Secrets From a Coach - Debbie Green & Laura Thomson's Podcast

111. Accountability For Communication - Who's Responsible?

Season 8 Episode 111

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In the first of our 4-part series on Getting Stuff Done, we take a Listeners Letter and share practical advice that can be immediately applied - or shared if you are a leader wanting to support and mentor others. In this episode we focus on the thorny world of communication. If I send you an email, is that the job done? Or is the task transfer not complete until I check you have received it and message understood? We discuss the difference between accountability, responsibility and ownership and why this matters so much in the fast paced hybrid matrix modern world of work.  Ideal listen for anyone wanting tips for clarification, with phrases and word patterns to help ask for commitment, explain expectations and making the task crystal clear to avoid later challenges.  Communication only happens when we ensure the message has been registered and understood. With 336 million emails being sent around the world per minute, sending the email is just 50% of the task. We share tips from the sales/ business development world to keep focus on the main intent: getting stuff done.