helping me to get better even though I knew it was a problem. And I knew how severe it could get. I still was actually getting worse and worse even though I was gaining an understanding about it. So what I try to bring out from that is that an intellectual understanding is is not enough to help heal a person. And then when I went on to medical school again I wanted to become a psychiatrist. So but there I started really going downhill like engaging in more and more bizarre behaviors really related to the food addiction and that that's where the title of the book comes from searching for God in the garbage about searching through garbage and things like that. So I'm not going to go into the depths of that really low point in my life but that I do actually. You know I'm very candid about it in the book so I describe that and at some point at the lowest point I decide to go to a psychiatrist at the medical school and it was really interesting. It was a Japanese psychiatrist and I met with him just once maybe two times actually and when I went to see him he said I told him everything like I didn't hold back anything I told him everything I was doing and how crazy I felt. And he said you know I know I hear that you really think you're but but but you know I have a feeling that when you go to Israel this summer you're going to find yourself spiritually. It was the strangest thing that when I think about it now that was a really interesting thing that he said that and perceived that but that's actually what happened when I went to Israel. Basically my mother I remember my mum my mother saying to me you could do whatever you want there this summer just don't contact this one guy I knew from childhood who became a religious fanatic you know. So of course in my rebellious way right away I contacted him you know and I I was like You know I want to become a psychiatrist but I don't really get why life is worth living. I don't even understand the purpose of life so so I. He met with me in the cafeteria. Hadassah Hospital and he took me to these two schools that existed for like late beginners and people that wanted to learn about Judaism and deps but really didn't have a background in IT so I went to the scrolls and it's funny because I didn't know much Hebrew and like half of the words we were saying were in Hebrew I didn't even understand half of what they were saying but the minute I got there I felt like oh my gosh this is the missing puzzle piece like this fits into my soul perfectly. And I think it's really interesting because in all in all the things I was searching in in different religions and different causes that I was involved with I found pieces of truth in everything but it wasn't a perfect puzzle piece like this was because I had a Jewish soul so it fit into my soul perfectly. And I started studying in depth the Torah which is called I think it's called the Old Testament of the Bible for Christians but for us it's the only only book of the bible we have it's called the turret. And I started learning about how it's written in code and to delve into the depths of it. So that's what I started to do and it was like a whole new world of wisdom open to me and the ancient wisdom. And I felt like my soul got the nourishment that it was always craving. And the interesting thing what was so interesting is that my food addictions kind of evaporated like really quickly and I didn't even understand how that happened. As I began studying the Torah I didn't understand why did the addiction's go away. And and when I said that I was going to stay in Israel my parents were kind of freaking out like did you join a cult. And it was like No this is not a cult. This is like our ancient heritage. It is like our heritage that got lost along the way. So I I I did stay studying and eventually I met my husband who was on a similar path. And we ended up living there. But we just Buczek of what I was going to say. Right. So like I my relatives were saying to me well maybe you know you need therapy or something like How can you just get better from these eating disorders like practically overnight. I didn't know the answer myself and I was puzzled by it. How could it be that I was really going downhill so much and then I was all better and feeling so joyful and life. It didn't make sense. So years later when we were visiting in America my parents I found my diaries in my journals and one day I sat and I looked at them and suddenly I had an epiphany and understanding that all I could see this thread tying my life together and it suddenly made sense to me of why I was able to heal when my son finally got the nourishment that it needed. And that's when I put it together and I feel like my book for that. So after that when I got back I put I put the excerpts from my diaries and journals and stuff together and that created this book. So the book is an explanation and my whole discovery process of understanding that there's a spiritual basis to addictions. And I feel to all addictions not only to food addictions but food addictions is a very obvious one because you're you a person is searching with hunger and they never feel fulfilled they never feel there's a void inside of them. And I would I tell people now is when a person is like overeating for instance when they're in the midst of eating it. If a person can just ask themself this one simple question and the question is is it my body that's hungry or my soul. If they can ask themselves that question with compassionate awareness then then right away they'll be able to see that if you're overeating it's not because your body is hungry it's your soul that hungry. And then with that awareness you can a person can feel their soul. By doing any number of things to nourish their so they can in that moment they can call or text somebody lonely they could go visit someone lonely they could turn on music that they love and start dancing or stretching and they could just step out into nature and feel the sunshine and suddenly the song will be nourished and like the bag of potato chips won't be calling their name anymore. You know it's like the change happens right in the moment when a person recognizes that the pleasure that they're missing. They're trying to steal the pleasure of the spiritual hunger would have with bite by eating something that brings a temporary fleeting pleasure. But they really are craving a lasting pleasure. And those are all spiritual pleasures that we with which we could fill our soul.

