Reinvention Rebels

Midlife Reinvention: Flex Your Muscles, Find Your Courage & Reinvent Your Life

July 14, 2021 Wendy Battles Season 2 Episode 6

We’ve all done things that have scared us.

Felt the fear and done it anyway.

I bet you can think of moments when you displayed Rise-to-the-Occasion Courage, can’t you? You were all in dealing with challenging circumstances. Perhaps you even surprised yourself at just how courageous you were.

But the kind of courage it takes to reinvent yourself - Courage by Choice - can be hard to muster.

It can bring up lots of our fears.

How will I do this? Where do I start? What if I fail? What if reinventing myself wasn’t such a good idea after all?

Truth be told, it’s all in the approach. The Reinvention Rebels I know, the amazing women 50-90 years young that I interview, are deeply courageous. And often scared too.

But they don’t let those fears stop them. They’ve found creative ways to reinvent themselves, even when fearful, that lands them in a place of much deeper satisfaction.

Check out this solo episode on how we can flex our muscles and find the courage to reinvent ourselves at any age or any stage. I share:

• How I’ve flexed my muscles and overcome my fears to reinvent myself
• Why we should “do it scared” as opposed to never trying
• How tapping into your true purpose makes it easier to have courage
• Bitesize ways to work through fears and find the courage to reinvent yourself

I think we are so much more courageous than we give ourselves credit for! And it’s never too late to build your courage muscle.

Come join me for motivation and inspiration to fuel your own Reinvention Rebel journey. No matter your age or stage in life, you can reinvent yourself at any time.

Mentioned in this episode:

  • Natalie Wester, fierce Reinvention Rebel! Listen to her episode, Solo World Traveler and Whiskey Intern at 61, when she joined me in the guest chair.
  • Kim Boudreau Smith, Her Bold Voice, LinkedIn Live Show. Check out my recent guest appearance with Kim where we talked about courage and finding your bold voice.
  • Loukia Mastrodimos is a fabulous midlife coach who has reinvented herself in brave and courageous ways. Her story is deeply inspiring. C

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Kick your midlife fears and uncertainty to the curb and start your Reinvention Rebels journey today. Learn about my audio program, Midlife Reinvention From The Inside Out: 8 Essentials to Greenlight Your Life.

Midlife women ready to reinvent themselves start with being curious about what's possible. Download my free audio, 5 Questions to Spark Your Curiosity & Inspire Your Reinvention Rebel Journey to get started today. 

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