The Dirobi Health Show

079 Creating Permanent Health Changes with Dom Campbell

Dom Campbell Season 1 Episode 79

Dom Campbell is a certified Master Coach of Change & Transformation from The Health Coach Institute. His work is designed to help people create life long BEHAVIOR CHANGE in their health and in their life generally.

We discuss why most people fail in making changes in their health, wellness & life. 

How to create behavioral change through discovery & awareness, understanding the blocks, overcoming the blocks, and celebrating success.

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This show is for informational purposes only. 

None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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This show is for informational purposes only.

None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Welcome to the show. Before we jump in I have a huge announcement. I am so excited about this. I can barely contain myself. I hope you can feel the excitement exuding through the airwaves from my voice to your ears. If you've listened to my show much you know that the three biggest things we talk about are the three pillars of health nutrition fitness and supplementation in that order and those are the things that we primarily talk about. And while they sound simple and you just kind of list them off like that the fact is that the amount of sheer information and misinformation on all three of those things has enough to make your head spin. What is the quote best diet best exercise program best supplements. Well of course that depends on who's asking young athletes have totally different needs and seniors. Everybody's genetics differ. Some have food allergies and absorption issues and everybody has their own tastes in food and fitness and supplement needs also vary from person to person. But a We literally have the answer to life the universe and everything. When it comes to the three biggies of nutrition fitness and supplementation it's called the Dirobi transformation program. It includes a year long customized nutrition eating program a flexible and realistic workout program and the course supplements that you're most likely to be deficient in and that will help you lose weight reduce cholesterol manage blood sugar and generally feel superhuman. Just go to To learn more. I've been in this industry for eight years I promise you I haven't seen anything this good and this affordable the whole time I've been doing this coaching a nutrition package alone is currently for sale elsewhere right now for a hundred and seventy nine dollars a month. But as an industry insider I have created the way that my customers can get all of this including the necessary supplements for as little as 67 dollars a month. I kid you not. Hello everybody welcome to the Dirobi health show we've got a phenomenal guest today. Dom Campbell Dom is a certified master coach of change and transformation. He got his certification from the health coaching institute. His work is designed to help people create lifelong behavior change and their health and life generally. So his whole focus is not so much on quick fix strategies or just you know lose some weight temporarily type of a thing. Tom is an expert in helping people make real meaningful behavioral change. And so I'm very excited to have him as a guest Dom. Thank you so much for being on the show. Thank you. Thank you. I'm happy to be here and to be able to do this and be here with you. I appreciate you doing it and reading through your bio and everything it sounds like what you do is is a little intense. You know there's all kinds of health programs out there. This sounds a little more meaty than than some. Who's up the case. It it's it's a different approach to do it. But I'll tell you why it's actually an approach that's gone. It's actually going to work and it's going to last the philosophy that I approach with this is I do not attempt to swing a big door with a big hinge. I swing a big door with small hinges. I swing big doors with small hinges. So what I mean by that is I I work with my clients in a way that makes it easy and fun for them so that we just focus on one small thing at a time. And over the course of time working on these small things we get a big result a lasting result. I love that. That's right. Right in line with your eye. I think I'm sure a lot of people resonate with that. Yeah yeah. And so the whole thing is a lot of this is the this is one of the problems that a lot of people have is a they'll decide to do a particular program that they'll eat a fad diet or some other program and they'll go at it and if they're lucky enough to finish it because many people get started and they don't even finish it. If they do finish it they wind up going back to their old habits and behaviors. And it's because they've tried to swing that door with a big hand. They've they've basically tried to change all of their habits and behaviors in one shot at number one is very hard to do because you are changing so much. It's based on a deprivation mindset in all or nothing mindset. Number two there is this mentality that you have to be perfect right. If I don't do it this way if I don't get it all right if I make a mistake you know then I'm I'm not good enough. Many people say that people quit and they don't stay onboard. The other thing too is that there isn't any accountability in many of the programs or if there is a limited type of accountability there is a lot of group type of programs but they don't get down to needy issues. So they may be able to change their habits and behaviors for a temporary period of time but they don't really stick. OK so let's back up for a minute so I'm sure that message in those three points are like say resonating with a lot of people. I mean all of us have tried something and failed