Slam the Gavel

Jennifer Como, Mother, Discusses The Red Flags Of Relationships And Co-Parenting With An Abuser

Jennifer Como Season 3 Episode 87

    Slam the Gavel welcomes Jennifer Como to the podcast to discuss the red flags in a relationship and co-parenting with an abuser. 
     This Family Court horror story actually began 16 years ago and the "one time" in 10 yrs that she sought protection and help from the courts, was actually the last time she saw her only daughter.
     Jennifer suffered through the psychological and physiological detriment of Domestic Violence Abuse, Child Sexual Abuse, Systemic Failure, Institutional Betrayal, Multigenerational Trauma while losing all faith and hope in the American legal system.
     Do advocacies, "said supports" such as doctors, schools, agencies, legislators, senators, law enforcement; those who profess safety and protection for Victims "do anything tangible" for victims? The answer is no. This is the ultimate Systemic Failure and Institutional Betrayal.      
     Jennifer discussed Post Intimate Partner Violence, continuous (Vexatious) Litigation / Abusive Legal / Coercive Control / Abandonment / CPTSD.  We discussed why Shared Parenting does not work and the cause and effect and how Parental Alienation had a role to play.
      In our next podcast we will discuss why CONGRESS doesn't care unless you die and why Judicial Accountability doesn't exist along with the power of Immunity.

To Reach Jennifer Como: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

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