The Dirobi Health Show

089 3 Keys to Chronic Inflammation Treatment by Dr. Trish Murray

February 22, 2019 Dr. Trish Murray Season 1 Episode 89

Dr. Trish Murray is a doctor who keeps people out of the doctors office. She believes Chronic Inflammation hides below the surface in our systems like an iceberg and is the root cause of Most Chronic Diseases

Listen in as she gives three simple and smart solutions to treat chronic inflammation.

Dr. Murray is a highly accomplished physician who has been certified in four different medical specialties including internal medicine, osteopathic manipulative medicine, energy medicine and functional medicine.  All of this, after being a teacher for a decade in public education.

She completed medical school in the top 10 percent of her graduating class at the age of 38 years old.

Dr. Murray has designed numerous courses in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine and has taught hundreds of physicians in continuing education programs for more than ten years.  Her hands on, as well as internet based, nationally accredited courses are sought after by physicians  worldwide.

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This show is for informational purposes only. 

None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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This show is for informational purposes only.

None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Welcome to the show. Before we jump in, I have a huge announcement. I am so excited about this. I can barely contain myself hopefully you can feel the excitement exuding through the airwaves from my voice to your ears. If you've listened to my show much, you know that the three biggest things we talk about are the three pillars of health, nutrition, fitness, and supplementation in that order, and those are the things that we primarily talk about and while they sound simple and you just kind of list them off like that, the fact is that the amount of sheer information and misinformation on all three of those things is enough to make your head spin. What is the quote"best diet" best exercise program, best supplements? Well, of course that depends on who's asking. Young athletes have totally different needs than seniors, everybody's genetics differ. Some have food allergies and absorption issues and everybody has their own tastes in food, and fitness and supplement needs also vary from person to person. But at We literally have the answer to life, the universe and everything. When it comes to the three biggies of nutrition, fitness, and supplementation, it's called the Dirobi Transformation Program. It includes a yearlong customized nutrition and eating program, flexible and realistic workout program, and the core supplements that you're most likely to be deficient in and that will help you lose weight, reduce cholesterol, manage blood sugar, and generally feel superhuman. Just go to to learn more. I've been in this industry for eight years. I promise you I haven't seen anything this good and this affordable the whole time I've been doing this. The coaching and nutrition package alone is currently for sale elsewhere right now for$179 a month. But as an industry insider, I've created a way that my customers can get all of this, including the necessary supplements for as little as$67 a month. I kid you not check it out at Hello everybody. Welcome to the Dirobi Health Show. Today. I've got Dr Trish Murray, who is a highly accomplished physician who's been certified in four different medical specialties, including internal medicine, osteopathic manipulative medicine, energy medicine, and functional medicine. All this after being a teacher for a decade and public education and completing medical school in the top 10% of her graduating class at the age of 38 years old, Dr. Murray has designed numerous courses and osteopathic manipulative medicine and has taught hundreds of positions and continuing education programs for more than 10 years. Her hands on, as well as Internet based nationally accredited courses are sought after by physicians worldwide. She defines, she describes herself as a doctor who keeps people out of the doctor's office, which I really love. Dr Marie, thank you so much for taking the time to be on the show.

Trish Murray:

Oh, thank you, David. It's an honor to be here.


Well, I'm so grateful you that you would, and I love this phrase a doctor who keeps people out of the doctor's office. It doesn't sound like a big moneymaker for you to keep people out of the doctor's office, but yet that's what you're trying to do.

Trish Murray:

Well, functional medicine is about root cause medicine. And the point is if people are empowered to education and they know what to do as far as searching for the environmental triggers of why they're hypersensitive to their environment and they don't need to be in the doctor's office all the time, you need the doctor only in the emergency or trauma traumatic like situated then 2% of your life. That's the way life should be, that you're only in the doctor's office in extreme situations. So if you learn the tools, you can be empowered to do guided self doctoring and you don't need to be in the doctor's office as much as people are and you're don't have to follow the pill for every ill mentality that everybody's been in, trained to be following.


And how well is your message being received in the medical community?

Trish Murray:

Well, I honestly left the traditional institutional medical realm about 12 years ago and went out and opened my own clinic called discover health functional medicine center. So, I teach doctors, as you said, and I run continuing medical education classes and the doctors love what they learn. but I'm not really entrenched in the institutional realm of medicine. So to be honest, I, I don't care if that's too hard to say. But I want people to be empowered because too much of us are running around thinking that someone else needs to care for us or we, someone else needs to do things for us. But the bottom line is if you're educated to some basic concepts about how to take care of yourself and be in right relationship with your body, your mind, your spirit and your[inaudible], you know, people in your lives then in your health, then you are not going to need to be in the doctor's office all the time. And you know, dependent on prescription medicine medications.


