Slam the Gavel

John Sullivan Speaks Out On Being Bullied Into Adopting HIS OWN BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN

John Sullivan, Holland Michigan Season 4 Episode 18

 Slam the Gavel welcomes John Sullivan back to the podcast. He was last on the podcast January 2nd, 2023 Season 4, Episode 2. John is from Holland, Michigan with a story about CPS "workers," that have falsified court documents against him. However, court system employees in Holland, Michigan allowed this to happen.
    Cps workers had a two-year investigation against John's children's Mother  and numerous CPS agencies from other counties have ties in Michigan also. John was never living with the Mother nor where they ever married, so all of the sudden John has CPS at his door they day they took the kids away from their Mother on May 20th, 2022.
   This was the first time ever knowing anything about the whole investigation about the children's Mother and  the CPS "workers" tell John that his children were homeless and living in the streets with their Mother. John was never contacted throughout any of this when they showed up on May 20th, 2022, saying they took the children and placed them in two Foster Care homes.
     Now CPS has placed the same charges on him as the Mother and now John pays Child Support on his children that should be with him in the first place.
    The Child Support comes out John's Disability check every month and CPS tells him nobody could find him and nobody knew who John was. John had asked the worker that day why was he was NEVER CONTACTED by anyone. He  was told he was not able to be found.
     However, John did get a phone call from Demitris Sterling regarding the "little" podcast John and I did on January 2nd, 2023 and this upset him and that he should cooperate with Ottawa County. John is also receiving court documents signed in either pen and pencil and no signatures as well as other cases involving other fathers. How can this be and shouldn't other father's names be CONFIDENTIAL?
    Now John has learned his children are at Bethany Christian Services which is an adoption agency, where John is also paying approximately $400.00/month in child support and is being told that they are holding the money until someone adopts them and then those monies will be released to whoever has his children.
     Even Judge Mark Feyen had John's 14 year old daughter in the court room to listen to the proceedings when most judges will not have a child in their courtroom to hear disturbing allegations.
    No one is helping John, as he has reached out to news agencies, the Governor and NAACP. No one will help him get his children back where they belong with John in the FIRST PLACE and John openly blames the caseworker Elizabeth Muyskens for this whole disaster. NONE OF THIS SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED IN THE FIRST PLACE. If this can happen to John Sullivan, it can happen to ANYONE.

To Reach John:


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