Slam the Gavel

Amy Palacios Updates Her Case: Standing Firm With The Faith Of God Through The Extortion Of Family Court

Amy Palacios, Cabarrus County, NC Season 4 Episode 15

     Slam the Gavel welcomes Amy Palacios last on the podcast Season 3, Episode 147, 165 and 179. She is a Mother of six children. In Amy's case there are two ex-husbands fighting in court with the SAME lawyer, Attorney Jay White to perpetuate 14 years of corruption. Her first ex-husband paid the second ex-husband $50,000.00 to be a false witness against her.  Her case started in Mecklenburg County and has now moved to Cabarrus County, NC. Now both ex's along with an attorney, Jay White wants to extort monies from Amy or put her in jail days before Christmas....but that didn't happen.
    This is the most egregious  crime committed against this mother, a Nurse Practitioner. What will happen on January 25th or February 9th at 9:00am? Amy is asking for Court Watchers on February 9th.
    People ask Amy how is she doing it? How is she making it through this rough time in Family Court without giving up? She has a STRENGTH and FAITH in GOD that is maneuvering her through the labyrinth of the extortion via Family Court.
     Even her ADA Advocate has asked, "why is this continuing to happen?" This has been going on for 14 years. When will it end?  We discussed that families started falling apart because they don't know Jesus and that the court is corrupt and the harder you fight with God on your side the devil's fight back just as hard because they don't want justice but  God is in control. Amy adds, “I truly believe you getting out my story stopped me from being put in jail for Christmas.”

To Reach Amy Palacios: To Reach Amy: Facebook Amy Hendricks Urban, (Urban)/Palacios



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