Slam the Gavel

John Sullivan Speaks Out On Corrupt State Employees: DOES THIS SOUND RIGHT TO YOU--FIX THIS

John Sullivan, Holland, Michigan Season 4 Episode 1

    Slam the Gavel welcomes John Sullivan to the podcast. He is from Holland, Michigan with a story about CPS "workers," that have falsified court documents against him. However, court system employees in Holland, Michigan allowed this to happen.
    Cps workers had a two-year investigation against John's children's Mother  and numerous CPS agencies from other counties have ties in Michigan also. John was never living with the Mother nor where they ever married, so all of the sudden John has CPS at his door they day they took the kids away from their Mother on May 20th, 2022.
   This was the first time ever knowing anything about the whole investigation about the children's Mother and  the CPS "workers" tell John that his children were homeless and living in the streets with their Mother. John was never contacted throughout any of this when they showed up on May 20th, 2022, saying they took the children and placed them in two Foster Care homes.
     Now CPS has placed the same charges on him as the Mother and now John pays Child Support on his children that should be with him.
    The Child Support comes out John's Disability check every month and CPS tells him nobody could find him and nobody knew who John was. John had asked the worker that day why was he was NEVER CONTACTED by anyone. He  was told he was not able to be found.
     After they left, John received paperwork in the mail stating that he abused and neglected his children just  like the Mother and John never received paperwork stating that he is an immediate threat to danger and harming and harming his children.
     John also received paperwork stating that his parental rights were terminated, all due to a CPS worker FALSIFYING COURT DOCUMENTS and writing up FALSE PETITIONS and presenting them to the court without proof.
     Not having any proof of ever speaking to John or his family or John even being around when any of these agencies had these investigation against the Mother not once at all and now John has abuse and neglect charges to deal with and being treated like he did the things to his children that the Mother did.
     However, John was NEVER LIVING with Mother when any of these agencies had contact with her and they had state workers come to a trial and lie, saying they made contact with John when he has never seen any of these people in the first place.
     John is asking if there is anyway someone can help because the CORRUPTION IS REAL  and not only did they do this to John, they even treated his parents like criminals in the courtroom.
   It  is hard to believe that John has to pay child support on his children as he did  for years, that comes out of his  Disability every month and nobody could find John to see if he wanted his children, but CPS has stuck John with the same charges as the Mother and he WAS NEVER INVOLVED in any of the investigations they had against her.
     John states,  "it is been breaking me down knowing my kids are living with strangers and could of have been with me, but a CPS worker in holland abused her powers to push paperwork through and also got co-workers to lie and say they made contact with me when none of these people never made contact with me. I would be so grateful for help as I'm so devastated how the justice system here is so unjustified."

To Reach John:


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