Reinvention Rebels

Recipe for Midlife Reinvention: Launching a National Beauty Brand at 56 with Angel Cornelius

November 17, 2021 Wendy Battles/Angel Cornelius Season 2 Episode 15

What would be possible if a tiny idea cooked up in your kitchen at 56 led to a bold midlife reinvention playing out in your 60s?

And what if that reinvention helped other midlife women to normalize and embrace aging, learning to love the skin they're in?

Such is the reinvention journey of 61-year young Reinvention Rebel Angel Cornelius, a fierce and fabulous pro-age advocate. She is shining a light on the unique hair and skincare needs of midlife women. This health care administrator turned beauty entrepreneur is positively impacting the lives of midlife women through her national beauty brand, Maison 276. 

We had a fabulous, fun and empowering convo about midlife reinvention, acknowledging that it's never too late to start fresh. Angel has gone for it in the most inspiring ways and I know you'll love her sage words about what is possible in midlife and beyond! (hint: anything)

There are so many nuggets of wisdom here. I especially love what Angel shares about:

  • why it's so important to say yes and trust our gut
  • how we can all learn to do hard things. Just because it's hard doesn't mean we shouldn't do it
  • why finding the right people who are willing to help us is crucial on our reinvention path
  • how she launched and grew her company while holding down a full-time job
  • how she's helping midlife women to embrace their midlife bodies including changes to our hair and skincare needs
  • why it's important to embrace our silver-haired journey on our own terms, not someone else's
  • how she's giving midlife women a voice and platform to show up as their authentic selves and own midlife joyfully and unapologetically

and so much more!

I invite you to settle in for a great conversation that can't help but get you thinking about what's possible in your own life. You may not be ready to start a national beauty brand but I bet you can create something equally interesting and exciting in your own life.

Connect with Angel:

Instagram: @maison_276
Instagram: @angelucornelius

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Kick your midlife fears and uncertainty to the curb and start your Reinvention Rebels journey today. Learn about my audio program, Midlife Reinvention From The Inside Out: 8 Essentials to Greenlight Your Life.

Midlife women ready to reinvent themselves start with being curious about what's possible. Download my free audio, 5 Questions to Spark Your Curiosity & Inspire Your Reinvention Rebel Journey to get started today. 

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