Slam the Gavel

Rob and Jamie Jolicoeur Speak Out On Their Nightmare With CPS In North Carolina And The Effects It Has Had On Their Children

Rob and Jaime Jolicouer, Thomasville, NC Season 4 Episode 12

   Slam the Gavel welcomes Rob and Jaime Jolicouer to the podcast. They have been married for 18 years and have been providing a loving, stable home for their teens. They are from North Carolina
    Their nightmare with DSS began in May/early June 2020 when Jaime reported a person who had been a family friend to Thomasville Police Department for inappropriate behavior with their then 16yr old daughter as well as the man's own step daughter (We will call him Mr. A). Naturally, they had to contact DSS Davidson County, where they had been living at the time.
     However, they were questioned, given drug tests, and were told that their daughter would need to go in for an exam and questioning. Because of the relationship with the alleged perpetrator, they would not be able to accompany their daughter at all. It would have to be the DSS caseworker, Staci Gray, or her supervisor Kim Craver, who would take her.  NOTHING ever came of it, they simply NEVER showed up. 
    Moving forward to September 2021. The family had moved to Randolph County, NC. After more than a year of COVID-19 shut downs, schools were officially opened all the way. 
    Their son who was 15 at the time, had always suffered from social anxiety. But after the shut downs, it became severe when he tried to go back to school. Jaime made a doctor's appointment for him, so they could get a referral to a psychiatrist.   
   The doctor never gave a referral.  He wanted their precious son to go to Moses Cone Mental Ward for an Emergency Mental Evaluation. 
    Naturally, their son who was too anxious to deal with a school environment, panicked at the idea of a hospital. He was in a full blown panic mode, so his parents refused to force him.  
    Jaime was in the process of switching his primary care doctor through their insurance, so they could get a second opinion and the referral they had asked for in the first place. But when Randolph County, DSS showed up that is when their NIGHTMARE truly began. Over the last year and a half, Rob and Jaime have gained a true understanding of just how TWISTED and CORRUPT these MONSTERS truly are. 
     From falsified drug tests, which Jaime can prove, to ignoring potential pedophiles while re-traumatizing the victims she would never believe it, if she and Rob weren't living it.
     Much to learn on this podcast about the devastating affects CPS has when removing a child from loving, fit parents as written in the June 6th, 2018 letter to Trump when separating children from their parents at the border, "The American Academy of Pediatrics HAS CONDEMNED THESE POLICIES, saying that "highly stressful experiences, like family separation, can cause irreparable harm, disrupting a child's brain architecture and affecting his or her short-  and long-term health. This type of prolonged exposure to serious stress- known as toxic stress-can carry lifelong consequences for children." Yet CPS has no problem disrupting families on American soil.

To Reach Rob Jolicouer : Facebook Messenger Rob Jolic


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