The Dirobi Health Show

074 Natural Solutions to Improve Mood and Depression with Sinead Urwin

Sinead Urwin Season 1 Episode 74

In this episode we present the latest in natural solutions to improve mood and depression with Sinead Urwin. This is part one in a 2 part series, in the next episode we cover the most recent clinical studies into natural supplements that aid with mood, depression, and anxiety. In this episode we cover:

-The Mind-Body Connection

-The Role of the Microbiome in Depression 

-Does Inflammation & a Weakened Immune System Cause Depression? 
-What causes Inflammation?

-Can We Heal Depression? How?

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This show is for informational purposes only. 

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This show is for informational purposes only.

None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Welcome to the Darabi health show. Covering the world of fitness nutrition and supplementation with world class guests the latest clinical research and plenty of tips you can use right away to boost your health and wellness. Here's your host Dave Sherwin.

Dave Sherwin:

Hello everybody welcome to the Darabi health show. Today's episode is with Sinead Irwin who's been on the show before and her episodes are among some of our most listened to and you ought to go back and listen to those as well. Today we're talking about natural solutions for mood and depression. A very important topic as we know from statistics that a lot of people are dealing with difficulties with their mood with depression there's all kinds of forces in our society kind of working against us. And Sinead has expertise in this area. I'm going to read the bio from her Web site. To give you guys an introduction into what she is all about and this is from Shnaider windfarms as a functional medicine nutritionist Shnaider is a personal advocate for living an energized healthy vibrant life. She empowers coaches and guides her clients in their quest for health healing and a higher quality of life. Her approach is real flexible and practical free of guilt denial and restriction. Her personalized consulting style insurers to discover your optimal individualized nutritional lifestyle and she focuses on making incremental sustainable changes in food and lifestyle so Sinead. Thank you so much for coming on the show again.

Sinead Urwin:

Thank you for inviting me back. DAVID So it was a pleasure to be on your show.

Dave Sherwin:

I really appreciate that and I know my listeners love what you have to say because as I mentioned yours or some of our most listened to episodes so you're striking a chord with you come on the show. We love that. And of course this topic is very meaningful because everyone listening either. Sometimes deals with their own difficult moods and with depression or they have a loved one. We know that so many people deal with this that it touches everyone somehow whether they personally deal with it a loved one deals with it or maybe they're dealing with it now and or maybe they've dealt with it in the past. You know this is something that touches everyone if you're a human being right. Tell us some of the statistics out there on the challenges with mood and depression in our society.

Sinead Urwin:

Thank you Dave. So we have a depression epidemic on our hands. One in ten of us are on disorder drugs currently a quarter of all women are on antidepressants. And statistics are showing that. That's 350 million people worldwide are impacted by and by depression or are deeply depressed. And that's showing that depression will displace heart disease is the leading cause of death by 2020 which is absolutely terrifying. And when you think about it I mean we're going to go into a lot more detail during during our podcast but there is so much we can do to prevent depression and anxiety. So we need to increase the awareness of what we can do and what the causes are and start to reverse this trend.

Dave Sherwin:

And you know I wonder how much of this also has actually been diagnosed right. You talk about these statistics which are alarming. And and it's sad that there's that level of of problem out there at the same time. I wonder how many of us myself included sometimes go you know that's not my problem. I'm I'm fine. I'm not struggling with problems with my mood. I'm not depressed. And. I know for me personally sometimes I don't realize I have a problem all the problem's gone and I've got to think I'm not the only person. Right. Like no. Yeah go ahead and talk to that.

Sinead Urwin:

Yeah you're absolutely right. I mean tens of millions more have not been diagnosed. And for me a major depressive order but are just plain sad. So untreated depression unfortunately then can lead to so many other really really serious health condition and forcing the worst that will happen been suicide suicide is actually the leading leading cause of death amongst those between the ages of 19 and 29 with more than more than 800000 people taking their own lives. Maybe you think about that.

Dave Sherwin:

Eight hundred thousand people taking their own lives only because because their conditions I can diagnose and treat and let's let's talk about that undiagnosed untreated situation and let's let's preface that with the A scale OK I'm imagining you know all of us as human beings have times when we feel moody. There's times when we feel depressed we all of us know what it's like to feel depressed. And some people of course it's more than just these feelings that come and go and it gets into a clinical situation. So explain for us rookies out here who are wondering about this. The difference between say a clinical depression something that needs to be treated by a professional and the normal ups and downs of being human yet so we all have periods of feeling sad and unmotivated.