tried something temporary gotten really gung ho and fallen off the bandwagon. And so before we jump in to some of the specifics of this and some tips and whatnot let's back up a little bit. Get to know you a little bit better tell me you know your bio not your life. I was born here and that type of bio but just kind of your what brought you here what's your story. In a nutshell I grew up a heavyweight kid. I was that kid that was always the last kid to be picked on kickball team. The awkward kid and very introverted not a lot of friends. I grew up that way. By the time I was in college I was a very round 240 pounds and had an accident and because of that accident had to have knee surgery and was told no. The one thing I really enjoyed was skiing downhill downhill skiing and I was told you know if I want to continue skiing I gotta keep that keep working on that knee. And so after doing like six months of physical therapy I just pleaded to the doctor. No no you know I'll do this on my own. And so I started going to the gym for the first time in my life and initially just worked out the knee. I was in my it was about 25 years ago. I was about 25 years old. Wow. Yeah. And that was the first time I found my health and wellness. I started I started losing some weight and started feeling good and over a period of time I started changing things. You know first exercise and then nutrition and I lost a total of about 80 pounds. Kept it off 20 years. Had the American dream got married or have got a dog had kids. Then I got a divorce and gained half my weight back during the divorce started having anxiety attacks was put on medications for that. And by the time I moved into my post divorce home I just felt like my life had been shattered like everything was just out of whack. I went right back to my old habits and behaviors. I had the best therapist in the world. Their name was Ben and Jerry. They came by every night. And you know for a while there you know it's no wonder I didn't have to wait back and I would've gained it all back except when I moved into my new home I prayed for an answer like you know God this is not what I signed up for. Like how do I get out of this. Because you know I can't afford to do where I used to do. And the answer was revealed to me later that night I woke up at 230 in the morning I couldn't sleep and I just decided to get up and do some unpacking and during this time I realized that I had my priorities upside down. Everything else in my life had a priority and I was putting myself last and I realized I had to turn it upside down. I had to flip the back the other way around. I had to make myself a larger priority in my life. And so you know I realized God first me second kids third and everything else after that. And so the next day I got up and I started walking in that priority and I did it little by little I started doing some exercises at home started to get my nutrition cleaned up last that way in about two months. About 60 days. And I've kept it off since and since that time I decided I originally started as a hobby. But I started getting really interested in helping people. I was having dramatic results at this point and social media was a thing then and I started sharing my journey on social media and people became more interested in I started quoting people online and decided I wanted to get certified and so I got my certification but they didn't want to get certified in nutrition or fitness. I wanted to be certified in the root cause of the problem because I understood what that was. And it was habits and behavior change. OK so you're your allocation is not directly nutrition or exercise. I mean that's kind of the end result but you're really focusing on the underlying premises. Yeah it's interesting as I'll say to people you know I'm a health coach and I don't I do not focus on your. I do not focus on what you eat or your exercise. And they kind of look at me right they Copperhead over there I think well what do you do. I'm like I focus on your habits and behaviors around those things. So we do talk about nutrition we do talk about exercise because if they are vital components but I'm more interested around what you're doing you know and what takes you off track. OK so I want to back up a little bit but again I backed you up once I'm going to back you up again. Your story is a great story and there's a lot of people. Who are like you and that they just never liked the gym classes they weren't very healthy they weren't maybe interested and later in life decide to get healthy. And it can be really really hard to take that first step into a gym or to put yourself out there and go jogging where people can see you if you're embarrassed to be seen in your New You know exercise clothes. And you're you're not comfortable in your own skin. Can you talk to that a little bit of what was that like for you. How did you get through that. That was it was it difficult to go from being the always overweight kid to becoming an exerciser I remember in the beginning in the beginning it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be because I had been going to physical therapy and the physical therapy place I was going to move to the doctor's office. And so I lost in that first six months I had lost probably about 20 pounds. So I had started gaining a little bit of self-confidence with that I think it was the second time around. On the second experience after my divorce and again have to wait back I was going to the gym for a long time. But the second time around I was very self-conscious and people saw that I gained weight and I wasn't feeling good about myself again. And I did not want to go to the gym the second time around. And that's why I did it at home. I worked out at home. It is actually still workout at home. I do not I have not gone to a gym in six years.

