Slam the Gavel

Kenneth Gottfried, Author, Speaks Out On The Most Important Podcast Of 2023 And What You Need To Know

Kenneth Gottfried, Florida Season 4 Episode 5

  Slam the Gavel welcomes back author Kenneth Gottfried (Season 2, Episode108, 122 and 148 and Season 3, Episode 98 )to the podcast. He discussed his book, VICTIM How the American Psychological Association Kills Parents, Abuses Children & Grows Their Base and his website
     When a child/teen is kept from the other parent, they end up hating half of themselves with a shared persecutory delusion, Depression and Anxiety. This issue at hand is that psychologists are not reporting child psychological abuse V995.51 in the DSM nor V61.20 Parent-Child Relational Problem, 309.4 Mixed Disturbance Of Emotions And Conduct to the proper authorities, which makes these psychologists a big part of the problem.
    Ken spoke about the recorded phone conversation with the FBI and when discussing Child Psychological Abuse and reporting perpetrators—these issues that are so greatly affecting the psychological health of our youth today that will haunt them for the rest of their lives, they HUNG UP ON HIM..
    A child should just be living the best time of their lives of being a child or teen, not placed under the pressure of being lied to about the Target parent by a vengeful parent/grandparents.
     Ken gave advice and recommends that people record and demand that reports are made at the Sheriff's Office/Magistrate. We discussed the Shared Persecutory Delusion in V995.51 and how children and parents are suffering, living through judges orders of FORCED ALIENATION at the hands of the abusive parent, only using the child as a pawn to hurt the targeted, alienated parent.
     Excellent informative podcast not to be missed when it comes to standing up for your children and the psychological abuse they are enduring at the hands of their abuser, judges and attorneys. More to come.....

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