Slam the Gavel

EXCLUSIVE: Jay Rosenthal, Of Discusses The Future Of Child Welfare And It's Implications For Parental Rights

Jay Rosenthal, Season 3 Episode 108

     Slam the Gavel welcomes back Jay Rosenthal. He was last on the show Season 3, Episode 87.  Mr. Rosenthal is a Child Welfare Consultant and a former Child Protective Services (CPS) Investigator. On our last podcast he explained how he founded CPSprotect Consulting Services, a first of its kind consulting firm designed to help families prepare for and navigate CPS investigations in a strategic manner.
    "The Alternative Response," is being pitched as Child Welfare's way of addressing the disparities in the Child Welfare system. On a case by case basis, cases can be assigned to this alternate method of CPS involvement. 
     The alternative response tends to have no determination of allegations, no court involvement and focuses on putting in place a CPS-contracted in-home prevention services to address safety concerns. When put like that, it sounds like a great idea! The truth however, is that it's not what it seems. The Alternative Response is ALREADY present in MOST states and is expected to become the MOST common type of CPS involvement in America within the NEXT FIVE YEARS. CPS could be visiting a family 2 to 3 times a week, spending several hours at a time, for example.
     Excellent conversation that we all should be aware of because in 2019, 4.4 million calls were put into CPS and only 2.2 million met criteria. We discussed the disastrous Arizona DCS case where caseworkers wearing bright pink t-shirts that said on the back, "do you know where your children are?" Removals of children from the home are becoming politically incorrect and VERY serious. Jay Rosenthal has given families a HEADS UP to what is coming in our future and the future of our children.

To reach Jay M. Rosenthal, Owner/Child Welfare Consultant, CPSprotect Consulting Services:

        Phone: (844) 633-KIDS (5437)



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