Speaker 13:

OK. And you know we've got your picture.

Speaker 14:

People can go see your image on our website and you're lean and healthy and you've got a vitality. You know there's a look of vitality in your face.

Speaker 13:

It's hard to imagine looking at your picture that you're ever overweight.


How long have you been at your ideal body weight since my divorce. Six years. OK. Six years now. Yeah.

Speaker 14:

All right. So after all that you took this interest you're coaching people online.

Speaker 8:

You decide to get certified.

Speaker 14:

What was it that guided you to want to do the behaviorial type of a change I mean you know I'm actually finishing the nutritional certification myself. I didn't probably give it as deep thought as you did. I had taken a certain I had taken a course from Precision Nutrition I really liked it as a client and when I decided I wanted a certification I did want it and nutrition. And so I'm getting it from Precision Nutrition because I know them I like them I trust them I took their program. And for me it was just you know nutrition. But you you had different thinking. You kind of thought deeper about the underlying issues. Do you have an interest in psychology or what was it that made you go that direction.


Well it's kind of interesting. When I was married and had our first child I actually hired a nutritionist. My wife and I hired a nutritionist at that we went to weekly for oh gosh probably two years and I learned a lot about nutrition during that time which helped a lot. You know when I got back when I got out of my divorce it helped a lot. I knew what to do but I wasn't doing it. When it came to the nutrition it after my divorce during my divorce it was all about getting through the day and I found comfort food. It was it was a habit and a behavior issue that was triggering. The nutrition thing. Now. Why do I go down this path. Why did I seek this out. Well when I started coaching people online the one thing that I noticed in doing this was one that people never. They didn't stick with it. Right. They fell off after a few weeks or when like I said before they completed the program but then they went back to old habits and behaviors and when I went I was seeing this. I'm like this is really interesting. This is exactly what happened to me and I was able to get myself out of it. But what I struggled with was I wanted to help other people get out of it and I couldn't I couldn't put my arms around it enough to coax them through that I recognize what the problem was but I wasn't skilled enough to bring somebody else through it if that makes sense. And so I thought about becoming a fitness coach. I thought about like a certified fitness coach. I thought about becoming a certified nutritionist and I'm like I'm going to go talk to these people and ask them what their biggest struggle is with their clients. And in both cases overwhelmingly I heard the same thing from them as well. I was experiencing either people stop coming they fall off the program or they go back to their old habits and behaviors anyhow and I'm like well why am I going to get certified in something. And not get a different result. Thanks. I'm going to get certified in something I'm one of my clients have a different result. And I learned that getting certified in these things. Won't necessarily help my client get a different result. It's not getting to the root cause of why they keep falling off the programs or keep going back to the old habits and behaviors. Then I thought about becoming a health coach and there's the help. When you say health because there's a lot of different different imagery that comes up a lot of people think more nutrition a lot of people think more fitness a lot of people think there's a lot of different imagery that comes up some people think I'm going to make them run five miles you know. But that's not the case at all. It's really more I focus on the habits and behaviors. And I found the school the health institute that focuses specifically on the habits and behaviors around overall health and wellness and how to bring people through how to coach them through that process. That transformation it's a transformation from the inside out as opposed to the outside in a lot of times we'll fight to do a program at the gym or we'll see a program in our home program on TV a DVD program whatever and they're appealing to you to change your body from the from the outside in. It's all about the scale number or the number of inches lost and that that gets a result. But it's usually a temporary result because it's an external result. It doesn't really focus on the internal things that go on inside the underlying habits and behaviors that's where the long term lifestyle change comes in. And that's why 98 percent of the people fail at making lifestyle changes because they're trying to do it from the outside instead of the inside out. And what I realized was that's it. That's precisely what I had done both times in both of my journeys. I changed from the inside out. And both times I was able to hold onto the result for very very long period of time.

Speaker 15:

OK so you get a new client and rather than start them off probably with the food journal and trying to get to know their particular what you would call external type of habits you do discovery and awareness. Right. Talk to us about that.


