Secrets From a Coach - Debbie Green & Laura Thomson's Podcast

55. Rough Seas? Make Time For You

September 23, 2021 Season 3 Episode 55

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This month's focus has been exploring new ways of working triggered by the waves of change from the pandemic. In this episode we discuss how planning in time for you is a necessity to performance rather than a luxury or indulgence. Sailors are trained to plan in bolt-holes when mapping out a journey through rough seas or stormy weather:  pockets of calmer waters to help weather the storm. Scan your 3 month calendar and make the assertive decision to plan in regular packets of time where nothing is planned in -  no meetings are booked or chores put in. Its about steadying yourself before the swell of work/life pressure gets to overwhelm.  

No-one benefits from you falling overboard, everyone benefits from you taking hold of the helm and putting time aside for you. Just 2 mins right now to sit and breathe and look out a window can make a difference to our energy and focus.