I love it. And, before we get into the main topic, you've got some really good talking points here that I want to, I want to ask you about. but before we do, I, I'm just wondering, given that and your understanding, what do you think of this cholesterol issue in the Staten drugs? it seems to me that, for for years, billions of dollars of stats were sold that, from my understanding, the medical community is saying, you know, that that kind of wasn't a great idea. and is that one of those areas that, falls under, you know, this realm of what you're talking about as far as, you know, that type of thing of people trusting the doctor, which don't get me wrong, of course we should trust our doctors, but trusting the doctor explicitly and taking drugs that turned out to not be the best idea. What's your take on that whole debacle?

Trish Murray:

Well, first of all, absolutely stat medications, meant to decrease cholesterol and save your life from a heart attack or reverse reverse, I should say. You know, or prevent heart attacks. The level of your cholesterol is not why people have heart attacks and strokes. The reason people have heart attacks and strokes, just their level of inflammation and toxicity and status don't have any, they don't have a definitive effect on that. for example, lipid panel, your traditional Lipid Panel that tests your total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, and Ldl is about 15 to 20 years outdated. There is an advanced lipid panel that truly looks at inflammation markers, toxicity markers, and also looks at the size of your lipids, like the LDL and the HDL. What is the size of the particles? Because that's what determines whether they're inflamed and toxic and dangerous, meaning that your fat particles, which is what lipids are, lipids are fats in your body that floats. Cholesterol is fat. It flows through your bloodstream and it's supposed to be of fat globular Glob. You will. So in fat globules are supposed to be big, fat and fluffy and they're not what's dangerous? They're supposed to be there. Your brain needs fat, it 60% fat. The problem is when those fat particles start to become toxic and inflame and they get smaller, denser, and hot and dangerous, and when they bang into the wall of your vessels, they cause a wound and then that wound causes an acute inflammatory response to heal the wound, which of course causes a scab and a plaque and if that keeps happening from chronic inflammation and chronic toxicity, then you'll notice you're going to build a bigger and bigger plaque and eventually that plaque's going to spew or have a, you know, a piece is going to break off and go down stream and block a smaller, smaller, smaller vessels such as in your heart or in your brain and cause a heart attack or a stroke. Statens essentially do not stop that. You've got to go to the root cause, which is the fact that the majority us are inflamed and toxic from our environment and our diet and the chemicals we're exposed to. And you've got to go back to, you've got to go upstream and correct those problems and people can be trained and educated and given the tools to be able to reverse their underlying inflammation and immune dysfunction and never need a status.


Okay, so this is, this is leading right into your wheelhouse, which is immune dysfunction. And so, immune dysfunction, inflammation, autoimmunity. Let's jump into those things. And, and why is this topic so important and top of mind for you right now?

Trish Murray:

Again, first of all, the majority of us are 60% of people over 59 years old, so 60 and older on to Arthur, I'm sorry, three or more prescription medications for three or more chronic diseases. And that is because majority of us are hypersensitive to our environment and it's irritating our immune system and the immune system and inflammation is what's causing most of the chronic disease in our world today. And your immune system is your military. You know, I have, I have a book out now, just came out about two weeks ago that I'm over the top excited about and it's called make a dent in chronic disease. And what the point of that book is that in right in chapter one I explain the immune system and how it works, but obviously not in high level science terminology, more in analogies and everyday explanations like I'm about to explain your immune system is your army, your navy air force, you were marines. If foreign invaders get in, such as a bacteria or a virus or a mold or chemicals or a food sensitivity, some food that your immune system is sensitive to or allergic to, then your meat, your defense system's going to go into effect and try and protect you. And the whole point of the your immune system is there are steps that it takes in order to fight against these foreign invaders. And that's what inflammation is.


Okay. So I've got a question about these foreign invaders. I interviewed another guest recently, Kevin Rail, who was one of the featured experts in a documentary on the Amazon called Fasting. And he's an expert in fasting and time restricted feeding and intermittent fasting and extended. Fascinating. It was a really an interesting interview and I've been familiar with these issues before and sorta take them really seriously recently. And I started doing time restricted feeding where I have breakfast a bit later in the morning that I used to say nine or 10 o'clock is pretty common, have dinner about five or six and they don't eat anything, for you know, until the next breakfast, which gives my stomach all that time to, to process the food. Now my understanding, and I want to run this by you and then talk about it or correct me if I'm wrong. Okay, so let me lay this out. Part of my understanding of that process is that from having that last meal, the body gets to digest the food and then work through that and that takes energy and then once the food is gone, it can start working on pathogens and, and these, these critters that you described and, and this defense system, this is what I understand can go to work and really work on those things because it's not having to work so much on digesting food. And so our immune system then is boosted and there's all these, you know, health benefits, which I may not even feel or notice necessarily in terms of immunity, but maybe I avoid a future disease that I would have had if I wouldn't have have done this. And I've, I've been told to that, you know, it, it takes about eight hours just to process the last meal fully. And then time after that where there is no fluid in your stomach, your immune system can really do its job. Now that's the, I understand it. Do you agree with that? Is there anything you'd add to that? Is it actually true? What are your thoughts on that?

