Slam the Gavel

Carnell Smith, Author of, "TRAPPED BY LAW," won his own paternity fraud case after appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court by changing the law in his state

Carnell Smith, Paternity Coach Season 2 Episode 42

    Carnell Smith is a husband, father, grandfather, Ordained Minister and Engineer with a degree in Electronic Engineering Technology with studies in Information Technology and Product Management.
     Mr. Smith won his own paternity fraud case using the legislation that he co-wrote with Georgia Legislators, after the Supreme Court of the United States denied his constitutional arguments.
     Carnell Smith also has written model law, consulted on legislation in more than 10 states and has gotten legislation passed in several states.
      Author of the book, "TRAPPED BY LAW," spokesman and speaker, workshop leader, is a frequent contributor to TV, radio, books, newspapers, magazines and film projects in the United States and abroad. He has marketed and sold Legal DNA Testing for Maternity, Paternity and Immigration identifications for a decade and currently serves on the Advisory board for the Women Against Paternity Fraud, a 501 (c) tax exempt non-profit  organization.
     "Everyone deserves to know the truth." We discussed how 30,000 men and boys are not to be the fathers and sit in prison. They will travel in and out of the court system and prison system paying child support on children that aren't even theirs. Cases of mistaken identity, soldiers deployed in the military and some trying to fight back publicly just to name a few. It's a nightmare that can happen to any teen or young man.

To Reach Carnell Smith:     
Carnell Smith, Truthologist/Paternity Coach
Founder of DNA Truth University
Facebook: Paternity Coach and
YouTube - Carnell Smith-Paternity Coach

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