Dave Sherwin:

Wow. I love this story. And I I just want to dive in because I know there's a variety of people listening this is not a religious show it's a health show. We don't talk much about religion although we're certainly not opposed to it. And as I hear your story it's a very human story. I know for you it's also a Jewish story I understand but I don't hear what you're saying is being OK now for those of you with food addictions what you need to do is to go to Israel and live for a while and connect with my heritage. No. I mean that's what worked for you. But underlying that the underlying Pennings of that that's how you made this spiritual connection for people of other faiths which I'm sure you must deal with. And let me just make sure your book isn't written just for Jewish people. Correct.

Bracha Goetz:

Right exactly right. So my whole point. Yeah.

Dave Sherwin:

So flesh it out a little bit for you. This really meaningful connection was through your roots and through Judaism. And that was the vehicle. I don't know if that's fair to say the vehicle to this spiritual connection. So we have people listening who are atheists. We have I'm sure lots of Christians we have some Buddhists or some people who describe themselves as spiritual but not necessarily connected to a religions. You get the idea and I'm sure you talked to all kinds of audiences. And so where your story is very specific on that how it happened for you how do you explain it to a general audience and and to them what how do they implement what you've found through your unique story.

Bracha Goetz:

Right. Great question. I go to yoga like every day and I hear a lot of well I guess Buddhist philosophies about things so I can say that one thing that whenever a teacher says all the time is instead of using the word God we use the word thorns because almost everybody I think that you are a person who is agnostic or whatever you know we can't accept that there is some source whether it she said whether it's nature or whatever. And so when we as individuals connect with that source whether we see it as a source of energy or however we interpret that. It's a spiritual connection. And I think you know when sometimes people say people over eat ether are emotional and emotional eating. I think it's deeper than emotions. And I think that even if the person has gone through a trauma or abuse especially as a child if they've experienced things like that very often they have addictions that develop from that. And that is because there is such a hole within it that wasn't filled as a child. And it's a spiritual home. When also I just this isn't off the topic a little bit. I I also I coordinate a big brother big sister program here in Baltimore. And so I am you know I've become familiar also with abuse in helping children. And so two of my books also are about proactive education for children to prevent sexual abuse. That's something that I've been involved with so I want to say that I'm not a person where my head is in the clouds and I just say Life is Beautiful which I do think life is beautiful but we have to also protect people from evil. And so when when things like abuse happen to people especially as children there's a great void within them. And and as I was saying that leads to addiction. So we. And and people when they see people eating because the emotional eating because they lack a certain amount of love in their life. But it's deeper than that. And you know people will eat chocolate for sweetness when they want more sweetness in their life. But but but the point is that they there's a song within the person and people that don't believe in having a soul. Well it's something that connects them to the source. There's something within them. And and and when when when that gets filled when that gets nourished it goes even to a deeper level than the trauma could ever reach. There's a huge part in them which connects to source or God. And that remains pure even if a person a child has been abused or gone through a terrible trauma. They can still reach that pure part that was never touched. So when when that can still be filled within a person at any point in their life. And so to recognize that is what's essential that there is still that that spark of purity within the person because through connecting to that part. And that's that's how the healing comes. And and that with whatever religion a person is if they recognize that then the the food won't be a distraction from them seeking what heals them they will be able to do joyful things that bring that help their soul to shine that way. So an important point I want to make is that many times people think healing from addictions is a very painful process. And of course like going cold turkey on drugs and things like that can be extremely painful physically and emotionally. But but but the under all that it really involves adding a tremendous amount of joy to one's life. The more you can fill the emptiness with joy. That's the way to heal to bring in a tremendous amount of positive energy. And there are people that are like waiting for to be in a relationship with somebody else and that causes loneliness. But if the person feels that the control that they could always go out and find people even lonelier than they are and add more joy they will add more joy to their lives that way by giving to people visiting people in nursing homes visiting children in shelters visiting animals in that address you know rescue animal. There's always ways to reach out and bring more joy into one's life. Never. It's not necessary to ever wait around for something and then you know eat a bag of potato chips while waiting it's like there is so much to do in this world to make it a better place. And all of that adds more joy to one's life. So it's all within a person's power to to have a more joyful life. And it's within a person's power to help their own soul to shine. And that's how we overcome addictions by by doing all these joyful things.

