Slam the Gavel

Lisa Johnson discusses "Been There Got Out,” and her Legal Abuse Support Group That Helps Others Deal With A Broken Family Court System

Lisa Johnson Season 2 Episode 44

Lisa is a state-certified domestic violence advocate in her seventh year (and counting) in the court system. She has represented herself successfully on both the trial and appellate court levels through dozens of court appearances, and her case was just published in the Connecticut Law Journal (March 23, 2021) to be used as legal precedent. She also recently testified before the Connecticut Judiciary Committee to support Jennifers’ Law, which seeks to expand the definition of domestic violence in the courts to include “coercive control.”
     She has saved literally hundreds of thousands of dollars by representing herself in court and has been told by experts that her success is due to her courageous refusal to quit and ability to access an invaluable support network.
     A former high school English teacher and backpacking around Europe aficionado, Lisa’s current life now also includes parenting her two practically adult kids, chairing her local library’s book sale (16+ years), running an online luxury fashion business, and being on the go with her partner, Chris, the male half of Been There Got Out! She also enjoys reading, tag sailing, writing, hip hop dancing, kickboxing, and all kinds of creative projects.
     We discussed her triumph at the Appellate level as a Pro Se Litigant, Legal Abuse and how she dealt with 14 Continuances in one and a half years as well as excellent coping skills.
    Episode runs 58:38

How to reach Lisa:
                                           On Instagram: @been_there_got_out
                                           Facebook:  been there got out

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