Slam the Gavel

PART THREE: Monica Griego discusses her recent court case and wanting her children back home

Monica Griego Season 2 Episode 10

   Slam the Gavel welcomes Monica back on the show. Monica walks us through her journey of the death of her parents and now dealing with her children in Foster Care. She explained her one daughter is Autistic and that it would be better for her children to be home with her and doing well in school during this time of Covid.  Monica states that Foster Care  is not a home as her children don't know when they are coming or going.
   Monica encourages parents to read and educate themselves in the law when dealing with CPS. She explains that it is a parent's right to video and take pictures, read the treatment plans thoroughly and call the Governor's Office if parents can't get the ahold of the treatment plan.  Don't give up on your children, Monica encourages and that Autistic children need help and a routine, however the courts are treating them as a child with no learning deficits and judges and lawyers need to understand this.
    What concerns Monica is that when her children are returned to her from Foster Care there needs to be agencies to help with the transition from being exposed in Foster Care to returning to their forever home with their parents.

  To reach Monica:

" Family Court Corruption, Why Taking The Kids Was Not Enough," and Cry Out For Justice: Poems of Truth available on Amazon, Kindle, Apple, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords

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