Trish Murray:

Absolutely true. Intermittent fasting is the concept that you want to, each day, preferably. I mean, there's many ways to do intermittent fasting, but one of the most typical ways to do it is each day try and put between 12 and 15 hours of a time when you are not ingesting food that has any new information to your body, such as sugars or carbohydrates or fats or proteins or chemicals or things like that. any time we eat, even when we eat a clean diet, we are putting glucose sugar into our body. We're putting proteins in our body and our body is going to have its information and our body has to respond to it. And sometimes, especially if you put a food in your system that the immune system looks at as again, not necessarily an allergen. And Allergan is when your body, like, you know, when you have an allergy, you know, if you're allergic to peanuts, you're going to know it immediately. You know, you're going to have a rash and then maybe even shortness of breath and God forbid, an Anna Filactic chocolate reaction. I'm not really talking about allergens. Most people know if they're allergic to something. I'm talking about food sensitivities where gluten or dairy or soy for example, someone might, I am I, I've been gluten free and dairy free and caffeine free for the last seven years of my, and if I'm not, I'm, I'm ill. So that's one piece. But the other thing is even when we are not eating a food sensitivity, our body needs to respond to all of whether they be new trans or even some chemicals in what we're eating. And so our immune system react cause right behind your gut wall where you're absorbing your vitamins or minerals, your nutrients as well as any, you know, toxins or chemicals or things that we all are going to get exposed to. You can't avoid all of them. Your immune system sits right behind that gut wall and he's going to respond. So you're military needs to rest in the same way that if you think about it in, if, if a soldier is, it has to be off all the time and never gets to sleep, then they're going to make mistakes. And there's going to be, as we all know, that term friendly fire. So the point is those 12 to 15 hours allows your immune system to take care of the last meal and then allows your immune system to rest. But also some of the soldiers that are on duty can be finding some of the pathogens that might be hiding in your tissues or in things called biofilms. For example, like plaque on your teeth. The plaque on your teeth is actually bacteria that are living in little communities that put out and spew out a gel like substance or the plaque itself that protects them and hide them from your immune system and your soldiers that are looking for them to try and get rid of them. So you notice if the soldiers are always having to fight something new, cause you're eating and putting more sugar and more sugar in your body and you're more inflamed and it can't ever rest and it can't even go, ever look and get rid of the plaque on your teeth that are typically there or that are, you know, just hiding in your fat cells and things like that. So the intermittent fasting one allows your immune system for rest, but also the, the, the, you know, troops that are still on duty while the others arresting can be looking for pathogens that may be hiding, whether that be bacteria again or mold or chemicals and so forth.


The, my, my assumption, my assumption, but I don't remember where I heard it, the eight hour rule.

Speaker 4:



Do you think that's accurate? Do you think it's kind, kinda eight hours after your last meal that this magic starts to happen? Or is it shorter than that later than that? What are your thoughts on that?

Trish Murray:

Well, I think it would depend on, again, how much did someone eat, you know, what's the volume, what's the level of work the digestive system has to do before it's sort of done with the meal, but essentially eight hours is about right. Yes.


Okay, cool. Well, we'll jump into some more of your solutions and and ideas from your book and a little bit. So let's, cause I want to back up for just a minute and get get definitions here. acute inflammation versus chronic inflammation. Can you define those? Help us understand what those terms mean?

Trish Murray:

Absolutely. That's a great question. First of all, acute inflammation is your, again, your army, your neighbor, your police force going out and attacking any immediate invasion or injury. So if you stub your toe or you step off a curb and sprained your ankle, or you cut your finger, then your system goes into an immediate acute inflammatory response where the soldiers, first of all, you know when, when the ankle or the finger gets red and swollen and hot, that is the first step showing you that the soldiers have come to clean up that wound. And to bring in the soldiers that need to make sure that you know an infection, for example, through the wound in your finger, the cut or not getting through the barrier of your skin and going to cause an infection. So that's the first step. The second step is that that wound needs to be healed as far as creating the scab. And so certain types of cells come in and start laying down tissue to create the scab and then over time, other layers happen that start healing that wound. So we've all seen that and experienced that and acute inflammatory response. The point is, is normal. It's a normal healing response by your body. The differences is that if we are constantly exposed to chemicals, toxins, stress, chronic bacterial, or let's say Lyme as a bacterial infection or Epstein Barr like mono from a viral infection, or if someone lives in a moldy or works in a moldy, wet, moist environment and there's mold, then your body is going to be having this chronic meaning. The acute inflammation never stops. The inflammatory responses going on 24 seven and the person develops this iceberg of underlying inflammation that they're not even aware of going on in their body, which can be the chronic reason and the root cause of many disease processes in our body.