Sinead Urwin:

But if this if this goes if this is basically the longer it's the longer these feelings lingered the more the harder it becomes to pull ourselves out of it. The more the the more obvious it becomes that we really have a situation. And I think this is where when when we get into the States quite often we don't want people to know. And so we keep it hidden. And then it festers and then obviously escalates out of control. This is where I think of our friends and family and community really come into the picture. We need to really open our eye every single one of us needs to be a lot more aware of the people around us. And you know to try to pay more attention to changes in them the news or just to show more kind of kindness and compassion in general because it's not when you're depressed you don't come forward with this or Mike. You know it might take a long time for it festering for you to actually do something about it. I think a lot of the onus is on offense family and community to to notice what's going on with each other and to you know to reach out. And I know in my in my practice and I keep in touch with with my clients who I haven't seen in a while. I call them regularly to check and make sure everything's OK because you know what a lot of those times. Once I reach out to them they will they will come forward and say look I'm so glad you did. Because actually I'm really struggling. But they don't pick up the phone because he knows what they don't want to do and burn other people or they they basically just don't know what to do about the situation. And like we were talking about before the podcast people think that this situation is normal. You know it's normal to feel sad it's normal to feel depressed and not want to get out of bed during the day. Right. So it's up to other people around us. So it's up to friends and family to really see you know what something's not right with this person. You know they are setting standards and they're feeling less motivated than normal. So I think it takes a village to get people out of this sort of depressive you know downward spiral.

Dave Sherwin:

Yeah. And one other question I do want to jump into solutions as soon as we can and get to the positive side of this but discussing it as a problem and going through the statistics and when it is is first you know critical first I think to lay the groundwork so one more point before we start moving toward solutions and understanding what's happening here. How much of this is genetic and this is kind of a two part question because when you talk about people realizing there's a problem or the difficulty of admitting there's a problem. I wonder if a person felt like hey you know this could be a genetic thing it could be something I'm a little bit hardwired or have a propensity to this type of thing and and that might take you present. Something's wrong with me or something wrong with my my brain or whatever. They think Hey I'm dealing with normal chemical stuff that I need to just deal with. Talk to that about the role of genetics in this and how big of a part that plays.

Sinead Urwin:

Yeah I think that's a very important point. It's very easy for us to fall back on the genes excuse. And I really believe that we can be born with certain genes. However we can determine whether or not those genes are switched on or off through our diet lifestyles. And I think it's it's much more unlikely that we're born with bad genes and low serotonin low levels of happy hormone and much more likely that it's due to an unhealthy inflammatory Bonum which is driven by you know cortisol dysfunction and stemming from a sick gut basically. So I think yes Gene destiny play a role but there's so much we can do in terms of nutrition and lifestyle habits to determine the path of those genes.

Dave Sherwin:

OK. So your your premise is well whether roles play genes play a role or not. It's important to take control. Do what you can. Some people might have more propensity to happiness than others and yet those are excuse me on the low side still should take control and not use it as an excuse and do what they can to be the best they can make some progress.

Sinead Urwin:

Yes. Yes absolutely. And we may have the genes but I think it's much more likely that there's something going on internally that's messing with our hormones and and and and forcing us time the roots of those genes we can we can manipulate whether or not those genes are switched on or not.

Dave Sherwin:

OK. Let's move more into understanding the situation that's going on. What is the mind body connection and how does that play a role for us.

Sinead Urwin:

So and you know look what when when hikes when clients come into me with you know with mood disorders or depression or any of this Athena's I explained to him to them Hyla how the mind and body are connected. It's like it's like the penny drop. It's like oh my goodness. Yes and this is what caused the system and people really get it and then we start on their path to healing. So so here's the thing are mind bodies are connected to the Vegas nerves to the Vegas nerves. You know it goes from basically connects the gut which is you know the microbiomes or the intestines through the brain. It's a two way street. So let's say yes you know we still are you know nervous or if you know hot you know the kids being bullied or are nervous by the Giants I'm not an outsider that can step in the progress that anxiety to a sick feeling in their stomach. OK so that's that's the connection from you know the mind going to the dots but it also goes the other way if we don't have a healthy gut flora then that sends signals unrest or lack of calm to the to the brain creating an increasing nervousness and. And you know mood disorders and depression. So it's a two way street. OK. But then we've also got the inherit nervous system which is which is basing the gust right the microbiomes. And if the microbiomes doesn't have enough healthy flora or a healthy gut bacteria then then we're not producing the happy hormones the serotonin the Duke mean that our bodies need and that sucks and that creates some Waihi and depression.