OK. Typically what I do is I do it a strategy breakthrough session. The very first thing I do with every client to understand where they are at you know what what are the current struggles and then understand where do they want to be I want to create that contrast to understand you know this is where they are this is where they want to be and then understand their lifestyle. That's really really important because if they want to get from point A to Point B and it doesn't fit within our lifestyle they're not going to take the trip where they're not going to stay on the trip. And that's what that's a lot of the problem to begin with with people you know that day they'll do something decide to do a program but they don't stick with it because doesn't fit their lifestyle is too restrictive it's too much time. It's too it's too hard in their mind. Right. Maybe even too hard on their body. It could be too hard for their bodies. Some people have physical limitations that do not enable them to participate in some of the programs that you see out on the market. So we have to understand their lifestyle and we've got to bring that into the equation here and make it easy and fun. If it's not it's the other thing if it's not easy and it's not fun. Again the change isn't going to last. So in our Strategy Session I find out everything about the client that I possibly can and together depending on what their goals are I meet with them weekly over the phone. And we begin swinging that door with small hinges little by little. Each week we focus on something very small in the beginning. We do talk about nutrition we do talk about exercise right but it's about moving the needle in a positive direction.

Speaker 16:

Little by little OK. Small things.

Speaker 14:

I like how you make it fun. I think that's important. And I think a lot of people maybe don't do that. They maybe get that motivation. They want to change your life. They want to lose 30 pounds whatever whatever it is. Fill in the blank and then they adopt a program that like feels like a grind and they feel like they're going to willpower through this thing and into the program and sometimes are picking this for themselves without maybe giving the thought to it that you would help give to them of hey it's got to be fun. It's got to be something you like something you can sustain. How do you how do you create that. How do you figure out how to create a fun program for somebody.


Well I like to ask what they like to do in most cases when someone starting off on a on a help them on this journey. The majority of people this is the case for everybody but the majority of people aren't moving enough and it's just a matter of just move more and so you know what is it do you like to do. Do you like to go walking. Do you like to run. Go running. Maybe you maybe like to go kickboxing go kickboxing. Maybe you like to go swimming. A lot of people they enjoy doing things but they simply don't make the time to do it and they get in this mindset that I've got to go I've got to go to a workout class. I've got to go to the gym to get results and that's really not the case at all. You can be active and have fun at the same time. It's very possible. You don't necessarily have to go to a gym to get your exercise in.

Speaker 14:

Yeah makes sense is probably just something people just don't think through. Back to why we need coaches right like that's that's where you come in is ask all the right questions or what not. In fact I wanted to touch on another thing that you do with your clients. You help them determine their real outcome. Now I find this interesting because I think all of us including myself constantly have a feeling of wanting to be better than we are in whatever area. I think as human beings there's always this gap between our potential and where we're at. And I don't care if that's in your work or your health or your relationships. I just think it's hardwired into us as human beings that we're always going to feel some drive to do better than we're doing.


But sometimes that can be pretty vague or maybe it can be unrealistic or maybe want it too fast. So you focus on outcomes. Talk to us about how do you help someone really get crystal clear on a reasonable outcome.

Speaker 17:

That's a really big question.

Speaker 18:

A lot of times. What are here.

Speaker 19:

And it usually crops up we're very critical of ourselves. Overly critical of ourselves.

Speaker 20:

We have a tendency to put a lot of pressure on ourselves to do things perfectly or to to beat ourselves up when we fall off right. Yeah.

Speaker 18:

And it's not about it's not about.

Speaker 19:

It's not about being perfect it's not about doing things right. That's not what this is about. And all right. It's it's about what you do after that. Right. Everybody no one is going to live the perfect lifestyle. Everyone's going to screw up their nutrition. Everybody's not going to work. Every day there's going to be circumstances that come up and it's OK. It's OK. And this is sort of a different paradigm because people have this all or nothing mentality. It's not about perfection it's about moving the needle in the right direction about what you do. The majority of the time not every day. So it's really it's not really about perfection. It's really about overall progress about moving the needle in the right direction. So many people as I mentioned before it's this idea that they fall off track. Something will come along some life event usually will come along and then it knocks them it takes them out of their good habits and behaviors.

