Slam the Gavel

Sheila from Ireland back on the show to discuss loss, grief and how corruption in Family Court Perpetuates Parental Alienation....More to Follow

Sheila from Ireland Season 2 Episode 27

  Great to have Sheila back on Slam the Gavel as she describes her loss and sorrow over losing her daughter in a corrupt Family Court system and how her feelings affected her life and career.  She discusses how these feelings affect men as well, as people suspect and judge a person based on an allegation and come to their own conclusions as to how a mother or father lost their child to the other parent.       
   Sheila describes what it does to a mother's or father's psyche and it is a nightmare that you cannot wake up from. Parents feel isolated and ashamed as their own children are used as weapons against them.
   The Legal system continuously perpetuates the Parental Alienation that destroys Parents and Children. Sheila encourages parents with coping skills and tells us we have nothing to be ashamed of.  As more new judges emerge, it may help as they are more open to the knowledge of Parental Alienation. Time will tell. More to come as Sheila will be back on the show in the future.

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