How would you find out, like say you, you could be unaware, so how do you find out if you've got too much chronic inflammation?

Trish Murray:

Well, first of all, if someone is exhausted, most of the time, if someone has pain, chronic pain such as joint pain or abdominal pain, if someone has irritable bowel syndrome such as they either, you know, they never leave the bathroom feeling satisfied of emptying their bowels or anytime they eat anything they were running immediately right after words or within an hour to the toilet and having diarrhea. If someone has migraine headaches and so forth, these are all signs that you are chronically inflamed. So it's not like you have to have a big lab tests, to tell you the symptoms are, would tell you. But also there are of course lab tests. There's some general markers that can be tested, like a high sensitivity C reactive protein a is a test that is very commonly done through any primary care doctor's office that can test your level of inflammation chronically.


Okay. I want to jump back to something you said earlier that caught my attention. You're talking about people being hyper sensitive to their environment. Now the environment is a really, really generic and broad word. Right now I'm in an environment, I'm standing in my office. later on I might be outside walking my dog first thing this morning I was in my local rec center exercising. So everywhere I go when I'm driving in my car or in my office or walking the dog, I'm in the environment. When you talk about being hypersensitive to our environment, what does that mean?

Trish Murray:

What that means is, the foods we eat, first of all, one, one, first of all, environment is everything that we interact with in our day. So in, in our world. So for example, again the idea of, first of all, the most typical one for people is food. So we eat at least three times a day, typically more. And Food is information. It can be either, again, good holistic, healthy inflammation or it can be negative inflammation producing looked at as foreign invaders, food sensitivity information. So that's one piece of anyone's environment. In the science perspective, we talk about a term called Epi genetics, meaning the environment can affect your genes and either keep good genes, turn strong, healthy, good genes turned on or it can cause negative genetics to be turned on and signaled to come to effect. So when I referring to the environment, I'm referring to the food week, I'm referring to the fact that we are all exposed to air pollution, noise pollution, different aspects of pollution. we all are exposed to toxins, chemical toxins. They did a, you know, a study even on, the umbilical of pregnant women and it showed upwards of 250 cancer causing toxins in that blood. So you can't avoid toxins. We all are exposed to them in our environment. So I'm referring to those also exposed, referring to stress. We're all exposed to stress in our modern world that, you know, the cell phone, it's going off all the time. We never get a quiet moment and that affects our immune system. I'm also referring to infections. Again, as I alluded to before, someone may have had, you know, infections and even the down to the plaque on your teeth is a chronic bacterial infection of your guns. So the environment is everything.


Yeah. Okay. So that makes a lot more sense to me. So it's not just the environment, like what's around you. It's every when you said everything you interact with and you eat and that you touch a, that makes a lot of sense. A question for you along those lines. So I had a chiropractor years ago who was really into this whole, he, he was really into chemicals and a concern for household chemicals and you really thought that it was important to you to, to get rid of industrial type of cleaning chemicals and things like Lysol and, and, you know, Draino and all these things. He, he really, he really thought that it was important to just get rid of all these chemicals out of our house. Is that the type of thing you're talking about too?

Trish Murray:

Absolutely. Thank you for bringing that up because I should have listed that. And the idea that if you're listening audience, if you haven't heard of the environmental working group, then I strongly suggest that you go there. most of us are slathering lotions on ourselves with parabens and phthalates in them, which disrupt your immune system and disrupt your hormone balance. And we don't know it. And this is what I'm talking about, about the tools for self doctoring and to keep you out of the doctor's office and to keep you away from chronic diseases is that there are the chemicals in the cosmetics, the soaps, the shampoos, and then of course your whole household cleaners. Where are so many, if you read the labels of these things and you can't pronounce anything in it, then you shouldn't be using it. And if you go to the environmental working it's a wonderful nonprofit organization. And if you look up, I've been standing in a pharmacy and looking at the shelves at let's say shampoos and I put in a brand and I on this certain a portion of the website and I find that exact product and they will rank it or rate it green. Go ahead and buy it and shampoos yourself. Oh, yellow, think about it, read. Please don't buy it. It is full of toxins that are going to make you sick.


What a great tip. I love it.

Trish Murray:

Oh, you're welcome.


And you have, you have a lot of confidence in this group.

Trish Murray:

Absolutely. It is a very well known National Organization that is nonprofit and to serve people to help you understand and give again, give you the tools to empower you to keep yourself out of the doctor's office and help.


I love it. A great tip, we'll put a link to that in the show notes. I'll claim that you make in in your work, and I'm just going to read this. It says chronic immune dysfunction is the root cause of most chronic diseases. That's a powerful statement. Talk about that.