Speaker 21:

And so as a coach we go there think well why did that happen. And what's the ecology around that. Where is that habit and where did that habit behavior come from. A lot of our habits and behaviors. It's not just a matter of our habits and behaviors and not just what we do. It's not just a matter of what we eat or exercising and offer getting enough rest. It's much deeper than that. There is a mental component to this right the things we think about. There's a heart component to this. The things we feel but there's also a spiritual component to this and that's what we put our stock in whatever that is when all the cards are down and all the chips are down these things together operate in such a fashion that influence our habits and behaviors. Toer being more healthy or further away being more destructive. And so sometimes a life event will occur. And you know the world like myself I fell to Ben and Jerry's and convenience food. It was all about just getting through the day and I didn't it wasn't just a temporary event. It lasted for four a year and a half and I gained all that weight. I didn't stop myself and I didn't have the right support in place to stop myself. And so this is where we go we of go deep. We kind of we kind of unravel where some of this started. And in many cases many years started when we were kids like me. And just through you know your parents your experience the way you were raised other habits that could have influenced new habits life events all this stuff has to be looked at and literally we are transforming people from the inside out. We begin sifting those habits and behaviors over a period of time little by little so that at the end you're not doing the same things you used to do. You have an awareness you have a mindfulness around things you're equipped to handle these situations in a much healthier fashion than you were before we started. So when a life event happens again you're not going to. You might have a bad day you might have a bad week but you're not going to derail and gain 40 pounds back.

Speaker 15:

Does that make sense. Oh OK so one of the things you talk about in your coaching is understanding blocks and overcoming blocks. And this I think goes hand in hand with what you just said so define for us what is a block is it like the life event you described. Or is it a mental block. Talk to us about understanding blocks that we may all have and how we overcome them.

Speaker 20:

A lot of times we have blocks and we don't even know that we have them. Typically our blocks are rooted in some type of fear that we have. And it's understanding what is triggering that fear and they manifest in different ways. So for instance for me when I got divorced I I got I found my love not in another person but in food and it manifested that way my block was around a lack of love. I was really looking for love. And instead of finding it loving the person I found it in the food. I had a block there and it's identifying those kinds of thoughts. Why am I going to the food what am I really looking for here. Am I really looking for food. What am I looking for happiness. Am I looking for love. Am I looking for acceptance am I looking for confidence. Am I looking for self-esteem. What is it. What is it that I'm really really wanting. It's not the food it's a mask it's a block right. And so these are the things that we that we discover together as a coach to them through everybody goes to them nobody gets and nobody has a perfect journey. And those are the opportunities for us to really discover and learn and begin changing the habits and behaviors that people are falling into. It's really powerful.

Speaker 8:

It sounds psychological.


Obviously you're not a psychologist but you are a life coach. Talk to us about that.

Speaker 15:

I mean it sounds like you're Analise you did some level of analyzing your trying to get to deeper things past behavior family lifestyle these blocks.

Speaker 13:

What's the difference between life coaching that you do and psych and psychologist well with with the coaching. The

Speaker 20:

one thing that we do with the coaching is I only look at we only examine the past to understand where you've been but we don't stay there. I don't really care what happened in the past because it's in the past. I'm more concerned about where you're at today and where you want to go. And so with the coaching I only look at the past to understand how you got to where you're at today. I don't keep going back there trying to understand why I'm trying to unravel the past. I start with today and we build a plan out going into the future. And so the approach is very very present and future based. And that's where the majority of our time is spent. And there is an element of psychology to this absolutely. We do talk about what we're thinking because what we're thinking has a lot to do with why we do what we do and a lot of it is premised on flawed beliefs. Flawed belief that comes up a lot. And so one is a flawed belief. People think in order to lose weight that they got to see the number drop on the scale. That's simply not true. I've had clients where they may be at 150 pounds they want to lose 20 pounds at the end of the program. They're still at 150 pounds but they've dropped multiple sizes converted fat to muscle.

Speaker 18:

Yeah yeah. And that's a that's a flawed premise and the flawed belief.

Speaker 20:

That someone planted in someone's head somewhere along the line. And it's a belief that needs to be changed but it's changed through experience. It's very hard for me to tell somebody that I would rather have them experience it themselves and me just tell them and have them get the result. That doesn't usually work. I tell them more you know this could be what's going on. It works better if we just kind of go. I'll try to get them to release that. The initial belief that the scale has to move to get results. There's all different ways to measure your results in terms of health and wellness and using the scale. By itself is is not the proper way to measure that it's not the proper way.