Dave Sherwin:

It's interesting because I'm currently in the middle of getting a health certification myself. I'm working on the Precision Nutrition certification and I'm really enjoying it. Yeah. Yeah thanks. I'm loving it. It's kind of intense but fascinating information. And one of the concerts I was introduced to was this aspect of the second brain and I've heard this before and I I've always honestly kind of dismissed it as being kind of Eastern philosophy. Not that I have anything against Eastern philosophy don't get me wrong but but I just thought it was more philosophical than medical. Right. And I was shocked when I got into the section on digestion that they said yes there is a concept of having a second brain is absolutely true. It's physical it's real. This I had a feeling in my gut is a real thing. And that connection between your brain and your digestive system your brought by on that you're talking about is a very real physical thing. And the back and forth of that that senses can come from our gut to our brain or from our brain to our gut is is real. And I don't know why that surprised me so much because I've heard it before but I guess I'd have dismissed it. But now this is what you're touching on here is how that connection. The micro and the brain can actually be affecting our moods and this whole issue. And so. So do we want to talk about that more. You want to jump into so what do we do about that. What do we want to be. What do we change in our microbiomes to improve our moods and our you know senses of depression.

Sinead Urwin:

Yeah. So am I. I really believe that inflammation creates the vast majority of our issues. You know no less depression. So so what happens is we need healthy gut bacteria in order to produce them and then Tryptophan is what we need for the body to produce the happy hormone serotonin. Right. But the problem is when there is oxidative stress in the body then that since our tryptophan too says neurotoxins rather than cure serotonin right. And then those neurotoxins are what we feel are our anxiety and depression. OK. So so here's the thing with the food that we're consuming these days and the stressful lifestyles we're leading. We're waiting as our healthy gut flora for healthy bacteria. OK. So therefore we're not producing the criticism we need. And so therefore we're not producing the happy hormones of serotonin dopamine right. And those those inflammatory foods are things like you know gluten refined grains sugar you know trans fats you know processed foods. And so they are creating this oxidative stress. Right. And by the way the body does not differentiate between physical and mental emotional stress Kate. It used them both in the same way. And so therefore they both go straight to wiping out the guts. Right. And then when the when we don't have that healthy intestinal flora it's like trying to plant something on barren soil. It's either not going to grow or is going to fall apart. OK. So this is why not only our physical body falling apart. Sure it will be chronic disease that we're not faced with. But also you know horses are walking around depressed because we don't have the soil to cultivate the happy hormones.

Dave Sherwin:

And there is another epiphany that I've had recently. And that is you talk about serotonin. I always thought serotonin was a brain chemical or a hormone and this is also new to me. You know that certain is produced in the in the gut. I just I know sense hair.

Sinead Urwin:

Yes. Right. Ninety percent Honan's produced in the GA. And this is and this is what you know. This is why a lot of the time when you know when people who were depressed are prescribed antidepressants they just don't work because they they produce they stimulate server production but they're not healing the underlying cause. They're not produced. They're not stimulating the production of treatment and what is needed for serotonin production. So what happens is if we're just artificially producing serotonin but the medication in the meantime is wiping out the health of the gut because that's one of our big issues that's one of the reasons these states why we've got such a subsequent chronic disease and you know and mood disorders and depression is because medication wipes the health of our gut. Right. So if we're taking antidepressants to alleviate depression but a side effect of that is that it's wiping out our gut health then the situation's just going from bad to worse. Because if we look at coated in our gut how then it's going it's going to negate any of the need for the medication that is present. Because guess what the body's not going to be on them. That's why I really believe we've got to look at the root causes of these issues. So when I see clients go to complete health histories to figure out you know everything from you know what they ate as a kid to what the relationship of the parents were growing up. You know part relationships to you know this will send absolutely everything because we need to get to the bottom of why we depressed take the root cause and then see how we can heal it from the root because only then are we going to get our bodies the cases they need to live in an optimal physical mental emotional state for the long term. Anything else is just sticking a bandaid on the issue.