Trish Murray:

Well, again, your immune system is your military and as I said earlier, if your immune system cannot rest, if it is constantly working, then you're going to end up having friendly fire, which leads down the path for many people to one of the most common conditions in our industrial world which are auto immune diseases, auto is self and immune is your immune system attacking self. So for example, one of the most common chronic auto immune diseases in our in women, predominantly women doesn't mean men are a excused from it, but Hashimoto's thyroiditis or Hypo thyroidism most commonly that is caused by chronic immune dysfunction. That's caused by the fact that your immune system is constantly fighting and therefore it can't even differentiate anymore between the enemy and you. And so your different organ systems in your body get attacked. Now some auto immune diseases diseases are purely inflammatory related such as asthma. Asthma is an allergic reaction if you will, to things and it's a hypersensitivity inflammatory response. Your lungs are getting irritated and red if you will. And like we talked about with the finger wound thyroiditis is a little bit of a different pathway through the immune system. Let's say. It's not going through the army or the marines, it's going through the navy and it's just a different path of a complex system, but there's still the same thing remains in that your immune system is dysfunctional and the immune system is not being able to differentiate between self and nonself and and it attacks and so this immune dysfunction, autoimmune disease and inflammation are so many times in our world as much as 60 75% of the time, the root cause of most chronic diseases, and if people can reverse it, then they will reverse the disease process or the disease process will never start to unfold and the bad genetics will, we will be kept quiet and completely of course avoid or prevent going down a path of autoimmune disease or heart disease or migraine headaches or any of these things. I have patients every single day that reverse their chronic conditions as a result of quieting their inflammation. Okay,


wow. Okay. You know, so far on this podcast you've only said one thing I don't like. Okay. And when you talked about, you listed three things, you've been gluten free, caffeine free, what was the other one in barriers and dairy free for a few years? The caffeine. I, you know, I get up in the morning, I was exercise first thing in the morning and I like my pre workout drink and it has caffeine and it wakes me up and I get up at 20 to six. I take that drink and I go from groggy and not wanting to get out of bed to feeling like a million bucks in 20 minutes. It's like magic. And so, I guess it's a guilty pleasure, I guess. You know, caffeine isn't that good for me, but what if I want to keep using caffeine. Now I know the Mile Clinic says, you know, you should have no more than 400 milligrams a day. The FDA says 600 milligrams a day. And I guess the word on the street as the FDA is considering lowering their number from 600 to 400 I'm not sure if that's going to be in 2019 or whether it's even a thing. I think it was a guest on my show that that mentioned it and so I've always tried to stay under the 400 but I like it now. Can you, can you talk me out of it or do you not have to talk me out of it? I mean, tell me how bad is caffeine for me really,

Trish Murray:

David, I don't have to talk you out of drinking caffeine at all in the instance that first of all, when I said I remember I said I don't just gluten and I don't ingest dairy and I don't just caffeine because I am sensitive to them. That's the key point here. I have done an elimination diet. I have done a detox in order to first. And then when I reached challenge, these types of foods that I've listed, those are the ones that caused a reaction in me. And He, no matter how many years go by, if I challenged dairy or gluten or caffeine in my metabolism and in towards my immune system, I am sensitive to them. They make me ill. I have learned that because I understand the process and the systematic way of challenging my body for me to individually and personally understand what my sensitivities are. You may not be sensitive at all to caffeine and there are some studies out there that show caffeine is extremely healthy for those of us that are not sensitive to it. See the difference


I do. And I love your answer. That's so great. I feel good about myself again. I'm ready to move on. There you go. It's funny because I do have kids. I have two kids specifically that have negative reactions to caffeine, daughter and a son and my daughter caffeine. We'll just put her to sleep. It's the weirdest thing ever. it's, it doesn't give her energy. It's the exact opposite. It makes her lethargic and then my son, it bothers his stomach. So they didn't get that for me. But a personalization,

Trish Murray:

sorry, I was just going to save it. There are fast metabolizers of caffeine and slow metabolizers of caffeine. If you are someone who can drink a cup of coffee after dinner and then just go to bed, you know, half hour, hour later and snore like a baby and go to sleep and sleep restfully then you are most likely a fast metabolizer of caffeine and by goodness, go ahead and drink it. I am a definitely slow metabolizer of caffeine when I was in residency, if I drank and I had to be up all night because of course that's what happens when you're on call. if I drank a cup of coffee, I was in big trouble for that night exactly as you're describing. It made me lethargic, I couldn't think properly. and it, and felt wired. And I have, you know, my family history is that my father had an essential tremor and I do too. If I ingest the things that irritate my system and then kick it up.


So know thyself. It's what you're saying

Trish Murray:

and that's the whole message here today. If you are given the tools to help empower you to know that myself and be in right relationship with myself than you do not need to be in the doctor's office.


