Slam the Gavel

Bailey Smith of Never Give Up Podcast discusses The Broken Judicial System and Domestic Violence

Bailey Smith Season 2 Episode 33

     Slam the Gavel Welcomes Bailey Smith, a mother, advocate, Survivor and Warrior of Domestic Violence.  She is an Advocate of all things such as Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Mental Health Awareness and our very own broken judicial system.
    Bailey is currently the host of her own podcast show, NEVER GIVE UP!!!! After doing many interviews on different platforms and hosting on other platforms she realized that she wanted to help others use their voices to share their journeys from abuse and beyond.
    "In sharing our stories it is extremely healing. If we reach one person by sharing stories and advocating and then they reach out for help, we have done our job. For me,  it's one more piece of me that heals," replies Bailey.
     Bailey discusses laws that are not being enforced in this failed and broken system that has had no change within six years. When laws are not enforced they are hurting both mothers, fathers and families.

To reach Bailey: LinkedIn: Bailey Smith and Blog Talk Radio on Tuesdays at 7:30pm

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