Speaker 21:

There's so many ways to measure success and you help them advance right. You know you're close in terms of how your clothes are fitting right. There is how you're feeling which is not a lot of people give that enough stock but how you feel is probably the most important thing. How are you feeling. You know living a healthier life that's usually an afterthought. It's not the first part the scale is the first initially. But as we begin as I begin working with people and transforming them from the inside out there what they focus on and what's important to them also shift they go from starting looking at a scale the majority of time to begin focusing more on how they're feeling the second the scale and everything becomes secondary. If we can get their lifestyle into balance the scale will take care of itself. Eventually but they're going to hold onto the changes long term because they're doing all the right things day in and day out little by little over a period of time. They're doing all the right things and getting a lasting long term result.


Earlier you talked about the all or nothing mentality the perfection is some of these challenges you have to help people with. And part of your part of your methodology also involves helping them celebrate success. I think it's human nature that we really feel bad when we do something wrong and not necessarily feel equally great when we do something good right. We might tend to ignore those little little good things we did that we ought to be celebrating. But really highlights some of the negatives. It seems to me that's probably human nature probably kind of the way we're wired. And so you use celebrating success as a tool to help people I assumed overcome that type of thinking. Talk to us about celebrate success what does that mean how to hold it. How do people do it. That's a really big thing with when I work with them like with what I work with my clients and coaching them. The very first thing we do in every fashion is we talk about what went well over the prior week and it's not it's not a judgment it's not a place that we hold judgment. And it doesn't have to be big and it doesn't have to be small it just whatever is to acknowledge what went well and sometimes they are big sometimes or not. It's giving that space creating a space of a container right up front to say I'm acknowledging myself for doing well in these areas. The majority of time we're beating ourselves up. We're looking at what we didn't do well. We're looking at our screw ups and that's very demotivating. We want to quit. We don't want to stay on board with what we're doing with what we're trying to accomplish when we're looking at all of the quote unquote bad stuff. It's very hard. It just takes all the wind out of our sales when we do that. So I it live it differently. I look at I look at what went well and then when we get to the thing that didn't go so well instead of beating ourselves up over it we take kind of take a step back and it's like OK well let's use this as a learning opportunity. What can we do different to experience inevitable success the next time this happens. And we talk through that. What have we done differently and we create a learning experience out of it and the next time will come up it inevitably comes up. And most of the time not every time. Sometimes it takes a couple of times to have this happen. But the majority of the time the second time comes up and people are like it worked this is awesome. They were able to not fall victim again to what they fell victim to the first time.

Speaker 20:

And it's like it becomes a something that went well for them. In that in that discussion. And so you know when you have that moment it's like yeah you know and they did it. And they're happy they almost can't believe that they did it themselves because they've been so trapped in this behavior for so long. You know that there's this belief I can't do I can't do that. I've done this 25 times before and it didn't work. But this time is different.

Speaker 22:

And that's the amazing part of this.


Ok cool I'm going to take you to a different direction now. And by the way this is really cool stuff. I'm sure there's people listening right now that this is really working for that they're like hey that's me. You know I have failed at different nutrition plans I've tried this I've tried that. So this is cool stuff. Like you're kind of going deeper than a lot of coaches go and really get into the root of some of the problems. I like it. And for those of you listening hang on a minute Don's got a hookup for you if you're interested in working with him. But first of all you're now a healthy guy you're not eating Ben and Jerry's every night. And so tell us tell us what a healthy eating day looks like for you. You already told me you have a home gym. So it sounds like you probably exercised the exercise first thing in the morning or at night or Wednesday dinner.

Speaker 11:

I don't have a home gym. I work out in my living room. Oh. Yeah. Yeah I have.

Speaker 20:

It's very simple. I have I'll stream workout online. I do have DVDs at home workout. Sometimes I just workout myself by myself. I just have a simple stack of weights. I have some bands and it's mostly cardio work otherwise. Other than that it's really a total body mixed work out between weights and cardio that I do at home. No gym no gym.