I love it. Okay, so we've talked a lot. Your, your expertise or at least your current of a book and what you're talking about a lot is, is based essentially on inflammation. And we've talked about that. You've given us good definitions and ideas and thoughts on it. So what do we do? Give us some solutions. What are some things here? Here we are, we have this excess inflammation from our environment, which we now understand what our environment is and we have people listening to this podcast from all over the country and some from different parts of the world. What are some things that would apply to a broad group of people, maybe most people that they could do right away to lower their inflammation iceberg as you referred to it.

Trish Murray:

Absolutely. And I'll give three primary solutions. And then if you're interested, I'll give a bonus. But number one, number one, and the most important again, is we put food in our mouth three, four, five times a day. You want to eat the rainbow. And that's if you think of the rainbow, it's color red, yellow, orange, blue, green, purple, red. You and I do not mean skittles. I think real food, fruits and vegetables of all colors of the rainbow. Now why? It's because every, you know, whoever put us here, whether you come from a place of saying God or the universe or whatever, your religion doesn't matter. But the point is whoever developed us and created this wonderful creation, we're in, put via different vitamin, different minerals and something called Fido nutrients from phyto. The prefix stands for plant and there are over 25,000 different fido nutrients in plants, fruits and vegetables, and Fido nutrients protect the plants from their environment. So you notice we need to eat every color of the rainbow to maintain our health. So if number one, eat every day in an optimal world, every day, you would eat at least one serving of every color of the rainbow. So that's number one.


Excellent. Number two, you go to number two for just a second because I had a really great guest on my show a few months ago, and Michelle Lockhart, we did an episode called eat the rainbow. So for those of you listening, there's a whole episode on how to do, what we just learned. So go back, find that, go to and probably the easiest way to search either for the word rainbow or Michelle Lockhart did that interview and it was phenomenal. And it just, everything that you're saying, yeah, she covered that for a good hour. So wonderful, but didn't mean to cut you off.

Trish Murray:

Oh, that's fine. That's fine. And also on that, that rainbow concept, there's more to my dietary recommendations around that, what I call the rainbow concept. And it's exactly an in chapter two of my book, make a dent in chronic disease. Number two solution for today's talk would be to stretch. Your body has three holistic systems in it. Meaning if you took that system out and you looked at it three dimensionally, it would look just like you, David, are we look just my, my system would look just like me or any of your listeners. Their system would look just like them. The nervous system. So if took all your nerves out, your brain, out all the nerves and you made a three dimensional look just like you, the vascular system, that veins and arteries can do the same. But the system that also can do it is your connective tissue. If you took all of your muscles, your ligaments, and your Fascia, which is the name for a type of connective tissue, it's like Saran wrap, its surrounds everything in your body. If you took that all out and you made it three dimensional, it would look exactly like you. And if it has restrictions in it, it will cause blocks in blood flow. You will get blockage of the ability of waste products to be drained out of your tissues. So if you stretch really, really basic stretches and on when we talk about my, well my website is discover health, and if someone wants to go there and you go to the health library and you dropped down to exercise videos, I have a basic, you know, way less than 10 minutes of your day to get on the floor and do really basic, very gentle stretches. And if you were to do that, it will decrease inflammation and quiet pain.


And for those of you listening, all these things we talked about, I will put in the show notes on the blog. So we'll put a link to the book, to the website that was just mentioned. And so we'll make sure that you can easily get to all of these, resources, Dr. Murray is providing. So thank you so much for that. And again, depending on when you're listening, basically just go to You go to the blog and then you just search. If you searched for Trish Murray, you will easily find this episode and all these links. And things we've talked about. And so moving on to number three, tip on reducing inflammation.

Trish Murray:

If you don't mind. One other thing I'll say about stretching as many times I have said to a patient that comes to me, because I am one of my primary specialties is pain. I will say to them over the next month, I want you to just stretch everything day and that's all I want you to do. These basic basic stretches and 99.9% of the time they come back to me if they'd done it every day and they say that is the best thing I've ever been taught in my pain is reduced by 85% at least.


Well that's fascinating.

Trish Murray:

It is absolutely fascinating. Yes,


and that's why I've been doing it for over a decade. You must be a fan of yoga,

Trish Murray:

absolute fan of Yoga, absolute fan of Yoga. But many people don't have, you know, in 90 minutes, 90 minute interval to go to every day. And so again, if you get to the tools of self empowerment, because many of my patients say, well, I go to a yoga class, how many times do you go a week once. Okay, that's great. I'll also say that the patients that I teach these stretches to, that come back to me and say, I, I do it two or three times a week. It's not helping that much. That's what they say. Versus the other example I gave in case study is that the patients that say they come in and they did it every day come in and say, oh my goodness doc, that's the best thing I've ever been taught. Why didn't anybody ever teach me this before? My pain is 90 85 90% gone. What's the difficulty? Cool.