Dave Sherwin:

That's beautiful. And I want to flesh it out a little bit more. Imagine this was a radio show and we were taking calls. And of course this is the source for information. This is to help people but we don't diagnose or treat diseases and people with serious conditions need to get professional help and we understand that and you understand. But that being said let's say it's a radio show and you're a guest and a young woman calls in who really is resonating with your story dealing with similar issues that you dealt with as a teen or maybe a college student or a young mother and she's calling in and she's saying hey I love this. I I get this. I want to know more. I have similar issues gives me some starting points. Give me give me some action steps. What do you say to her.

Bracha Goetz:

What right. Each person is different. What what what causes one soul to shine may not cause another soul to shine. But I think there is certain universal themes and one of them is doing kind acts that that's universal. I think also being in nature is another universal thing. I mean that's why God saw us. That's why the world was made in such a wonderful way our natural world it's so amazing. So spending time with that and also what you are these basic universal things like like movement of the body that brings a lot of joy dancing or whatever type of activity a person loves to do. These are just basic things that every human can relate to. And also we again reading inspiring or watching inspiring videos reading and inspiring things listening to inspiring podcasts you know all of these things nurture our songs and bring us to a greater place. I mean these are just like the ways to do it you know. Oh another one is counting their blessings just always focusing gratitude increasing gratitude because a person can't be grateful and angry at the same moment. It's impossible. We're being grateful being grateful we can have these two emotions. We can't be experiencing these two emotions at the same moment. So the more time we spend being grateful the less time we spent being miserable. It's all of these things are things anybody can relate to and if you enjoy studying ancient wisdom in depth there is so much to gain from that. I mean it's just like it expands when expands when conscious one's consciousness so there there's so there is really an infinite number of ways to to help oneself heal. Besides like you said of course the person has certain mental illnesses you need professional help. I spoke to a group of women that had mental illnesses or they were the relatives of somebody with a mental illness. It was a group and I met one of the questions I got was well is what you're saying is we should distract ourselves from the addiction. And I said that's a great question but it's the exact opposite really the addiction is a distraction from the pain from the emptiness it distracts us. Instead let's face the emptiness face the pain and fill it fill that void. That's what we can do. So the addiction is a distraction. It's not a distraction to add more joy to our lives that's our purpose for being here. And what what I learned from the rabbi that I studied with in Israel is and this was mind blowing to me because I'd never heard of before. Is that the purpose. Oh this was so interesting. Yet the purpose of life is is to experience the greatest pleasure possible work that is to the mind blowing because you just don't usually hear that. So in other words we are here because I mean what I learned was that God made us in order to give to give us pleasure. So so. And what is the greatest pleasure in life the greatest pleasure and the most lasting pleasures are the spiritual pleasures or the pleasures that I mentioned you know giving kindness and experiencing the awesomeness of nature and all these things give us a pleasure that just laughs and fills us and makes us feel we are shining and we can actually feel our souls shining you know so we know when it's happening you know because we see the other people we see how it affects other people and we see how it affects ourselves.

Dave Sherwin:

Yeah so what I hear you saying is it's not so much a focus on the symptoms or focus on the causes of the addiction. It's it's a focus on your own soul and filling up that place and you that might be empty that is trying to find fulfillment elsewhere when you use word pleasure. That's a loaded word. You know some people find pleasure through pornography alcohol food gambling. Right now all of those things can also be called pleasure. But go ahead.