Dave Sherwin:

OK. Now along those lines of this whole issue of physical versus versus mental I'm going. This is going to be a two part episode. There there is recent research on the top. Healthy supplements that help with mood and depression. It's excellent research. And yet I thought it was too much to cover I sent it over to Chanel and she reviewed it but I just felt like it would be too much. With the amount of information she already had and so I'm going to do a second as a solo episode to follow this one up. Right. Just go over the new evidence on what supplements can aid with this. So this will be part one in a two part series. One of thing I want to throw out there is that neither Shnaider and I are a psychologist or psychiatrist we're not mental health experts and we're certainly not trying to tell you that we're giving you solutions to clinical depression. What she said earlier about takes a village is important that of course you want to understand the nutritional science behind how to deal with mood disorders. And yet there are professionals that you need to seek out as well and so this issue of understanding how medication affects your body is not Sinead saying stop taking your medication it's hurting you. No. Yeah. And so I just wanted to I know you didn't infer that but I just want to make it very very clear. And so it is you're doing this in-depth questioning with people and whatnot. I imagine as you go sometimes there is a time where you determine as a nutritionist that this person needs other professionals to be involved in helping with what they're going through right Oh absolutely.

Sinead Urwin:

And I would never I would never recommend for anybody to come off their medication without close consultation with their doctors. And I formed a synergy with an amazing Functional Medicine Clinic here in Salt Lake City. Rising house. And you know I think it's the perfect synergy because we we can work together on and on helping the whole person through their healing process. So so you know my passion is to help people change food and lifestyle habits in order to recreate health. And we can do that in a safe environment of having some smoking doctors on. And so here's the thing when it comes to just on your nose when it comes to supplements. If we look at the underlying reasoning behind why more and more of us are are falling into depression and if we if we if we focus on the gut health side of things then surely recall today you know how healthy healthy moods the lack of depression going forward. Then why don't we start to receive the had. Why don't we start to look at the foods that are wiping as our gut health. So the refined processed to the sugars that they end up talking by and substitute them with Whole Foods you know food as nature intended you know fruit vegetables not the you know probiotic which food you know good quality proteins because this is food that the body recognizes. Remember we were saying that anything that causes stress to the body or the mind causes poor digestive health threat. It wipes out the gas if the body doesn't sensate between physical and mental emotional stress. So how about how about that we make it easier for the body to recognize what food is like. Because whenever we put food in there that refined processed or genetically modified or you know anything like that then we're causing this information we're causing this oxidative stress because the body is on high alert and sees that as a foreign invader. So if we go back to that nature intended then it's easy for the body to recognize what it is oh there's not Couto yet and we're still thing expect anything from people on. But in the meantime we see them. Right. And then if we had you know the Maalik prebiotic rich food to the equation then we're cultivating basically Hochuli intestines. So we're going to have a more certain tournament Oakman protection.

Dave Sherwin:

OK so in your opinion from from all the research you've done and your understanding of this issue how much of these issues in our society are actually caused by inflammation and a weakened immune system. Do you think you know it could you throw a dart at it like a percentage or where do you think that that percentage might be.

Sinead Urwin:

I think that the vast majority of our musicians are caused by certain lifestyle. I would even go so far as to say 90 percent of it because remember we're saying yes we may be genetically predisposed to these issues but we can tear how much Bissette needs genes have. Because here's the thing it's not only the foods that are wiping out our butts which is reducing our production of happy hormones but it's also a stretch. We're taking on so much in our lives. You know it was creating something a community and all this all these stressors that are placed on us. We have we grossly underestimate the effect of emotional stress. Hey anything because the stress goes straight to the gut. Remember it's OK you know but it's a bidirectional system between the Gulf and the brain. Right. So any kind of stress wipes out the gas reducing our ability to produce happy hormones. So. So between between lifestyle and food. And then of course throwing equation in the lack of lack of movement because we're Subhashree and also sleeping. But you know we're too busy looking electronics before bed can we get as many Thomaston ECOM before bed. So we're not actually giving us the chance to hear you know sleeping deeply. So all of these factors are contributing Kikhia who's depressed.