Daily versus sporadic. And they can be very simple. And how long does it take?

Trish Murray:

Less than 10 minutes.


Less than 10 minutes. That that really is cool. And that's on your website. Discover helps and what did you call that area of your website? You have like a, a resources page or something?

Trish Murray:

Well actually, you know, at anybody's homesite you look along that horizontal bar that has different categories and there is something called the health library. Everything in the health library's free. And if he dropped down to the exercise videos, you'll see me demonstrating the basic level one stretching exercises.


Okay, cool. All decked out in your yoga garb, I hope.

Trish Murray:

Well, yeah, for sure. Pretty basic. I'm from the white mountains of New Hampshire, so you're going to see me and definitely the sweatpants and the sweatshirt and stuff. I'm not really the Yoga Glamour girl, but we teach you this stretches.


sounds good. And I liked it, you know, that really resonates with me, especially being an athlete and having injuries over the years where, stretching was an important part of recovery. And I read Kelly's Starett's book becoming a supple leopard, which is a really phenomenal book on mobility and stretching generally. And I, I've come to realize that and I've also realized there are times that, that, that some stretches and some situations done more than once a day. You can make a big difference.

Trish Murray:

Absolutely. I mean, I say people that are in acute pain should be doing this sequence of stretches to twice a day is usually, I think anything more than twice a day is a little bit of overkill. because of course, you know, but twice a day, absolutely in an acute situation. But the big thing is to do at least once every single day.


Excellent. Okay. Love it.

Trish Murray:

So the third solution is to eliminate gluten, gluten in the immune inflammation and a particularly in the autoimmune world, specially with thyroid issues, but many other autoimmune conditions. If you give up gluten for the next month, or at least 21 days and see how you feel, that will be the number one in today's discussion. I would say now, now with caveat that a person could do a comprehensive elimination diet and that's more advanced. And of course I do cover that in my book, but today I'm trying to keep it simple. And for the majority of people, what are the first three solutions I would give and that would absolutely eat the rainbow stretch everyday, gentle basic stretches and eliminate gluten for the next three to four weeks and see how you feel at the end of that month.


But you're pretty strong on the gluten. I mean you made it sound like, hey this is, this is a big thing. Like if people did this, this and make it could make a huge difference.

Trish Murray:

Well if you think about it, gluten sounds like glue and it is, it's a protein that causes a glue like substance in your digestive tract and our digestive tract is meant to flow things through us where meant to absorb what we're supposed to absorb and things are supposed to move through us. So that's a problem. And gluten for a long time. Most of us, you know there's Celiac disease of course, which is a horrible disease. It's an autoimmune disease but that's only 3% or less of the population. Non Celiac. Gluten sensitivity is at least 20% or probably more of the population and particularly in people with autoimmune or other inflammatory conditions. So that would be today thinking what are the top three solutions? I would put it out there to anyone to try over the next month and to see how much it empowers them and helps them. That would be the top of the list for this discussion today.


Okay. So if a person really doesn't want to give up bread and bread is important and simple carb for them with breakfast or lunch or whatever the case might be, is it true that toasting the bread at least helps and breaks down some of the gluten?

Trish Murray:

No, I'm not familiar with that concept. Meaning the gluten protein is a certain structure and if your system is not going to be able to either digest it or absorb it, and if your immune system, once it gets gets through that, you know, that protein structure gets through the wall of your intestines and your immune system. Again, 80% of your immune system sits right behind your gut wall. They're soldiers trying to protect you. And if it gets through and they see it and they think it's dangerous to you thing, you have an inflammatory response and it starts and if you chronically two, three times a day crackers, bread, toast, and you're eating those things, you're going to have reactions. The other thing, David, is that if you are sensitive to any food substance, right now we're just talking about gluten. If you are sensitive to it and your immune system is reactive to it and you eat one molecule of it, you've just caused an inflammatory response. The response from your immune system, so the folks that say, well, you know, I can eat this part of the gluten and if as long as I don't eat too much of it, the problem is if they eat a lot of it, then they're very consciously aware of the response that their immune system is doing. Who remember we're talking about if they even had a little bit and they're not consciously above the surface aware, that doesn't mean the iceberg isn't happening below the surface. Remember when an iceberg with the titanic, they only saw the top of the iceberg too late and the underneath the surface is this humongous iceberg that you're not, they were not, they didn't even know was there. And that's the problem is many of us are not even aware of the level of inflammation in our bodies and we've got to reduce it.


Okay, well how about the bonus solution? Of course you want to hear your bonus solution. these have been good ones, but what, what else have you got?