Bracha Goetz:

The greatest pleasure possible. Exactly. That's the exact point. That's exactly that's why it's so mind blowing that this rabbi said that word because we think of that right away we think of hedonistic pleasure but that's it. It is a pleasure. And that's why look adam and eve right away. Inappropriate eating was the most basic addiction there is inappropriate eating you know like that got goofed up right initially. So it shows it's such a basic addiction and it's so easy for it to happen. We need food especially if something everybody needs. And and so when a person is not feeling enough pleasure in their lives over eating just solves that problem here experience pleasure. My pleasure. My pleasure just keep eating. You know but. But it was so temporary so fleeting and obviously not good to overeat because it has a very unhealthy effect on us. So so these are real pleasures and the food is meant to be pleasurable. And God could have made it completely tasteless and colorless and you know like food that astronauts eat whatever it just like so it's not enjoyable but it's supposed to be a pleasure. It's just that we have misused it we use it in the wrong way when we try to use food to feed our souls. It's completely doesn't fit food is something physical. And yet what we're trying to do with it is nourish our souls. So if we can just make that distinction. It's that clarity that helps a person to be able to eat the right amount of food and just eat when they're hungry. It's such a joy to do that and then move on to all the other wonderful things to do in life. So it doesn't become such a focus here that that was taking up like my SO MUCH of my time and energy and thought when I had these eating disorders it was such a focus and now it's like such a very important part of my life because you know I just eat what I need and then I can go on to do everything else that I want to do in life you know I thank God I don't have that addiction anymore. But I'm so grateful that I remember it because then I can relate to other people that still have these addictions and I think addictions are so widespread and just for that reason because people are not nourishing their souls. And when we when we recognize that we'll all be so much more joyful people.

Dave Sherwin:

That's wonderful stuff. And your book has been well received. Tell me have you had any surprises from from people or can you tell us one or two stories of people that have read the book and how they've reacted. Maybe any surprises along the way. And like I said it's very highly reviewed. So what type of feedback have you got. It's been interesting you're kind of stuck with you.

Bracha Goetz:

I I'm surprised at that I haven't got negative feedback yet. You know I'm waiting I'm waiting for the second shoe to fall. You know like there's got to be people that are disagreeing with them. I don't know I haven't had. Hasn't happened yet but you know as as I feel the book gets to wider and wider circles we'll see what happens. I am really glad that it's helping people. And I hope that it will continue to. I love to be able to talk about and I really feel like I'm less interested in writing more children's books right now because I see the reaction to the book and I just one to keep spreading the word about this about the message that the messages from this book and like I'm doing right now this is this is what's really important to me and I feel this is one of my main purposes for being here in this world you know. So I am just so thrilled to do it yeah yeah.

Dave Sherwin:

And did you write it for the person with struggle's or for the person who has a struggling person in their life or both. Was there kind of a target you had in mind. Target audience.

Bracha Goetz:

I I for anybody who could have because many people read it and they pass it on to their relatives you know or or other people they know that are suffering from food addictions. That's how I see it. People are just spreading the word about the book that way. So yeah I don't think I had a particular audience in mind so much as I wanted to get the message out into the world. You know we we happen to live across the street from a recovery house for addicts and my husband and I have been very in but we do like spirituality workshops we were doing that for years because the same message applies to drug addictions and alcohol addictions. It's it's the same it's the same void that's just being filled in different ways. Like you said with pornography with spending addiction it's all the same spiritual emptiness is there's a spiritual basis to all addictions and that's that's my main message. And when we recognize that then we can heal because we rose dark in so many people don't recognize that they have a saw that needs nourishment and that's that's my main that's my main message.

Dave Sherwin:

Yeah okay well for those you listed the book is called Searching for God in the garbage and if you need more Brachay gets in your life which if you're listening there's a very good chance that you're going I need to hear more about this message it's outstanding it's meaningful. It could affect change for me. Find the book on Amazon and Brooke I think this has been awesome you've dropped a lot of great nuggets. It's a beautiful story but is there anything else you'd like to share with with my audience before we end this call. It

Bracha Goetz:

just that it's a very it's very simple. You know I went to Harvard I'm not like into complicated to actual ideas and you know really that's what Einstein did. He simplified everything down to equal mc squared you know energy mass can be converted into energy and you can be can be converted into mass. This is so simple and it's mind blowing and and that's really what I'm saying. And I know that it's it's a consciousness raising type of idea and that's that's really all I want to say it's as simple as could be. So and all it involves is adding more lasting pleasure to one's life. That doesn't sound hard right. So why not. You know I just encourage everybody to to be able to enjoy their lives more and more no matter no matter how they've suffered whether a person has gone to trauma in their life or not it's still available to everybody. The quest is that pure part within you that needs nourishment and you can provide it. You don't have to wait for anybody else to give it to you. Each person can get it in their lives. So thank you so much for this opportunity.