Dave Sherwin:

You know it's amazing from a historical point of view to consider that it's not that long ago that we didn't have all this electronic light day and night that that you know you go back just a few thousand years which is nothing in evolutionary time. And you know we go back to hunter gatherers and those hormones for fight or flight whether another tribe is attacking or an animal is attacking. Those were quite rare occurrences like for the most part you know if you read a book like sapiens for example which I highly recommend anyone listening to this podcast is one of the most mindblowing and fascinating books if you're interested in in history and then anyways you know again not that long ago in evolutionary history we lived in tribes of people that you know didn't have this constant stimulation didn't have movies that were like like Sinead said you know the mind doesn't differentiate between real situations and imagined situations so if you're watching a violent movie at night you're releasing those hormones right. And so that would never have been released unless you're being attacked by a lion. You know 10000 years ago. OK. And so our society puts us under constant constant state of stress. We get in our car driving a car immediately raises your level of stress just a little bit and then if someone cuts you off it might go through the roof and you might be reacting as if you were being attacked by a lion even though you simply were cut off in traffic. So we have all these modern stresses that say the evolutionary psychology of this. The way I understand it is that we haven't caught up to that yet that this Khant these constant stressors that we put ourselves through our work are our modern society. The amount of light pollution that we're exposed to noise that they're they're putting us on the stressors and those stressors the fight or flight what they do is they shut down our digestive system. Right. Like if you're being chased by a lion the last thing you want to be doing is digesting your food. And so you need to treat it.

Sinead Urwin:

Yeah they need a guarantee to deal with you know the life or death situation that we're facing here. You're absolutely correct. Our bodies have not caught on to the difference in those sort of structure what you know the stresses were under are not life threatening but you know but they were you know in case by line and this is this is the problem. Both of those kinds of stressors even though they're different they're still the effective soup to produce cortisol by the body because the body piece is a stress hormone cortisol in order to be able to deal with this situation is unexpec cortisol that produces the inflammatory cytokines hay that that creates the breeding ground for all of these illnesses and diseases. And if you think about it what we don't realize is that God has its own immune system. It's called the gut associated lymphatic tissues the Gulf. And it makes up 70 to 80 percent of our total body's immune system. OK. So we're busy producing cortisone all day long. Right. And then 70 80 and it wipes out our immune system because it creates Stephensen sightings and 70 to 80 percent is in our guts then we don't stand a chance. We don't stand a chance of you know not getting depressed unless we're really really careful about finding ways to manage the stress finding foods and supplements to improve our bodies resilience against the stresses. Because here's the thing. I'm not saying that we can't we can eliminate the stresses from our lives. Look you know there are going to be there are external factors. But what is within our power is to build up our physical resistance against them so that when the stresses of life you hit they have less of an impact. And that's where that's where food that's for supplements that's where probiotics and prebiotics and antient Samaj three Amigas three zones you know tumeric and all of you know anything anything that reduces inflammation and increases our resistance against the stressors is going to help to protect us against all of these issues. OK now you've you've mentioned a good list right there of solutions. When you didn't you didn't hit on is exercise which is a fascinating one because. Because too much exercise actually also produces inflammation. Right. And yet exercise is critical to our health and to this issue why don't you talk to that for a minute about the role of exercise. Yeah. Ok so so here's the thing. You know if you think back to our ancestors days where they were they were not treat. Right. Working in the field and they work you know they were getting a lot of physical exercise but it wasn't. You know long trips to the gym kind of thing and they didn't have the issues that we have. So we've become we've become so programmed belief that we have to you know we have to run for an hour at the gym every day and that's practice or otherwise we're not getting any exercise. But the problem is then we're sedentary for the rest of the day. Right. As soon as we sit today we're we're slowing down our tablets and we're Rickey's from into the brain you know on the back we're increasing our our propensity towards inflammation. If we just the more we stand and walk and just you know stay just stay moving around during the day then that's a lot more effective than you know pumping iron at the gym for an hour. And I am a huge believer in exercise because it stimulates the production of serotonin and both men are happy hormones right. Which of course helps to keep us that is depression. But I think it's much more effective for us just to stay standing and working rooms for the vast majority of the day Longdon rather than sitting like with new order or you know getting some exercise or fiber next more than smile. For that reason because I this you know I'm sitting for a lot of the day not because I'm putting clients but I could feel the difference in me whereas I'm normally much more active. So even sitting on those core exercise balls really helps because you you're forcing forcing your body to be engaged. And you know you're engaged in your career and you're more active. So yes exercise is a huge part of this. But I would be careful not to focus on beating ourselves up that we haven't spent an hour at the gym every day.

