Slam the Gavel

Melanie Davis, author and publisher discusses The Triumph Book Series and Books she has Published

Melanie Davis, author and publisher Season 2 Episode 36

   Melanie Davis on Slam the Gavel shares her experience of losing her seven-month old daughter, Brynn to SIDS and how she found healing and purpose by sharing her story with those who could be encouraged and inspired by the wisdom and purpose through her daughter's death. 
    Melanie developed The Triumph Program to assist others to discover, write and share their own Triumph Stories and founded TRIUMPH PRESS,  which publishes The Triumph Book Series, as well as the books and stories of others who have overcome adversity.
    She has published multiple books addressing Parental Alienation and Narcissism, including my book, "Dismantling Family Court Corruption, Why Taking The Kids Was Not Enough," as well as  "For The Love of Eryk:Survivng Divorce, Parental Alienation and Life After," by Rod McCall and "Married to a Narcissist: Enduring the Struggle and Finding You Again," by Catenya McHenry
     Recently Melanie has partnered with Dr. Mark Roseman and Preserving Family Ties Publishing.
     She also has been an advocate for Veterans since she wrote and published HEROES, the second book in The Triumph Series.  She has spent the past four years working with Forgotten Veterans/Incarcerated Veterans, providing The Triumph Program: Overcoming PTSD and expanding it into a wholistic reentry program called H.O.N.O.R. Mentoring.  She received the 2019 Texas Governor's Award for Service to Veterans, a Congressional Commendation from Congressman Brady and most recently, the 2020 Peacebuilder's Community Award for her programs which serve incarcerated veterans and their neighbors.
      We discussed a CONTEST  as we need a working title for people sending in their own stories of triumph over adversity! Send in your title suggestion and win an 8x10 signed print of Lady Justice painted by Maryann Petri. Deadline is June 1st, 2021.

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