Slam the Gavel

Monica Griego Updates On Getting Her Kids Back BUT ..... CYFD Still Won't Leave Her Alone

Monica Griego, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 187

      Slam the Gavel welcomes back Monica Griego from New Mexico back to the podcast.  Monica was last on the show January 8, 2022, Season 2, Episode10, Season 3, Episode #2 and Season 3, Episode 32, 142.  She was back on the podcast to  advise the public to stop going into the court in order to end the corruption via CPS. A parent can complete the family services plan, jump through hoops and still not get their child back. With the demands CPS makes on parents, they NEVER meet their expectations and NEVER get their children back.
     Monica is updating that she has gotten her two daughters back for a four month trial home visit. However, Monica does not trust CYFD as she is worried they will again take her children away after this time period. This has been going on for seven years. She also advises not to trust the state of New Mexico with your kid's case. What bothers Monica is that she had been in Foster Care and one of their kids, the evidence was there and it was ignored.
    The Federal Funding is what keeps CPS going and they do nothing but destroy families. No one will understand this UNTIL IT HAPPENS TO THEM.
     Monica has faith, "the meek shall inherit the earth."

To reach Monica: and on Facebook


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