The Dirobi Health Show

076 Top 10 Tips! Best of Episodes 51-75

Dave Sherwin Season 1 Episode 76

In this episode I review the top 10 tips from the last 25 episodes. The last 25 episodes have had some outstanding health tips and research. From the "Simplified Wim Hof" technique to the advanced techniques for achievements by Dr. Friesen, there has been a wealth of actionable tips in these episodes. Listen in for the best of the best!

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This show is for informational purposes only.

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Welcome to the Di roby health show, covering the world of fitness, nutrition, and supplementation with world class guests, the latest clinical research and plenty of tips you can use right away to boost your health and wellness. Here's your host, Dave Sherwin.

Dave Sherwin:

Hey, welcome to episode 76 of the disrobing health show and as is our custom, we reviewed the top 10 tips from the last 25 episodes, so every time, every 25 episodes we go back through those 25 and kind of go through what really jumped out at us. And in the last 25 there's just been some amazing episode so it was kind of hard to pick, but we've got some really incredible tips and we're going to start off with number one, which comes from episode 63. And by the way, when I say number one, that doesn't mean it's the best one. As a matter of fact, some of these that I think are super duper you may not think are that great because maybe you already do it, and others that I think weren't as exciting to me may really jump out at you. So of course it all depends on who you are and where you're coming from as to how you value these. So we don't number them from the best to the worst or anything like that. It's just the ones that really stood out to us. So the Wim Hof method, these simplified Wim Hoff method by Dr Joe, uh, you know, that was really cool because a lot of people don't like cold. They don't like the thought of sitting in an ice bath. It's just too extreme for a whole lot of people. So to learn that by training yourself to just stand in the cold shower for a few minutes at the end of your shower can make a huge difference to reducing inflammation and giving you more energy and, and, and just getting you ready for the day, especially when you have a shower after a workout. And it also really does help you to be candid. Immunized to the cold. Now I've been doing this ever since that episode and trust me, the first time I did it, I was not excited about it. I just kind of started off with the water being lukewarm and Dr Joe recommended that you you don't have to just jump in, you don't have to show up cold, your turn, your shower all the way to the very coldest at first and you don't have to go to a full two minutes of first, but if you gradually we'll just turn your shower down at the end of your shower to luke, warm for a little while and then a little colder the next day and a little colder and a little longer until you work your way up to where you go all the way cold for two minutes and I gotta tell Ya. It's amazing how after a couple of weeks, once I'd got it all the way cold, I was waiting and bracing myself for that shock of the very cold water. After a couple of weeks it just didn't happen. I am now totally acclimated to cold water and it's really a cool thing. So I finished my shower, turned all the way cold. I just breathe deeply, use my mindfulness techniques and I just breathe deeply and I often will count out about 30 deep breaths as I just slowly turned and make sure the cold water is getting on each of my major muscles, you know, a chest, the front of my quads. I turned a little bit and get it down, writing down my shoulders and traps and back and just kind of move back and forth and and get that cold water to really hit each of your major muscle groups and you'll be shocked at what a cool little life habit this is. Maybe not the first few days takes a little getting used to, but I gotta tell you now that I've been doing it regularly. I'm a huge fan. I, I just sense like I, I just feel that inflammation going down now, especially after a hard workout and I get another shower feeling really energized, which I certainly never felt like that after getting out of a, a hot shower. So phenomenal tip, episode 63. Well worth listening to the whole episode if you missed it. The next episode, 54 of the paradox of multivitamins with Lauren Stewart. This is based on a ton of research on why all the current research is showing that multivitamins neither improved the quality of life or longevity of life for anybody, and if you didn't know that that is the fact. There's been massive studies with tens of thousands of people and most multivitamins are simply ineffective. The vast majority have too many things. A lot of the ingredients conflict with each other. They have too many items, not enough of some of the most vital items. They don't address deficiencies properly and in short, the fact is most of them are just laundry list of a ton of vitamins and mineral minerals in the wrong quantities. Sometimes your body cannot even break them down and you just poop out little white pills and it's doing you absolutely no good, and we cover that and we go through in that episode exactly what vitamins you should be taking, how a simple multivitamin with only the main things that you're most likely to be deficient in and a few things for energy and weight loss, et Cetera. As probably the best way to go, and of course that's how we formulated our own product. Mimi's miracle multi. A highly recommend you go over to[inaudible] dot com and just pull up that Mimi's miracle multiproduct and look at the ingredients. We spent two years researching that and you know what if you end up not wanting to buy our product but you just read the ingredient list, you will discover what are the main things are that you need and in what quantity and if you can find it cheaper or better quality somewhere else, that's just fine. We have put it together for you in one formula in Mimi's miracle multi. So whether you break it down and buy those things individually or get our product. Hey, either way, whatever floats your boat, but our product is specifically designed to address and it's in response to all of the studies on why most of them don't work and what you ought to do to make one that really works. And that's how we fashioned Mimi's miracle multi. So if you're interested in multivitamins and getting the actual things you might be deficient in, that's episode 54 a with research by a blogger, Lauren Stuart. Next is the episodes 55 and 56. Taking the