Trish Murray:

The bonus solution is that every morning before you get out of bed, I want you to list at least one thing. Everyone can list at least one, but I even list between one and three things that you are grateful for in your life. We've got to shift ourselves and our perception of our environment, our life from things that are, you know, the stress in our lives causes us in the perception of the stress in our lives caused us to look at things from fear and anger, frustration. These emotions are inflammation producers. So you want to start every day of your life from the place of the positive emotions that are healing and anti-inflammatory, gratefulness, compassion, joy. So just wake up each day and before you put your feet on the ground and get out of, sit up on your best bet at side of the bed. Think of one thing or one to three things that you are grateful for in your life.


Okay. Beautiful. And something that anybody can do. That's an easy one. Now before I let you go, I, I've got a few kind of fun side questions for you. You're obviously a very healthy eater and liver and you know, do you know, you practice what you preach and I would like to hear what you like to eat. Let's start with breakfast. What's your favorite healthy breakfast?

Trish Murray:

I favorite healthy breakfast is a smoothie. And in that smoothie goes all the colors of the rainbow that I can sit in the blender, particularly Greens, but also some fruit and then a very healthy fat, full thickness coconut milk. So, not just the one you might pour out of a carton, but the canned coconut milk with a fixed fiber in it. and then maybe even some nut butter, and then some almond milk. And I drink my smoothie at about six 30 in the morning, maybe seven. And I usually don't get to my breakfast, I'm sorry, my lunch until about 1231 o'clock in the afternoon. And I am not hungry in between because I gave my body the good fats that are going to sustain me throughout the morning.


Cool. Love that.

Trish Murray:

lunch, healthy lunch. Lunch for me is many times leftovers from dinner the night before. However, if not that at or I'll take for, a mixed greens. You know, you could buy the organic mixed Greens in the grocery store. They're kind of all mixed together for you with the Kale or the spinach or the Rugala and, and were the mixed lettuces and so forth. and then a protein with it. So maybe from last night, the chicken or last night a fish or something to that effect. Okay. And probably a handful of nuts with it. and then dinner. Dinner is usually, as I say, something that was left over, but pretty much definitely colors of the rainbow, a sweet potato, let's say with a mix of vegetables and a protein, the protein about the size of the palm of your hand or maybe a stir fry where all sorts of different colored vegetables, and a protein or even better than that. What I love, absolutely love, and I do have on my website up a program, I called Doctor Trisha's dishes for my members and I am acting like Martha, a stored a little bit and talking like a dis, teaching people how to cook. And I love Crock pot meals. So you throw it all in there in the morning, you turn that Crockpot on, you'd go to work for the day and we were tired and exhausted and you walked through the door and you're all already watched it with the wonderful smell of dinner that all you gotta do is take that top off and spooned it into a bowl and eat it. And it's full of color and wonderful nutrients. I love to do. That's one of my favorite things for dinner.


Okay. Love it. And no one's perfect. No one has a perfect diet. What's your guilty pleasure? What do you have for treat?

Trish Murray:

Oh, my treat is absolutely cashew ice cream. If you haven't had it cashew ice cream is really a thick and, and creamy and just fantastic.


Okay. Excellent. Well this has been great. I love your information. I love the angle you've got here on this. Your book sounds great. We'll put a link to the book for those of you that want to learn more and you know, I actually didn't realize until today you, you also have a podcast.

Trish Murray:

I do. I it's Trish Murray DO Functional Medicine and I do have a podcast on podbean, but also if they, if someone goes to my website, again, discover health, goes to the health library. You can hit the link right to my podcast and be listening to the different interviews that I do with folks.


Well, we'll put a link to that as well. Thank you so much for taking the time. But before I let you go, is there any parting thoughts or anything that you'd like to say or anything that we didn't flush out fully that you'd like to just kind of, talk about before we let you go?

Trish Murray:

Well, again, I just like to circle back to idea that that people are out there thinking that they are need to be dependent on another for their health. And they're not. All you need to do is start to learn the tools and it's a journey. This is not something that you change overnight. You want to engross yourself in, for example, your your podcast and be listening to it on a regular basis or my podcast or any of the other podcasts out there that are talking about how to self empower your ability to maintain your health. And the more you listen and the more you start to gain the tools and implement them, your journey is going to put you on a road that a month from now, six months from now, a year from now, every single step of the way, you're going to be feeling better and better and more empowered.


Well, I love it. What a nice ending. And that's, that's just a big, a big ribbon. We can wrap on this episode and call it good Doctor Trish. Marie, thank you so much for being on the show today.

Trish Murray:

Oh, thank you David. I just absolutely loved it. It's an honor.


It's been terrific. And again, for those of you listening, please go to and click on the blog and look for this episode to, you know, be able to click on all these resources. Doctor Murray gave us several, she's got some great stuff on her website. She's got her own podcast and she's got her book, which sounds outstanding and is available right now on Amazon. All those links will be there until next time this is Dave Sherwin wishing you health and success.

Speaker 5:

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