Dave Sherwin:

Yeah and that's verified by by the latest science on those that live to be the longest you know we had an episode on the broadcast about the blue zones of people have to be over 100. They're not heavy exercises. Sizers what they are is they are just what you describe. They're just active all the time they're working their gardening. Their main form of exercise is actually walking which is interesting.

Sinead Urwin:

Yes. Yeah. And actually you mentioned over exercising. And I completely agree with you there. So anything remember anything that causes stress to the body or the mind causes inflammation over exercising causes inflammation. Because we're expecting too much body. And so that's counterproductive. And over exercising is counterproductive simply because it produces more information.

Dave Sherwin:

OK so let's now. You've already given lots of good tips and ideas and everything. Now I want you to kind of summarize it. I want you to now heal the world of its problem of depression. Not not should be easy. Just tell us exactly this idea of an ideal world. Give us your top of mind first things that everyone needs to be doing to deal with this issue.

Sinead Urwin:

I would first of all take a look at the food that we're eating. So to try to reduce or eliminate as much as possible depleting refined grains sugar refined processed food. OK. Because they are fueling or inflammation right. Replace them than with whole foods fruits vegetables nuts seeds and you know omega 3 rich you know wild fish you know organic free range meats. You know the good oils right because they are anti inflammatory and completely recognizable by the body and nutritional value. OK. But then we also need to reseed the crops with prebiotic rich food and supplements. So I would focus on anything surprise it's like you know you got your your micro screen capture or surprise grains in the game. OK. And also anything fermented through your sauerkraut kimchi Caboolture apple cider vinegar. All of these because anything that's been sprouted or fermented becomes problematic. OK. So that is going to be Wild is the seed that got that industry through intonation that Karen is going to stimulate our production of serotonin Dopeman which is going to get us further away from them fighting depression. So exercise and sleep also critical and positive relationships. OK. A huge one because remember anything mental emotional also causes inflammation which causes eye suppression. So we need to be very careful with the Renaissance with you know positive people and to avoid any any of that mental emotional stress because that is going to go straight to our gut. Even though we don't realize there and then with regards to supplements I'm a big believer in supplements for supplemental purposes. I mean I've even getting as much as we can through Whole Foods but we're not perfect every day we're busy. Since supply is void of a lot of the nutrients we need because our food has been so cultivated so some of the supplements I would really recommend would be a good probiotic. I'd get it out in Santry locker. Kirkman Kirkman's the active compound in my. By the way. I like a good mix three. Like a good a good start. You know that there are lots of others but there will be some that I would really recommend actually. On that note beets flowers V12 needs good prebiotic rich soil in the garden were be synthesized by the body properly. So guess what we're Vahidi efficient honey bee Tav. And that leads to our depressive states. So and so the body relies on you know all the nutrients to work together for maximum absorption of you know all of the nutrients that we need to avoid depression.

Dave Sherwin:

Well well that's excellent.

Sinead Urwin:

That should solve the world's problem if we just get everyone to this podcast and do it you're saying. No problem. OK let let me add one one one habit I've added this year that has been huge for me. I am the type of person I'm pretty interested in politics. I always have been. I'm interested in the philosophy behind politics and what role government plays in the relationship between government and free enterprise all this stuff is interesting to me I used I've read about it I studied it I have my own ideas on how things should be run. I used to listen to talk radio shows and watch the news and the debates and all of this was very interesting to me until this year I finally decided that actually the whole thing was mostly just toxic and I was sick of listening to politicians from either side. I was sick of listening to those people in the media who are just looking for headlines and willing to say or do almost anything to get people to read their headlines versus someone else's headlines. And I tuned out and I don't mean a little bit. I mean I have completely tuned out of politics. Don't get me wrong I still think it's very important to vote.

Dave Sherwin:

And a person can proactively go in and do research on the candidates and have their own political philosophy and go vote according to that philosophy without listening to all of this negativity. And I don't care which side you're on. And I know there's more than two sides but for all intents and purposes it's kind of Democrats and Republicans in this country.