research, uh, from Judson brewer, you, you may have seen his Ted talk on addiction. He's got some phenomenal stuff on using the latest science on addiction recovery to help you curb cravings and to overcome, um, you know, bad eating habits if you have the more, certain times of day when you more susceptible to eating stuff, you know you shouldn't eat. That's episode 55 and 56 where we cover really effective science on how you can become a healthier eater through curbing your cravings. Another episode that really jumped out to us as we talked about these last 25 because number 62 with Thomas mcconkie on effortless mindfulness, Thomas mcconkie is really the real deal. You know, mindfulness and meditation are not just buzzwords in our society. They are meaningful life practices that all of us should be working on and improving in my humble but correct opinion. And Thomas is as good as anybody, and I've been attending his local Sagas I just love them. He's got a really great manner about him. If you're in Utah in the area of Salt Lake City or Provo, you oughta check those out. And otherwise, of course you can check his website out online, learn more about him, but he combines the ancient traditions. He is, he's been a practicing Buddhist for 20 years, but he's combined what he's learned at Buddhism with modern science and adult learning and progression techniques into something that is really effective and, and transformative. And, uh, he has retreats, uh, here in the, the uh, uh, the West, uh, in Idaho and I think he does when in California. And so worth checking out his website if you're interested in learning more for him. But even if you just listened to his podcast and get yourself a little effortless mindfulness with McConkey, uh, or listened to our interview with him, that's episode 62 really meaningful transformative stuff can make a huge difference in anyone's life. Number 69. Wow. Searching for God and the garbage with Baraka gets was just an inspiring episodes. She not only talked about her, you know, overcoming a lifelong eating disorder that she'd had, but what an amazing person she had. The has the beautiful terminology. Uh, she writes children's books and writes about how she wants to help their soul shine. Just a beautiful expression and she had so quotes in there, so many inspiring moments. Brock is a Harvard Grad, very intelligent, spent 10 years in Israel. It's just an interesting story, inspiring stuff and her book searching for God and the garbage is her memoir is currently for sale and available on Amazon, highly rated by all those who have read it, and a well worth listening to episode 69. Next episode, 74 and 75 on mood and depression are great episodes, especially if you're dealing with mood swings or depressive symptoms. Now, of course, we're not trying to solve clinical depression here and you ought to get a professional professional help if you're a clinically depressed, but for for most of us are dealing with just the normal mood swings and and times of of regular depression that all humans feel. There's some really excellent stuff there, including not only the physical side of it with sinead Irwin was our guest a on this one, but also the top six supplements to help with clinic, not I'm sorry, not clinical depression, but with mood and depression and in the order that you should take them and try them if you're going to experiment and treat yourself as a a personal experiment on and improving your moods and depression. Excellent information on episodes 74 and 75 episodes. Sixty seven on visceral fat loss was fascinating. You know, fat loss is such a common topic. A lot of us feel like we're pretty expert in it, but I'll tell you what, Michelle Lockhart really nailed it on this visceral fat loss. I had no idea that visceral fat was actually in Oregon and I loved her little rule of thumb that if your waistline men is over 40 inches, you have too much visceral fat and ladies, if your waistline measures over 35 inches, you have too much visceral fat and audit. Take action because that's really working against you, shortening your life, raising your chance of metabolic syndrome and other negative things. And so make sure and check out episode 67 with Michelle Lockhart, especially if you're interested in fat loss episodes 70 and 71 our next with Dr Chris Friesen. Wow. This is one of the world's leading Zeros, a psychologist talking about achievement. This is his expertise. This is the latest. This is not some, you know, pop psychology of the fifties from people who made a bunch of money and then wrote books about how to do it. Uh, this is really meaningful information about how all of us can affect change, excuse me, expect change within ourselves. And, uh, you know, this is a guy who was doing it. He works with the Olympic athletes. He works with elite athletes at various levels as well as a business and academic professionals there. There was just tons of great nuggets in that episode. So much so that we originally wanted to, you know, we're just gonna record one episode with Dr Friesen, but it was so good and there was so much there. We broke it up into two and, uh, it is well worth listening to if you're wanting to improve in any area of your life or you're struggling, struggling or stuck on a certain area or maybe whether it's financial or in your health or in relationships. There's something there for everybody. Uh, with Dr Chris Friesen, those were episodes 70 and 71 on episode 65 with Dr. Pound on natural healing techniques. There was a real cool epiphany in there on posture. You know, he, he spoke about posture, the importance of it. We all know that, but a lot of us don't mindfully keep our posture good throughout the day. And one of the things he pointed out, I thought was really cool and simple, uh, but really meaningful. Was it the worst position? Is the one that you're in most of the time now, if you think about that, a lot of us are sitting a lot all day. Some people drive a, maybe you're a salesperson in their car a lot, but whatever position you were in for long periods of time is the position that you really need to work on or get out of, try to spend less time in etc. That was very interesting along with several, several other great tips from dr. Pound on episode 60th five episodes 60 and 73 together. They're both on sleep and those episodes were highly downloaded on itunes and other formats. There's a big problem in our country with sleep and, uh, it's, it's more common to be sleep deprived than to be fully rested for most adults in the United States anyway. And so if that's you and you're not getting those seven to nine hours that