Secrets From a Coach - Debbie Green & Laura Thomson's Podcast

121. Team Empowerment Through Delegation

Season 9 Episode 121

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A recurring common theme for managers, leaders, supervisors and team leaders is the desire to do more delegating. But trust, ego, fear, control and perfection can get in the way - and many say 'its just quicker to do it myself' which might be true for the first 5 times, but not 50 times. Rather than seeing delegation as a negative or something to feel guilty about, for many it is the first step to feeling trusted and empowered in their work. Changing our mindset, language and beliefs around delegating can transform team morale, time management and life/work balance. Holding on to work may come from a good place (e.g. protecting the team) but it also disempowers the team  - for when will they get a chance to stretch and develop? 

The reason why we work in teams is that there is too much workload for one person - its the sharing of the task that enables success. In this second in our Start As You Mean To Go On miniseries we share tips for bringing delegation to everyday life - both for managers and those who are wanting to be trusted more.