Reinvention Rebels

My Midlife Reinvention in Spain: From Academia to the Oprah of Menopause with Lori Tharps

November 03, 2021 Wendy Battles/Lori Tharps Season 2 Episode 14

What would be possible if you dreamed BIGGER and BOLDER than ever before?

If you ignored the naysayers who discouraged you or said you couldn't do it?

If you surrounded yourself with a positive tribe of supporters who normalized your midlife dreams and reminded you that they are, in fact, VERY possible?

What you'd have is the midlife reinvention of Lori Tharps. 

This amazing Reinvention Rebel traded in a stable career in academia to reimagine her life on another continent, tune into her creativity and become the self-proclaimed Oprah of menopause through her My Bloody Hell podcast.

Lori's story is inspiring, empowering, and full of curiosity and adventure - just what a reinvention should be!

I love what Lori shares about:

  • why it's never too late to reinvent yourself in midlife or beyond
  • how she and her family uncovered their "why" for moving from the US to Spain, uprooting their familiar life for a global experience
  • why taking forward action starts with one simple step in the desired direction 
  • how she normalized her dreams and started realizing they're attainable
  • how she cultivated her own personal cheer squad of "guides on the side" to support her dream
  • how reimagining her life shifted her perspective and opened up new possibilities she hadn't seen before  
  • how being open to reinvention led her to find her true calling 
  • how she's leaning into her creative muse to empower women on their menopause journey through her My Bloody Hell podcast

and so much more!

This episode is filled with wisdom, joy, encouragement, and hope. Lori reminds us that if she can reinvent herself at midlife and start fresh in a new country, we too can have a personal "do-over" and reinvent ourselves in a way that works for us.

You can't help but think a little differently about what's possible in your own life after hearing Lori's reinvention journey!

Connect with Lori:

Instagram: @my_bloodyhell
Facebook: My Bloody Hell

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Kick your midlife fears and uncertainty to the curb and start your Reinvention Rebels journey today. Learn about my audio program, Midlife Reinvention From The Inside Out: 8 Essentials to Greenlight Your Life.

Midlife women ready to reinvent themselves start with being curious about what's possible. Download my free audio, 5 Questions to Spark Your Curiosity & Inspire Your Reinvention Rebel Journey to get started today. 

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