you really need, there's all kinds of great ideas, including on how to create a sleep routine and lots of great actionable tips, uh, devices, supplements, ideas on how you can improve your sleep quality. Those are episodes 60 and 73. Now as honorable mentions, episode 66 had some really cool tips and advice on colloidal silver. Now as I record this, it's november and we're coming into cold and flu season and I, I didn't actually realize myself just how useful colloidal silver can be, especially with children, uh, but with any of us for sinus infection and for various, you know, various cold and flu symptoms and I'm actually taking a six sprays per day in the mornings and I will do that throughout the winter. I probably won't do it all summer in the summer, use it more as a topical for scrapes and burns, etc. And things like that. But through the winter that was something I pickeD up. And here we are. I'm a seller of colloidal silver. We have a phenomenal colloidal silver product and people do love it and they, you know, it's a popular product, but I actually was surprised at dr joe cupo and just how many various uses there are of colloidal silver, some of which I had never heard of. And the last one in the honorable mention category is episode 53 with Jessica Golden, who's just outstanding. She's a great certified health coach and the blast and wait methods are really cool, handy, useful, simple methods for improving your eating. And so I thought there was some great tips there on episode 53. So there you have it, a short recap on a few tips from the last 25 episodes and those that we thought were worth recapping and reviewing, this is kinda like the blues clues of podcasting, I guess, you know, a blues clues repeated the same show over and over and over. So the children would ingrain the habits and learn the, uh, the, the principles from the show. And so that's why in, in that same spirit, we like to kind of recap some of the big tips every 25 episodes. And so if you miss those episodes, hopefully you picked up a few tips here just from me describing these episodes to you in. Otherwise, if there's anything that jumped out at you, whether it was sleep or the simplified wim hof method or you're in, you're in, you're thinking you're eating a credit, a multivitamin, a, you go to episode 54, you know, so whatever one jumped out at you, you might want to go back and review that episode, take a few notes and use that stuff. I, I hope that this podcast, for those of you who listen regularly is making a difference. You know, learning positive principles is not a onetime thing. Uh, the old, well, I've heard that, that people say when they hear something from someone that they think they already know is kind of a killer of progression because it's, you know, self improvement is like taking a shower some days were, were highly motivated and we learned something great. Uh, but then over time we, we stopped doing it. We forget about it. We don't totally incorporate it into our lives. And motivation is like that. And just like taking a shower every day, we got to cleanse ourselves or we ourselves are. We get stinky. And the same is true with personal development. We are other filling our mind with good and positive thoughts and constantly keeping ourself on a higher bandwidth so to speak, or the world is filling our mind and our spirit with with negatives. It's either one or the other. We're either going up or we're going down and it takes most of us along time to incorporate new health habits. You know, I took the precision nutrition course as a student two years ago and I loved it. I'm, I'm currently finishing up my certification to become a precision nutrition coach, but I took it. It's a one year long program and one of the very most basic things they taught was to eat your food slowly and mindfully and I felt like, well I know that, but as I really paid attention to my meals and my eating, I found that very often I was just eating lunch in a hurry because I wanted to get back to work or dinner or I get distracted at the table with the conversation and I'm just listening and pounding down the food without eating it slowly and mindfully and two years. Lady later, long story short, I am still working on that one habit. There are still times when if I don't pay attention, I eat my food too quickly and I just say that as one example of all the many health tips that hearing it is not enough. It has to be repeated. We need reminders. We go through times where we fall off the bandwagon and we're just not doing those things that we know we should or times of very low motivation where we're just not dragging ourselves to the gym like we should. And so by listening to podcasts like this one, even episodes that we think we're already expert on, we continue to fill our mind with the good ideas, picking up new tips and continually re igniting that fire so that we're actually implementing the things we learn. Not just hearing them in thinking we're expert on them. Expertise involves listening and understanding and then actually applying it and then often over time a really learning it on a higher level because we're actually doing it. And then again, sometimes we have to fall off the bandwagon to be reminded again to get back to our good habits. It's just all part of being human is that constant cycle of learning, being reminded, integrating habits until finally a lot of these good habits stick and then we move on from there. So that's kind of my deal with the podcast is why I'm doing it. I hope that you're, uh, uh, experiencing it and receiving it that way. And I would love To hear from you. We have a, a little tool on the blog if you go to blog dot[inaudible] dot com, d I r o b dot[inaudible] dot com. There is a little widget on the right hand side. You can push that and just send in a question or a comment and we will use those, uh, with your permission. Uh, well, if you leave it, just assume we might use it. Okay. So don't, don't leave it. If it's private or personal or if you just tell us that at the beginning we won't use it. But otherwise we'd love to hear your questions. Play them on the air. And address them, uh, you could either suggest a topic or a guest or ask a question or just make a comment, whatever your little heart desires. And until next time, this is dave sherwin wishing you health and success.


Thanks for listening to the dire robbie health show. Make sure and check[inaudible] dot com for a free copy of dave's excellent health book formula seven. And enter to win. And our free bottle friday contest. If you're enjoying the show, leave a review on itunes. See you next time.