Slam the Gavel

Michael Sayen discusses the difference between State Law and the Federal Constitution regarding the best interests of the child

Michael Sayen Season 1 Episode 22

My guest on Slam the Gavel, Michael Sayen discusses the argument in the Best Interest of the Child Standards State Law always supersedes because the Federal Laws in the Constitution does not cover the Best Interest the Child Standards.  There is much to learn from this podcast. One must stick to the Federal Laws in the Constitution and do not get sidetracked with the Best Interest of the Child Standards.  However, State Law says the Judge knows what is in the best interest of your child.  The Federal Constitution says the parent knows what is in the Best Interest of the Child.  If a judge can construe the facts of the case, he or she can control the outcome by the Appellate Courts., because the Appellate Courts looks at facts not opinions.  Michael also talks about his own case and it's outcome as he argued on Constitutional grounds.

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Produced by Richard Provost/

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