Sinead Urwin:

And I don't care where you fall chances are if you spent a lot of time listening to or talking about or being involved in political things chances are you're just filling yourself with stress and and and at the same time not filling yourself mentally with positive things like Sinead mentioned earlier the positive things that are out there and so for me the switch from not listening to any of that stuff to becoming a power user of audible and listening to a lot of podcasts just like all of you out there listening to right now my life has been enriched I'm listening to positive stuff and and I don't miss it a bit. So I get off my soapbox now. But Shnaider that's been a big thing for me. I just did that earlier this year. Yes I really believe that we we love etc. Here we grossly underestimate the physical effect of any mental emotional stress physical situation has created so much stress amongst people and it's toxic. It's like it's like living in cancer. Right. It creates that toxic environment within our bodies. That's not it. It's not it's not a healthy environment. And you know invariably it can lead to some breaking of the body or not emotional state which we know now are connected.

Dave Sherwin:

So I agree the more we can surround ourselves with sterling positive we you know rich sharing experiences and ultimately the healthier and longer we're going to live well excellent and that's a nice comment to end on although I bet you do have a couple of more parting thoughts for us and so before we wrap up I just want you to kind of review mentally you know what we've talked about already and maybe just give us kind of closing remarks and anything that you want to add that you don't think we've either talked about enough or that we haven't mentioned yet.

Sinead Urwin:

You know I think you know like life is a cycle right. We are you know our bodies are also they also operate that way so we need to we need to really think about the nutrients we're getting from food and how they rely on each other. It's ultimately cultivating our microbiomes how how so provide that is what's going to feed our mental health. And so we need to think about maximizing nutrient Bensley Pirbright by getting the Proval analytics what my gut needs to achieve the happy hormones that my brain needs. Am I feeding the probiotics right which is what we don't realize we might be taking all these products supplements and easy. No sir. Craton kimchi till the cows come home but we need to feed those prebiotics with something and they're the prebiotics right before the resistance starts just like you know he came out with no artichokes. You know the underlying means onion garlic. All of these foods. So when you think about it all of these everything that's been put on the planet for us to consume. Right is there for a reason because they're all they're all relying on each other for maximum option by the human body and that's why I think we're so far away from eating who we're relying on quake on the Go Package processed junk quite frankly that it's not recognisable by the body's food and we're wondering why we're faced with all of this depression and chronic disease. OK we're done that's why I said earlier that I think probably at least 90 percent of these issues are created by lifestyle choices that we can go back to food as nature intended and life used to be before you know Gene tectonics and you know all the stress. And guess what.

Dave Sherwin:

Give the body what it needs to heal well that was excellent and I appreciate you coming on the show. You shared a lot of great stuff with us by the way state has a new website Zunaid or when dot com s i and e a d u r w i n dot com and Sinead it's beautiful I love it. I think the image is great. You must have hired a photographer to come and do that.

Sinead Urwin:

Yes I did. I have an amazing friend who's a phenomenal photographer.

Dave Sherwin:

She did that for me will it looks great for those of you listening yata go check it out and for some of you you really ought to talk to Sinead about helping you reach your own personal goals. She's a she's a very competent very skilled certified health coach and as she mentioned she's now working with a functional. I'm going to get the words wrong here what did you call that group again that you're working with.

Sinead Urwin:

And so the rising health speciality clinic here in Salt Lake City. So these were phenomenal Finchy. Are some medicine doctor the nurse practitioners and you know they're here it takes a village fair to find help claims through the Senate. Part of their process to get there without being there some estimates indicate risk this patients at the clinic. OK and end is the website. The best place to get a hold of your or there other sources are places people can find you online social media or anything like that. My wife said made her sense of calm is probably the best way. I'm also on Facebook and Instagram and Behnke and pseudonyms. My company is the minings Major. So yes please case reach I. I believe in the power of the body to heal and anything which is why I'm doing what I'm doing. But I also think the key is education. The more we know the more we can help ourselves and our loved ones who actually among them affect excellent will.

Dave Sherwin:

Thanks again for being on the show I really appreciate it.

Sinead Urwin:

Thank you so much.

Dave Sherwin:

I'm so glad you're OK and to all of you listening there will be a follow up as episode to this. I present to you the latest in clinical research on the natural supplements that can aid with mood and depression that will be episode 75.


Until then this is Dave Sherwen. Wishing you success. Thanks for listening to the Nairobi health show. Make sure and check Dairo B.Com for a free copy of Dave's excellent health but formula 7 and enter to win in our free battle Friday contest. If you're enjoying the show leave your view on iTunes. See you next time.