Dave Sherwin:

Well thank you for being on the show. This is this is already one of my favorite episodes I've done a lot of episodes. And this one it's really up there for me because it is so meaningful. ROCCA It's just it's not you know just some tips or you know and I've had a lot of good guests don't get me wrong and more than just tips with this one. Your message of deep fulfillment versus trying to find pleasure through those things that just won't really last and they just don't really fill your stomach these junk foods and whatnot and potato chips like you described. That's a really fascinating message. And by the way I think your comment about wondering when you're getting get negative feedback. I think one of the reasons why it's so well received is because even to the those intellectuals the scientists that we're finding from other studies that what you're saying is true for example have you heard the study of about the kinetics in in Europe where they did research on cocaine addicts who were put back into community versus those who were released without any thought to where they were going to go or who was going to take the man. Are you familiar with this research.

Bracha Goetz:

No. Tell me about it.

Dave Sherwin:

Well it's simply proving what you said and the meaning for cocaine a recovering cocaine addict through relationships and having someone who loved them and would take them in and support them. They were the ones who overcame their addiction and those who are simply put back on the street and going back to whatever group of friends they had were the ones who went right back into their bad habits and so they just found scientifically that meaning and connection with other human beings was key to overcoming addiction. I just think you're really onto something profound.

Bracha Goetz:

Yes definitely. And there's so many people pining for relationships and feeling so lonely. And what I want to explain is that you don't have to wait for your amazing significant other to show up this tonight in your lives. There's so many people that you could give to. There's so many people who are way lonelier that you can reach out to so never a person never has to feel alone. There's always somebody that you can give to and that takes away loneliness. So I just feel that that's really you know essential rather than searching to get love. It's we give love. We will share our stories we'll be shining so brightly for now and what our lives will be filled with that love. So yeah.

Dave Sherwin:

Well that is a wonderful thought to end on. Bracha Thank you so much for taking the time to be on the show.

Bracha Goetz:

Thank you so much. You came with that everybody.

Dave Sherwin:

The book is searching for God in the garbage you can find it on Amazon. And and Brooke. Where else can people learn about you or contact you if they want more information.

Bracha Goetz:

Right. The best thing is my amazon page. It's the Bracher get Amazon page so would be a C H A and then G E T G and you'll see all my books if you want to meet them they're all up there and I think it also gives an email address if you ever want to contact me please feel free. So those are the best ways. Yeah.

Dave Sherwin:

Excellent. Thanks again. This is Dave Sherwen. Wishing you all health and success. Hey thanks for listening. Before you guys go one quick thing I hope you enjoyed that and if you know someone who is struggling with food addictions or challenges and you like the message that you heard today make sure and send them to Amazon to pick up that book. I think it's a really great compelling story and very meaningful and I hope you felt the same way. And you can find links to it. As always we make sure notes and have the entire transcript on our blog. Blog Dot Nairobi dot com. Just look for this episode there and we'll have links and the transcript and graphics for the show. Also we've added a new feature that I hope you'll take advantage of. If you'd like to ask a question or even beyond the show or make a comment about the show you can go to the same place blog Dot Nairobi D R O B I dot com and on the right hand side you'll see I have a question for the show this kind of a right sidebar thing you can click on there where you can record up to 3 minutes and if you'd like me to include your comments on air just mention that. Just say hey I got something I'd like you to include on your show. Here it is whatever that might be and we'd be happy to do that or you can ask questions or send us potential guest information we're always looking for guests for the show they can be of interest and value to our audience. So with that I'll let you go. Thank you so much again for listening. We appreciate all the great feedback that we're getting and for your reviews on iTunes. They mean the world to us and help the show to grow. Thanks again. Over and out. Until next time. See you then.


Thanks for listening to the Dirobi health show make sure and check Dirobi B.Com for a free copy of Dave's excellent health book formula's 7 and enter to win in our free battle Friday contest. If you're enjoying the show leave your review on iTunes. See you next time.