Speaker 8:

Very simple body weight.

Speaker 19:

Very simple very simple hit work. You know hit high intensity interval workouts is what I do kickboxing at home. Things like that. Those are my favorite kinds of things.

Speaker 14:

OK. And what is your favorite healthy breakfast.

Speaker 19:

My favorite healthy breakfast. I really like making a three egg omelet vegetables and hot sauce.

Speaker 8:

I just love it. You and I think like I have that almost every day for breakfast I fry up really. Yeah I fry up onion pepper and mushrooms and then I mix up three eggs and I literally once the vegetables are cooked up I dump the eggs over them and I don't use hot sauce. I put salt and cayenne pepper on it. And oh I just love it and it keeps me full till lunch everyday.

Speaker 22:

Yeah. Yep. Me too. The same thing the same thing that is so funny.

Speaker 15:

Well we think alike on that. How about lunch.

Speaker 20:

I usually will make a healthy fake high nutrition dense you know like green tea kind of thing. I will usually have that's my go to. That's my go to.


Do you put protein.

Speaker 20:

I do get thinking. I do. Yeah. And then I usually have a snack between lunch and dinner. And that's that will usually be Caesar like Frueh or I'll have fruit in yogurt because I really enjoy that. So yeah that I kind of back that up in the afternoon OK.

Speaker 8:

And then dinner favorite healthy dinner my favorite healthy dinner.

Speaker 20:

I love both hummock vinegar. I love it. And so I really like grilled chicken or grilled steak cut up over like a salad with balsamic vinegar vinegar and I'll marinate marinate in that before grilling it. I could eat that every single night. I could drink vinegar right out of a bottle. I love it. So that's probably one of my favorite dinners. Yeah.

Speaker 14:

OK. There's something I want to touch on. You mentioned spirituality and you shared a very personal experience of that was very meaningful to you. And of course when you take clients all over the place are all of different religions and backgrounds and whatnot but you mentioned spirituality and I'd like you to talk about that a little bit. I see in our society a general move towards more mindfulness and meditation it just seems to be more than like a buzz word or a fad. And there seems to be maybe even a shift from from maybe more orthodox religious activity into at least mindfulness and meditation. I don't know but I am seeing a lot of that. Talk to us about that you know you're open about it.

Speaker 15:

You already mentioned in the show you mentioned how people's mental and spiritual sensitivities affect their health. How do you address that and talk to that with people who are from diverse backgrounds and beliefs to help them or is it something you cover at all just talk to us about that element.

Speaker 18:

Well I think one of the things that is usually common with a lot of people it's not really what's common amongst all of the practices of religions will say is that they all have this belief that love is the end all be all and when we talk about our own health and wellness the love of self is so so important.

Speaker 20:

A lot of times are coming from a place where we do not love ourselves. And we look to something greater than us to help us with that. I did I saw I prayed to God for direction because I was not loving myself I recognized I was in a pretty deep dark place. I needed help to get out of that. And it's not so much the religion that you practice. And I think that's important. It's not how you do it. It's really just getting there to that place whether it's through prayer whether it's through meditation how it's done is not as important as just getting there to just get in getting into a regular practicing of whatever it is the practice is in essence so I do I pray. I also meditate as well I do both. I don't look at them. I don't feel they are exactly the same for me. I feel for me. Prayer and more connecting to something greater than myself. When I meditate it's more of a grounding of myself with the divinity within myself. If that makes sense. It's kind of hard to explain. But in essence I'm kind of grounding. It's almost like an emptying of my ego.

Speaker 19:

When I meditate when I pray I feel like I'm talking to my God as if I'm talking to you I'm having a conversation. But when I meditate I don't necessarily look at it as a conversation. I really look at it as an emptying of myself and getting really grounded in my true authentic being. And in a way that is connecting with the God Source within me because God does live and reside within me. I think it's different the way it's practiced if that makes sense.

Speaker 15:

Yeah the big key word there was love. And you talk about self-love. And I think that's important because as long as we're talking about really getting to underlying causes and roots you know that is interesting how our deepest kind of feelings can lead to either know great success or great pain depending on where we're at.

