Slam the Gavel

Bill And Lisa Woolley Speak Out On RESCUE CLAYTON.COM And "There's No Such Thing As A SIDS Death"

January 22, 2023 Bill and Lisa Woolley, Wagoner, OK Season 4 Episode 14

    Slam the Gavel welcomes Bill and Lisa Woolley to the podcast. They explained how both their cases, where they were falsely accused and incarcerated for a total of eight months for first degree murder and abuse of their baby grandson, Elijah after he was found deceased in his crib on the morning of March 30, 2018. They also had legal guardianship of him as well as his 5 yr old brother, Clayton, while the boy's mother was going through a hard time. 
     Soon the property was filled with people from the Sheriff's office, ME office, and DHS. The investigator called to lead this investigation, while in route to the scene, spoke to his supervisor stating, "there is no such thing as SIDS, so I know this was a murder."  The older brother was already at school for the day and had no idea all this had happened or was going on. 
     Much exculpatory evidence was left behind at the scene and discovered after a few days such as 2 weeks of dirty diapers from Elijah. The Woolley's asked why they wouldn't take the diapers to see the difficult constipation problem the baby had and to analyze for DNA since they were now accusing the Woolley's of daily sexual abuse. At that time the Woolley's, still believing that the investigators motives were true, volunteered gladly to go down to the station for questioning where each of the 3 were separated and questioned one at a time. Unbeknownst to the family, while at the station, their grandson, Clayton was whisked away to Kid's Space in Muskogee for forensic interviewing. 
   Two weeks after baby Elijah passed they were charged and  arrested for alleged child abuse and and remained in jail awaiting their preliminary hearing for 4 months. They were let out after prelim but rearrested 4 months later to be incarcerated for another 4 month stint with accusations of murder and now awaiting a 2nd prelim where they were,to everyone's amazement, offered an unheard of bond of only 12.5k from what had been a million dollar bond and was later completely denied any right to bond at all.
    Clayton, over the next few days was put through 6 interviews and in the weeks and months that followed, 1 or 2 more. Even the ADA took her liberties to interview him personally and privately. Each interview was consistent exonerating the Woolley's except for one hearsay interview that was unrecorded, had no witnesses present, and was shown in court to have many discrepancies. The interviewer claimed that Clayton made many wild accusations and spoke in a way far advanced for his age and obvious speech impediment which she claimed he did not have. 
    She claims to have spoken to no one else, not even the detective, but it was later learned that she had in fact. 
      Within the continually emerging new evidence, it was discovered that 2 of the interviews little Clayton had gone through had been hidden from the defense for a year or more. These were of course the strongest and most directly exonerating.
      This happened over 5 years ago and is the last time anyone in the family or related to the family has SEEN Clayton at all. This length of time has been a situation that the DHS perpetuated and then turned and used the argument that he has been gone too long to go home. When confronted with this in a meeting they had no real answer. And yet, if a child is kidnapped and gone for however many years, no one has any problem with the child going back to his family directly.
     Please go to their website and call DHS to return their Grandchild.

To Reach Bill and Lisa Woolley:

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