Slam the Gavel

Dari Langone Updates On Her Trip To Florida To Locate Her Daughter NOW A MISSING PERSON

Dari Langone, Brooklyn, NY Season 3 Episode 189
     Slam the Gavel welcomes Dari Langone to the podcast for an update in the search for her daughter in Florida. Dari is a mother of three and she has explained how a foster couple utilized the BROKEN SYSTEM to kidnap her daughter at the age of eleven years old, going on twelve with selective mutism that she was growing out of. 
     These individuals, Lainie and Robert Roldan deliberately inserted  themselves into Dari's family's life 'pretending' to be a friend and to care. What happened next was the JCCA foster agency in NY, never intended on reunifying her daughter with herself, but instead conspired with the ACS (CPS) and Family court to keep her daughter away from her family.
     It is dumbfounding how the Family Court Judge, Judge Jacqueline Deane did not do the right thing and wrote a decision filled with lies and half-truths while allowing Dari's daughter to be absconded with by the foster couple to Florida.
     Dari's daughter, Rhiannon is now 18 and mother fears that she will be put into a Guardianship as they are giving her sedatives to not only calm her but to control her. Dari also fears that Rhiannon may have Stockholm Syndrome, suffer from Coercive Control and Child Psychological Abuse .
     During the trial in 2018 the court knowingly had a social worker testify however, using a different social worker's name, which is suborning and/or perjury. This Family Court allowed Dari's daughter to go across state lines WITHOUT a proper ICPC in place. Mother implores on this podcast, "PLEASE HELP MY CHILD."
    Dari talked about going down to Florida and spoke to the Sheriff and two Police Officers. The Police Officers went to the house where Rhiannon is staying and were told, "Rhiannon is out living her life." Soon After Dari filed a Missing Person's report and will be returning back to Florida in the near future. Dari states, "that as long as I am alive I will get this rectified."

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