Speaker 14:

And so is that something you touch on with your clients. And it's a little bit of a sensitive area. Or is that not part of your coaching and more just you know part of your story for you personally.

Speaker 23:

It usually comes out I will meet the client on their map with this and it usually comes out somewhere on the journey with them because we are we are unraveling very often for people we are unraveling years and years of things that have been people and aware of some of the habits and behaviors that they have or the triggers and they're coming up for the very first time. And a lot of time a lot of times things are tied to our belief systems about ourselves.

Speaker 24:

And we need to tap into something that is greater than than ourselves. A lot of people were raised with a belief system but they've stopped practicing it and sometimes it's just a matter of getting tapped back in.

Speaker 23:

To something like that to reground them to you know to find their self-love again that they that they are unique that they are special that they are all that they are special that they are valued and they have a purpose here brings them back to to the to the basic foundations of having a happy healthy balanced life and trying to find that and can get there.


You are about so much more than just a person losing 30 pounds right. I love love.

Speaker 19:

Yeah the 30 pounds is nice but it's nicer when you can when you can really live in that balance and find that sweet spot. It's a real nice sweet spot and it's such a celebration.

Speaker 21:

Like going home and I have bring a client to her and they had to get to the other side. It's like yeah but them watching them maintain it and seeing how it shows up in their lifestyle and their relationships. The majority of my clients they get about halfway through the program and it's like whoa this is so much more than what I have bargained for. They thought they were just going to be losing 20 or 25 pounds. But what's happening is they're showing up differently for themselves. Things begin transforming from the inside out. And as a result of that they're showing up to their relationships different and it's affecting their marriages and their relationships in very positive ways.


I had one client one time my last client actually see she revealed to me in her sedum sessions who is just amazing. I'm like what's going on to my husband. He's he's treating me differently. I'm like. Tell me about that. Well he just seems to be so much nicer. Like he's just paying me compliments and you know he's just he's just really. It's been wonderful. And I said I said Arthur do you understand what's going on and she says well he likes what he's saying. I said no it's deeper than that. I said you're feeling better about yourself and you're showing up in the relationship differently. And he's responding to how you're showing up in a favorable way. So how does that feel. It feels amazing. I'm like well on the day that you feel like crap and you're ready to throw it all flowed all the way.

Speaker 16:

Think about that yeah yeah that's awesome.


That's an awesome story and for those of you listening who like this message the website is coach Tom Campbell that's deal Amazon Mom not Dawna's. Donald coach Dom Campbell and dot com. And by the way he offered. He told me at the beginning he had a hookup for people who called her listen to the show. So if you're interested go to the Web site. Coach Dom Campbell dot com. And there's a contact me so don't fill out the forms or buy anything instead felt the forum to contact them and say Hey I heard you on the Darbee health show and that you had a cool hook up for me and. And so you can learn more about Dom there. It's a wonderful message it's very holistic. I love the approach Tom. And before I let you go I just want to ask you Is there anything else that we haven't covered or any and the last thought you went to leave with our listeners.

Speaker 17:



I want them to know that they they can do this a lot of people are kind of scared it many here about changing their habits and behaviors. But how many more times are you going to try something and fail and try something and fail and try something and fail. Or do you just want to get right down to brass tacks and just really get to the root of problems and get to a lifestyle that you want living in that sweet spot. I talked about what the want and if you really want what if you really are looking to get into that sweet spot I would love to be able to help you get there. Yeah that's that's awesome. And this has been a great episode Tom I really appreciate it. Thank you for being on the show. Thank you. This is an awesome I appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you so much. For those of you listening this is Dave Shern with the Dirobi health show and we do have a cool new feature on the website where you can go to Dirobi dot com Diyar dot com and you can click on the I Have a question widget that's on the blog not on the store part of the site. So if you go to the blog where all of our podcasts episodes are you can click on that and record a brief message or question that we could either address on the show or even play your comment if you have a comment. This is Episode 79 with Dom Campbell if you go to the blog and look for Episode 79. We'll have links to his Web site a transcript of the show and some graphics etc. so you can learn more. There are a few missed anything or you want to go back and check out the written version of it. You can see that there. Until next time this is Dave Sherwen Wishing you health and success.

Speaker 25:

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