Bad Table Talk with Oliver Niehaus

The Debate to End all Debates

September 30, 2020 Oliver Niehaus Episode 6
The Debate to End all Debates
Bad Table Talk with Oliver Niehaus
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Bad Table Talk with Oliver Niehaus
The Debate to End all Debates
Sep 30, 2020 Episode 6
Oliver Niehaus

Hello Everyone, welcome to Bad Table Talk I’m your host Oliver Niehaus and frankly I’m at a loss for words for this segment which seems a little ironic for a podcast. I can’t say I’m surprised at all, nothing new was uncovered or exposed. We all knew Trump was incapable of telling the truth, having a productive conversation, and really just be a quarter decent human being. What’s more revealing is what’s about to hit your social media feeds. I’m currently recording this at 10 pm, just as the debate has concluded. So far the Proud Boys themselves have already put out a statement praising Trump, claiming that they will make his Statement “Stand back, Stand by” their new slogan. According to Megan Squire, a computer science professor at Elon University who tracks online extremism, to say the Proud Boys are energized by this would be an understatement, they were pro-trump before this shout out and they are absolutely over the moon now. Their fantasy is to fight Antifa in his defense, and he just asked them to do just that.”

By the time you are listening to this, I guarantee that the Ben Shapiros and Steven Crowders of the right will be rushing to defend these statements. Why? Because white supremacy and racism aren’t unique to them either, they just have more clever ways of hiding it, whether it be behind talking so fast that it’s harder to spot, or behind pathetic jokes that validate the prejudices of their listeners. These moments are most revealing about you and me, not Donald Trump or the person spewing the hatred. But how we react. The MAGA hat and Trump Sign in a yard have always been symbols of white supremacy, but that has been solidified once again. So I honestly wanted to recap this debate and discuss the topics of healthcare, the pandemic, climate change, and the economy. But it almost seems wrong to address these topics when the President just ignited the flames of racism and white supremacy across the nation. I’m still going to go through it because I think it’s important but please remember, these should have no bearing on your voting decision. Those who say they are voting on policy and not character, at this point are admitting they don’t mind white supremacy. So let’s try to weed through the lies and childish attacks to get at some of the policy that was discussed. 

As always, thanks go out to my friend Oscar Gregg for providing the music you hear and you should all check out his single Acrobats
Link to my other podcast called
Actually Making America Great

Show Notes

Hello Everyone, welcome to Bad Table Talk I’m your host Oliver Niehaus and frankly I’m at a loss for words for this segment which seems a little ironic for a podcast. I can’t say I’m surprised at all, nothing new was uncovered or exposed. We all knew Trump was incapable of telling the truth, having a productive conversation, and really just be a quarter decent human being. What’s more revealing is what’s about to hit your social media feeds. I’m currently recording this at 10 pm, just as the debate has concluded. So far the Proud Boys themselves have already put out a statement praising Trump, claiming that they will make his Statement “Stand back, Stand by” their new slogan. According to Megan Squire, a computer science professor at Elon University who tracks online extremism, to say the Proud Boys are energized by this would be an understatement, they were pro-trump before this shout out and they are absolutely over the moon now. Their fantasy is to fight Antifa in his defense, and he just asked them to do just that.”

By the time you are listening to this, I guarantee that the Ben Shapiros and Steven Crowders of the right will be rushing to defend these statements. Why? Because white supremacy and racism aren’t unique to them either, they just have more clever ways of hiding it, whether it be behind talking so fast that it’s harder to spot, or behind pathetic jokes that validate the prejudices of their listeners. These moments are most revealing about you and me, not Donald Trump or the person spewing the hatred. But how we react. The MAGA hat and Trump Sign in a yard have always been symbols of white supremacy, but that has been solidified once again. So I honestly wanted to recap this debate and discuss the topics of healthcare, the pandemic, climate change, and the economy. But it almost seems wrong to address these topics when the President just ignited the flames of racism and white supremacy across the nation. I’m still going to go through it because I think it’s important but please remember, these should have no bearing on your voting decision. Those who say they are voting on policy and not character, at this point are admitting they don’t mind white supremacy. So let’s try to weed through the lies and childish attacks to get at some of the policy that was discussed. 

As always, thanks go out to my friend Oscar Gregg for providing the music you hear and you should all check out his single Acrobats
Link to my other podcast called
Actually Making America Great